MommyB's adventures in Slimming World


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Hello everyone. My name is Jane and I have ben on minimins for more years than I care to remember. I have a diary over in the silver members section but haven't touched it for months.
Today, after regaining all I lost plus some I went back to rejoin my group.
And a fresh new start needs a fresh new diary so here I am.
Looking forward to getting to know you all and sharing ideas,recipes and just general support.
Hi Jane - I am the same too, joining again after re-gaining all my weight and more!

Wish you all the best, as I know this is the hardest thing known to man! :cry:

Day one ended 100%. Was really chuffed as things all got a bit stress at one point but I didn't give in to the urge to eat.

Feel so good after just one day of healthy eating, not sure if it's all in the mind or what but I don't care - it's spurred me on to day 2.

Hope everyone else is having a great day:wavey: