Moonlights' (temporary) Maintenance

Oh man, I have eaten so. Much. Chicken.


Food today:

Prawns & mayo, bit of Camembert

So. Much. Chicken. With asparagus, courgette and celeriac.

Later: almond mim with cream. Probably. If my tummy decides it is not still full of so. Much. Chicken.

Mfp: 31g carbs inc meds
Mmmmm can't go wrong :) love it marinated on kebabs, roasted with garlic or stir fried...can you tell it's lunchtime lol?

B xx
Ooh I've just won a cuisinart soup maker. Bit of an odd one for me to win as I've never made my own soup and am not a huuuge soup person.

It's a blender with its own hot plate which also boils and simmers. Worth over £100 direct from amazon.

...might just stick it on eBay.
I think I'd probably use it about once! So probably just see if I can sell. Shall think about it though.

Food today:

Leftovers salad: roast chicken, celeriac, asparagus, courgette, all mixed up with mayo.

Steak and scallops with spring onion

Mfp: 24g carbs inc meds
But I almost never eat soup?

I'm feeling all twisted up and anxious this morning. No reason for it really but totm is overdue so probably that. Also new gastroenterology appts weds and thurs and new rheumatology appts early nov - they've booked me in with the nhs guy who upset me so much last time I saw him that I had to go private. Still seeing private rheum but I can't continue to get my infusions/top ups privately as its a chronic condition.

how did you win it? i couldn't win anything even if i was the only one in the running i am the unluckiest person in the world!!

i hate having to see doctors or clinics at the best of times let alone hating seeing the person, you should maybe report them for making you feel like that through the proper channels after all, they may seem like they are above it but basically they work for us..

sending hugs xx
Just put my name in a draw on a website. I've won a few things before but not in a long long while.

He didn't make me feel bad on purpose he just basically told my my life would be awful unless I took some high chemical drugs which would remove any possibility of having children. Which would also make my life (more) awful. So I went private and was told totally different and that I could most likely be treated with mega dose vitamins administered direct to the blood stream. Its not a cure but it should stop things getting worse. But now my treatment plan has been set up I have to go back to the nhs and just hope they don't argue with it.

Meanwhile I saw a private gastro once and he prescribed me the wrong thing then got a job somewhere else so I've been left with profound deficiencies awaiting transfusions/infusions which the nhs couldn't order without seeing me - which has taken months - and now I have an appointment it's not with a consultant it's with the nurse registrar. I've known some great nurse registrars but as I'm quite a specialized case I suspect I'll just have to be referred to a consultant and it will take even longer. I just hope my private gastro left some decent notes.
(nb. I only manage to see some doctors privately at all because I used to be on a plan with my dads work and when that ran out there was an offer to keep a lower grade plan quite cheaply. Since I've been constantly in and out of hospital since my early 20s we kept it - dad funds it, I couldn't afford to. He can barely afford to. Bloody health it costs me thousands a year over all.)
God that is such a nightmare for you ML - you must be sick of the sight of hospitals!!

I think it's really courageous of you to go the mega vitamin route when there's an alternative - although not one you want!

Big hugs xxxxxxx

And I say, sell the soup maker and use the money to buy something really nice for yourself :)
If it stops me having kids then it doesn't really count as an alternative to me so I guess the alternative would be to let my bones deteriorate and become so deficient that I'd be unable to have kids anyway. The vitamins are my only chance at having healthy children one day if I ever ever get someone to have them with!

I've been on mega doses of prescription vitamins for years they just don't get absorbed right so it's basically the same thing but going in via injection/infusion. And huge doses of vitamins are preferable to huge doses of chemicals to me. Been there, done that, lucky to still have the possibility of kids as it is.
I've been treated at so many different hospitals by now, 9 at the last count. I want one of those cards they stamp so I can get the next one free!
ML, I wanted children, but have chosen to be with a man who I knew could no longer have them. We paid for an operation to reverse his situation and, it just so happens that over the years it has never happened. Over those years I have found that just knowing that the possibility was there to have them, helped me so much psychologically. We know that it's very unlikely now, and the dog has become the child substitute, but it feels easier because the chance is there. So, I agree with your course of action. You're very wise.
What a nightmare for you. When i was younger i had two micarriages three years apart. I almost died in hospital the second time and i decided there and then i was not going to try again! Even tho taking precautions and only having done the deed once after coming out of hospital i somehow accidentally got pregnant, my doctor was rubbish and i didnt find out until i was 4 months gone, and only found out by having a scan at a gynae appointment. I had my eldest Paul, then 15 months later tried for second child and had Mike. Both births were a nightmare, basically my body doesnt really work! mike nearly died at birth so decided that was deffo the last time i was going to chance it! So, hubby had the op as i had been through enough with emergency cesarians, near death experiences etc... I would have probably been sterilised if it wasnt for a mistake pregnancy that happened against the odds, when i was trying i couldnt get pregnant inspite of taking temperature etc ugh our cats were our babies before that.
Bodies are crazy things. Terrifying to have gone through all that, Stubbsey. I've just wanted a family all my life. Resolved to have my first child by the age of 26 when I was about... 8? Failed there obviously but it's still the thing I want most.
A hospital loyalty card, what a great idea ML! Definitely sell the soup thingy. I've heard they're great too, but you can always make soup the usual way.

I didn't have my son until I was 37 and had some gyn problems so was told it prob wouldn't be possible. You've got plenty of time
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Oh Tracy love what a nightmare!

As some of you may remember, I had a "sorry for me" moment a while back there - how was it that I forgot to have kids??? Could I be a 50 something mum? I always saw myself having a family, just Not Yet. I was doing the career/travelling/not settling down thing for way longer than most of my friends - and it is only now that it is really hitting me that I won't be a mum - or hear those words back "Mummy" (and certainly not repeated endlessly in escalating octaves in the middle of the supermarket lol).

Orbit is my baby now - and boy is she acting like a stroppy teenager right now! :)

I admire all of you who made the choices you made, when you did. It's not an easy one, I know.

And when I'm older, you can adopt me :D