Extra Easy Motivation


Full Member
I've seen a few people post on here and say they've lost their motivation for one reason or another. So I thought it'd be a good idea if we had a thread where we could all post our ways of motivating ourselves whenever we feel that way.

Then maybe one day, when you're not feeling too motivated yourself, you could read back through the posts and hopefully someone will have said something which strikes a chord with you and gets you back in the right mind frame

For me, I think of the time and money I'm spending to do this, and also remind myself of my initial motivations. I'm at a point in my life where I'll want to get married and have kids in the next few years, and I don't want my weight to stand in the way of me doing either.

I've also got into the habit of texting my mum straight after WI on a Thursday, so if I feel myself falling off the wagon, I remind myself that I want to be texting her with good news
Simple for me really... I think about how much I despise paying £4.95 to stand on the scales to be told I've put weight on!!!
I fell off at the end of last year and it was down to laziness, i was fed up with cooking and started eating junk and takeaways again but in all honesty i need to remind myself if i do it again it always makes me feel really ill and tired plus i gain weight super fast xx
Very interested to hear other peoples motivation I've just started SW and to be honest I've lost count of how many times I've started diets and the money I've wasted.
My motivation is I don't want to be fat and 40! I've got just over 2 years to go lol

And I'd like to be fitter so I can go out on bike rides etc with my son without having a heart attack. My Mum is 60 and keeps up with him better than I can, it's shameful really
It is interesting hearing what everyone says because we obviously all have different reasons for doing this.

I've found so far that the last thing I want is a takeaway. I felt instantly better when I started eating well on SW and I never want to go back to feeling like that.
I re-motivate myself by looking through success stories, imagining doing physical activities like the Terminator would and thinking of peoples faces who haven't seen me in a good while being all gob smacked with how I look when I reach target :D Especially those you may not be a fan of haha.

Find this website really helps alot. The more you pay attention to weight loss in general the more you notice what you're doing right or wrong at the time.

Getting back on the horse after falling off is definitely the hardest part so now I try to be positive about that part and forget I fell off in the first place.

Buying something new to spur you on is also a good one. I lost some motivation for anything yesterday and went and bought some Bioglan supergreen supplement to take once a day (powered fruit and veg mix) so I have that to try something new in my healthy lifestyle. I also started a thread on it that you'll find on the main page to document if it makes a difference with anything its meant to.

And ofcourse not feeling terrible like I do when i'm eating rubbish!
This is a great thread :)

My motivation is that I've come to realise that if I try to comfort myself with food... it's not comforting!! Not only does the unhealthy food make me feel ill, but then I feel worse emotionally too.
Tracybelle, I copied this one from you post as it's so true for me as well, i didn't log in in the last couple of days and went right off track

"Find this website really helps alot. The more you pay attention to weight loss in general the more you notice what you're doing right or wrong at the time''

The other one I'm using is I've got various sizes of 12 in my wardrobe and I'm spilling out of the largest ones, caught sight of myself in some reflective glass and was not impressed so I keep that image in my mind as I know I can look better
This is a great thread :)

My motivation is that I've come to realise that if I try to comfort myself with food... it's not comforting!! Not only does the unhealthy food make me feel ill, but then I feel worse emotionally too.

This is a good one. I used to "treat" myself to a takeaway on a Friday at the end of a stressful working week, which obviously isn't a treat at all in the long run. Now I treat myself to a good home-cooked meal and maybe a drink or two, and a nice lie-in on a Saturday. I've also heard of people treating themselves to make up, clothes etc when they get to a milestone, rather than rewarding themselves with food.

Remember, food as a reward is for dogs. You are not a dog
I'm still full of motivation at the moment but the thing that gets me the most and motivates me even more is looking at the clothes that I can't have because I can't fit into them :( so lots of new clothes motivate me! I put together images on my phone of clothes that I want and plan to buy when I lose more weight :D (Big clothes shopper here lol)
Clothes are a big motivator for me too. There's a pair of wedge heels I really want but I've told myself I can't have them unless I hit my goal of 14 stone by Easter! 9lbs to go lol. In the mean time I have to salivate over the picture of them on my phone :D
We can do it! :D We will get the clothes we want! :D I want to go clothes shopping soo bad right now lol!
I know I do too. I stop myself on the grounds that anything I buy now won't (I hope) fit me for long so will be a waste of money, and if I buy clothes now in smaller sizes I might not like them when I'm slim enough to try them on, so also a waste of money! It's so hard though!
Same here! I have resisted as I don't want to waste my money on clothes that (hopefully) will be too big soon :D
I've had my last day of being off plan. Going on a ranch holiday in September and I told them was over a stone lighter than I am. So kick up butt given to myself and now back on track.

Let's all get back on track and stay there xx