Morrisons Salad Bar


Gold Member
I will be going to the salad bar at Morrisons for lunch today, and was wondering if this is OK on slimming world?? Will the salad just be freshly cut, without dressings drizzled on them?? Or should I avoid completely??

Any help appreciated :D
There are tons of bad salads on there, but lots of good stuff too - just depends on how strong your resolve is!
I think the ingredients are listed above each salad anyway so you can choose wisely.
The usual lettuce and stuff will be fine they don't usually have dressings on. it's the pastas and cous cous and things like that you will have to look out for as they will use full fat everything in them.
Can't remember to be honest, not been on the salad bar for ages.
I get my son the salad bar everytime we go shopping, it's his little treat (he's only 3 as well so the full fat stuff on the pasta is stuff he probably needs) I don't think they usually have plain pasta, but they have boiled eggs which would be fine and plenty of fresh cut salad
our new morrisons has a salad bar and a fruit bar as well now, i just try to avoid the ham,cheese and mayo pasta its very nice and morish