Money money money

I find Slimming World pretty cheap! I don't eat processed foods like Mugshots, Muller Lights, savoury rice, Pasta & Sauce which people on here seem to talk about a lot because they are so artificial tasting so I suppose that cuts down a lot on spending. I don't eat in between meals because it's so bad for your teeth so I'm not a big eater or crisps, cereal bars, rice cakes etc. I suppose the only processed foods I buy are baked beans and Ryvita.

I buy two big canvas bags full of fruit and veg from the market or greengrocer each week, then we have meat/fish 3 times a week because I'd much rather eat good meat less often - a chicken that costs £4 is not going to be tasty or well looked after - then once a month I stock up on pulses, lentils, rice, pasta - all bought in bulk. I use the supermarket for own brand fat free dairy products, and for tinned and bottled items (although these are often cheaper in Home Bargains/Poundland) and I go to a deli for cheese, cold meats and treaty bits like olives.

I eat seasonally because I'm all about taste - strawberries bought in December are not going to taste good, not going to be good for the planet if they're shipped from South America and are going to be expensive. Similarly, the diet has made me more conscious about what I put into my body - I want to nourish my body with things it needs to be healthy, not to eat loads of artificial sweeteners and convenience foods containing MSG, I'd much rather use syns on a piece of cake with real sugar and real butter! "Don't eat anything your great-grandmother wouldn't recognise as food" is my motto.
I eat seasonally because I'm all about taste - strawberries bought in December are not going to taste good, not going to be good for the planet if they're shipped from South America and are going to be expensive. I'd much rather use syns on a piece of cake with real sugar and real butter! "Don't eat anything your great-grandmother wouldn't recognise as food" is my motto.

Agreed, wholeheartedly. Diet cake is not cake at all, and strawberries are so worth the wait!
I think that the "big" supermarket shop has alot to answer for! I popped into our local veg shop the other day,they always have 12 granny smiths for£1, loose chillies are SO much cheaper, they had punnets of baby plum tomatoes for 29p, a big bag of loose seedless grapes for 30p. Most of the veg is local, so much fresher, I splashed out on asparagus grown 3 miles from me for 1.75. It made a wonderful risotto! But for cheapness you can't beat pulses.
I go to Sainsbury's late at night 9-10pm and they have reduced items of meat, I hate free range chicken breast 89p the other day, I save a fortune. I also go on Martin Lewis website and look at supermarket vounchers and that has helped too.