My diary.........................


Gold Member
I read the 5:2 book & found it really interesting.

Had 2 weeks with 5:2 but want to change to doin 3 fasts a week.

Had a fast on Sunday & today.

Will have another one on Friday - I tend to find that people in work try to talk me into having a fat Friday so if I know that I fast on a Friday then wont be tempted!

Start weight 13st 12lbs.
Current weight 13st 6lbs
Total loss 6lbs

Cant wait to see this figure go down.

Thank you my darling

Gonna try & make 2 out of the 3 liquid fasts too.

I am on a mission.

Had just soup, coffee, water & coke zero on Sunday.

Today had coffee, coke zero, soup. For dinner I had sweet chilli chicken noodles with veg.

Next fast will be liquid again.

Have a nice catch up with a friend on saturday so will have drinks & fat food!!

Something to keep me goin this week.

Fasting today.

Have had 2 cups of lentil soup in work.

That will be me till home - I will have a bowl of curried butternut squash soup.

Tomorrow will be out for lunch & a few drinks with a fried - Feeling good!
