My CC Diary... Time to get back to wear i belong...


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I'm 22, I have a 15 month old daughter. I didn't really put on weight during pregnancy but took the extra calories whilst breast feeding, and although I stopped breast feeding I never stopped taking the extra calories!

I have put on 2 stone and feel horrible in my self. So this is where my journey begins! Target weight is 9 stone, I am currently 11.3

Started CC 2/3 weeks ago and have lost 4 lbs.

So introduction over, I'm really struggling. Not with going over calorie goal, but I am constantly under 1100 cals. I have no idea how to up them as I'm not physically hungry. I obviously don't want to starve myself and make losing weight harder.

Any ideas?

Anyway, ill update this diary when I can. Weighing in tomorrow (can only weigh at my mums as I don't own scales).

My mfp if anyone reads this and is intrested is bmilburn1. Have only since registering here noticed you can have friends on there, silly me x
Sundays are my worst day for CC. That as well as the days my boyfriend is at home. He has the best metabolism I have ever seen. He can eat 3000 calories a day plus and not put on an ounce of weight. I only have to look at one of the bags of maltesers he eats each night And they go straight to my hips.

Hes a snacker, so the evenings he's home are tough. I have no will power.

Today I made ginger biscuits with my little girl and my niece. Ended up eating a biscuit and a lot of the dough (mmmmmm). Had a beef casserole for tea and feel so heavy. Meant to weigh myself today but feel disgusting so didn't. Officially I still have about 300 calories left but feel sick and can't eat. Oh well.

What does sts mean? Have seen it on here but not sure what all the lingo is yet.
Had an awful diet day today. Urgh. Don't even want to think about it.

Had about 1500 calories and I know that doesn't sound too bad but for the past few weeks I've had 1100/1200 and struggled to achieve that. 1500 is loads for me.

I want to up my calories to 1500 based on my tdee, but how can I when my appetite has diminished (normally!) so I feel satisfied with 1100 calories?

I think I'm destined to stay this weight forever :( x

I lost over 6 stone - from 15 stone 2 to 9 stone. And I've been calorie counting

My tips

Write down everything you eat

Write down the time you eat it

Cut out all white carbs / they have no nutritional value

Eat wholemeal carbs but limit them

No alcohol

Try and eat three good meals a day and avoid snacking

1100 calories is too low. And it easy to up your calories - half an avocado or a small handful of nuts

I'd aim for 1300 a day for now and see how you get in with that. How tall are you ?
Thanks for all your tips Hun! Although no Alcohol is going out the window this weekend ;) first night out since April, really looking forward too it!

I'm really little, 5 foot! I've been trying 1300 but I'm a fussy eater, don't like nuts etc. think I've gained too so may just try 1200 again.

Went clothes shopping today and was disgusted with how I looked. Feel down now. The pasta dinner (wholewheat though) didn't help.

Going to try hold some calories back for my excessive drinking this weekend. I don't drink normally so won't need a lot anyway ;)

So, had a really good week. Under my goal each day in the thought that I'm having a night out at the weekend. Felt really good about myself, felt like I'd lost etc.

Last night was my night out day. It started badly with no breakfast, I then went into town for a cheeky bit of shopping and got hungry. In a hurry I picked up 2 sausage rolls from greggs (one for me and one for my daughter to nibble on). 370 calories each, and I had 1.5. Then I was getting ready to go out and had 2 slices of pizza. Had copious amounts of sugary fizzy alcoholic drinks, spirits too. And then had two more slices of pizza when I got back to my sisters. My boyfriend picked me up and we had a macdonalds too. Way way way over calories and over all the ones I'd saved all week. I promised myself I wouldn't go crazy, and that's what I did. I binge ate.

My stomach isn't used to so much food and drink and although I don't feel hungover as such today my stomach is cramping horribly. So bloated and disgusted at myself.

None of my skinny friends understand. :(

Oh well. Learnt my lesson and I may just avoid alcohol completely over Christmas now. Can't cope with guilt afterwards.

Here's to a good Sunday! Not has breakfast as had the macdonalds at 3 am, and going to cook a hairy dieters cottage pie for tea which is 242 calories. Get back on track!

Haven't weighed in for a couple weeks either and I'm sure as hell not doing it today lol!
Hope everyone had a lovely Christmas!

Mine was lovely apart from the other half working nights and sleeping most of it. He saw our little girl open her presents anyway which was the main thing, the whole day was for her anyway.

I tried to not go completely off the rails and kept at about 1800 calories, have made them up today and the day before so not too worried. I'm just under 11 st now, was 11st 6 when I started about 4 weeks ago. With bad days and to be honest I still shovel sweets in and love a sandwich! I could be so much better. Fit nicely in size 12 trousers now.

New Years resolution to do more exercise!

Until then I have an exam on 7th January and have to cram for that. Then only a year and. 3 main assignments until I can qualify as a nurse.

How's everyone been doing over Christmas diet wise?x
So yesterday was awful! Had a good day but evening was terrible, snacking as I was bored and lonely.

Oh well. Family round today so trying and failing to make healthy choices when it was a buffet party food tea.

Going to maybe weigh in tomorrow or Sunday and see how much of a gain, feel horrible and bloated and fat and frumpy.

Looked at my BMI and to be a healthy weight I need to between just under 7 stone and 9 stone.

I'm 11stone exactly at the moment, when I was at my thinnest I was 9 stone, and was a size 6-8, so can't imagine being less than that!
Weighed in at 69.1kgs today, or 10st 12 and a quarter lbs.

Feels good to be under 11st again and to have lost over Christmas with a couple of bad days!

The boost needed I think to start new year off to a good start.

Couple months ago started doing 30 day shred but stopped after a week. Picked it
Up from my mums last night so will start that again on Sunday to hopefully boost my weight loss.

Someone noticed I'd lost weight yesterday as well, happy. :)
Your doing great, I'd love to be under 11st, I don't believe it will ever happen but I'll give it a go. Good luck x
Hiya, yep xmas is terrible for diets! Im sure you'll do great in 2013, Im on mfp too (ingeh) so anyone can add me x
good luck, Im finding it hard to keep to my goal as I keep picking at the kids sweets (im 21 and got 2 boys, 20 months and 9 weeks)
thanks for the adds, Im doing shred it with weights myself. Im aiming for 4 days a week and using a mix of kettlebell and dumbell. Iv got to resist weighing myself til end of Jan then il take measurements and weigh in. Hopefully il be neaered to my size 10 jeans then!
I'm sure you can do, just think how great you'll feel when all the work pays off. good luck xx
Haven't updated here in a couple days, thought id check in!

Not much to add, had a couple of naughty days! Had a Chinese on NYE , although did work it into my calorie range and didn't go over and weighed everything so not too bad.

Bought my little girl a toddler bed and collecting that tomorrow, I'm so sad that she won't be in a cot anymore, but after sleeping in one at my. Mums she seems so ready. I'm so sad. I think I'm ready for another baby but got so much other stuff going on in my life that its not the right time at all. Boo hoo hoo :(

On day 5 of 30 day shred and thinking of buying a kettle bell too, not sure though. Might finish shred first and then move to kettle bell? Feel so much fitter though.

Hope everyone's well :) x
Oh god I ache so bad! Decidedevel 1 shred wasnt challenging me enough so at day 8 tried level 2. Much more intense but I'll keep at it.

Do an exerciss ball workout I made up every 2 days too.

Had an exam today and so stressed out about it, had 913 calories to use at tea as I hadn't eaten properly through anxiety. Had home chips and fish. 800 cals and an egg. 876 cals altogether and a celebratory maltesers. (Off the scale ;) )

Start placement tomorrow so on feet a lot more, excited to get out of uni again for a while. Ready for 7 weeks of hard work. for £3,40 an hour. Fun fun!