motivation tricks


Too big to fail
Well, when I lose a "measly" pound I google "one pound of fat" in google image and it keeps me motivated...

Now, I'm sitting here thinking, I've lost a STONE!! why has nobody noticed and why aren't my clothes falling of me?!
Ah well, I'll keep going! I'm here for the long haul.

But I also have decided that when I'm in town in a moment I'm going to go into the supermarket and lift up a stone of spuds to see what I've lost. That should inspire me to keep going!

any other tips for when times are rough? what does it for you? Is it thinking of your health or a little mantra or a different way of looking at things....?
If I start thinking, oh I only lost one pound, I think of how devastated I'd be if I gained a pound. Completely changes the meaning of the word!
i used to fill carrier bags with the weight i'd lost.

Now i go by the measurements each month and it helps to keep me going. Well done, you are doing well. People will start to notice soon and i bet your clothes are looser.
I use a bag of rice to measure how much weight I am losing, I also have this pic up on my fridge!!!
Now if this isnt enough to keep me on the straight and narrow I don't know what is lol
no, no. no. no. no!!!!!

Use POSITIVE things to influence you- putting a 'fat' picture on your fridge is a way of mentally beating yourself up, calling yourself ugly and feeling like a failure- this may work initially but would you do this to a child/friend? This is the equivalent of the story on here a couple of days ago when someone said that the person who put on the most weight over Christmas at their old class used to get a picture of a pig. This is bullying, but this is what so many of us do TO OURSELVES. Why do we think it is acceptible behaviour towards ourselves when we would never dream of thinking/saying/doing these things to any other human being?

You must use positive things to motivate you- put a picture on your fridge of you looking glam, happy and gorgeous, write a list of all the positive reasons you want to lose weight NOT "I hate looking fat" but "I can't wait to see how good I look slimmer". Talk to yourself with the same respect and kindness that you would talk to a friend, look at all your attributes now and think what will be enhanced when you get to target......

phew- rant over (feel very strongly about this, as you probably guessed!)
Ahh in that case I will change it for a slimmer pic, makes sense to put a slim pic on, so maybe I have been stopping myself subconsiously!
CP talks absolute sense as always! Positive affirmation and mental attitude all the way.

I like to use images of animals LOL! Some of you may remember my pictures thread a few months ago.

At this time of year I think it's particularly relevant to compare your weight loss to the average Christmas turkey (14lbs).

But this is my favourite picture....

If you've lost 'just a pound' then you've actually lost an 8 week old kitten!!!
