more water bigger loss a myth?

has anyone heard that drinking more water on cd gives you a better weight loss?:)
It's said quite regularly 'the more you drink the more you shrink' but Cambridge Diet have said it's not a phase that they endorse as there's no scientific proof to prove it's true.
Sorry if that wasn't the answer you'd hoped for hun!:eek:
When I was at Slimming World, it was also said to be a myth and there was no proof in it. Sorry.
KD Mod and CDC has written a bit about this I think, she also said I think that there seems to be little differences in her clients losses regardless of those having the minimum recomended water and those having extra.
Remember that 2.5l or whatever it is, is the minimum but the bigger the person, in theory the more water you need to drink to run the engine that is your body efficiently.
Last year I had absolutely no trouble with 7 litres of water and 8+ coffees a day where now 3 litres and 3 cups of tea a day is more like it. 15 pints on a friday was no problem where now 5 leaves me bloated.
Whatever you do sip it through out the day, the danger comes when you drink 2 litres in an hour.

for me drinking the minimum 2.5 -3 ltr is best. I seem to lose more believe it or not. If I drink 4-5 ltr per day I somehow dont lose as much, Maybe I retain more when i drink more? even so, the . I also get a sore throat if I drink over 3 ltr. go figure??
For me drinking more has always resulted in better losses! Aren't keytones passed out through urine? So the more you wee the more you pass?