Moonlights' (temporary) Maintenance

Cocoa bark? I've seen it mentioned a few times. What is it? How do you make it? Is the organic coconut oil still for sale in Tesco or has the price rocketed (Tesco pricing is so unpredictable).
Cocoa bark recipe is on page 65 of this journal with another version (adding cream) a little further on.

Essentially it's coconut oil melted with cocoa powder (I now use half a tbsp cocoa powder to 30g coconut oil) and sweetener (I use liquid hermestas) mixed in and optionally flavoring and cream added. A really good and induction friendly chocolate substitute - and a way to get coconut oil, a very healthy MCT oil, into your diet.

No idea about prices at tesco I'm afraid! Lots of other places to buy from listed on here a couple of days ago.
Definitely trying this!!! I've ordered the liquid sweetener. Am heading to Tesco tomorrow to hunt for the coconut oil.
I've not had chocolate in YEARS!!!!
Wow you're made of sterner stuff than me, locket! But being able to have cocoa bark has definitely stopped me feeling like I want 'real' chocolate.
I've found some organic coconut oil at Ocado for £4.39 for 200g. Not too bad. Have added to my delivery for Saturday.
Hey Moonlights :) That video you posted was really touching. I agree, its our duty to teach children acceptance and kindness, to improve our society for the future. The media ought to celebrate the variety of shapes, sizes and differences the human race enjoys. Forget obesity, we're in a self esteem epidemic!

'Glaring at my scales today and wondering how long they're going to hold me hostage..' You really have a way with words lol!

Who made the scales boss of us anyway?? Tell 'em if they don't start producing some results, they're gonna find themselves with some reeally old batteries.. :p

LadyB xx
Helloooooo campers.

Foods today were:

2 fried egg yolks on oopsie bread

Pan fried salmon and asparagus with mayo

Dairylea and tomato oopsie sandwich

Mfp: 24g carbs inc meds

Salmon was super delish. Wild Alaskan salmon from marks.

LadyBattenberg said:
Hey Moonlights :) That video you posted was really touching. I agree, its our duty to teach children acceptance and kindness, to improve our society for the future. The media ought to celebrate the variety of shapes, sizes and differences the human race enjoys. Forget obesity, we're in a self esteem epidemic!

'Glaring at my scales today and wondering how long they're going to hold me hostage..' You really have a way with words lol!

Who made the scales boss of us anyway?? Tell 'em if they don't start producing some results, they're gonna find themselves with some reeally old batteries.. :p

LadyB xx

I don't think you can find a much better example for young girls than an intelligent woman in a very visible career despite not being size 0, personally. I also get very very weary of people who say that abusing the overweight - name calling, 'fat shaming' etc is ok because it might make them decide to lose weight.

I have been bullied horrifically over my size over the years. It has at times been both physical and mental torture, and while ultimately I may want to lose weight because I don't want people to be able to hurt me anymore - the actual abuse just made me hide and comfort eat. For years. As well as shredding my confidence, making me hate myself and losing me a lot of chances in life because I believed I was worthless. Worthless, because I weighed a few more stone than other people. How ridiculous does that look in print? And yet I still, to a degree, feel that way. Undeserving because I'm not thin enough or 'normal' enough. I would never treat other people the way I treat myself.

It's a long, slow attempt at changing my own attitude. It will be a long slow road to changing the attitude of others but I do so hope it happens.

Sorry - bit of a heavy post for this evening and I know I've said a lot of this before.

Hope everyone is well and off to get great snoozes xx
It might turn sinister if he doesnt stop it he might find a crazed sleep deprived ML chasing him round with it!
Diem - a dreadful thing for her to do - but I was really uplifted by the fact that you've taken such a positive approach to how you have come to view it.

It IS all about her being spiteful and nasty and in my experience people do that to cover up all their own insecurities.
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Let's not dwell on these sad thoughts people..I'm sure it brings bad memories back for everyone. Like Diem said, these people have made their own legacy. After being in those shadows, now it is our time to shine.. :)

((((((((big group hug)))))))))

B xx
Afternoon, just been catching up on peoples diaries since the weekend, absolutely loved the video, the presenter is so brave and an incredible role model. I loved that 99% of the responses were supporting her. Still loving the menus, i am going to make oopsies soon.
Bless you, D. My school years were a relentless parade of bullying, verbal, physical, you name it, but there are always those little comments that just cut you to the quick - and stick in your mind forever. What an absurd reason to be cruel to someone and how horrid of them to make it their comment in your year book - but they haven't got the last word, you have, by living your life as you want to live it xx

Sawing man is still sawing. I'm that tired I managed to sleep through some of it thank goodness.

I've decided that on the days when I'm home I'm going to give up trying to stay awake during the day so I can sleep at night - its not working and I need to be able to function at least some of the time rather than thinking crazy, wild eyed thoughts about how much I need sleep. So it will be daytime naps until my sleeping pattern wanders round to a more usual route.

Means I'll be exhausted on the days when I'm out but... I am anyway...