My 1st weigh in


is gonna do it!!
JUst weighed in at 10lbs lighter!!! Yes, that brings me into the 13's, so I'm well chuffed with that. Stuck to TS 100% so bring on week 2!! I've got to admit tho, the weekend was sooo boring with no wine and no Indian or pizza etc. But I got through it, (somehow). I just have to stay focused and also I don't want ppl saying told u so.
Well done, 10lbs in the first week is brilliant.
You'll be at goal before you know it!
Well done hunni that is fantastic! Eco your weekends, that's when I'm most likely to crack but always remember 'nothing tastes as good as thin feels' x
well done on your first loss! and for staying 100%, weekends are the hardest, especially the first couple, then you just get used to them :) good luck for next weigh in! xx