my journey to skinnyville!


So i started a diary on the slim fast thread but i switched to calorie counting a while ago so i thought i'd start a new diary! Been a bit naughty the past week or so which means my weigh has probably gone up a bit, im now back on 1200 calories a day (allowing 1350 if i'm really hungry) and trying to drink 2 litres a day, of water that is! Going to weigh in on Friday i think, i don't really have a specific weigh in day i change it depending on how much i've eaten/ exercise but i do log my weight each week. Wish me luck!
thanks sunnyrae! im a bit of a diary stalker myself ;)

Well i've been very good the past 4 days and it's weigh in tomorrow, i'm hoping to have at least lost that pesly 1.4lbs that i put on if not more! I've not done as much exercise as i would ave liked, lots of walking but i've not done any running on the treadmill (not like i can run for more than 4 mins anyway ;)).

Monday and Tuesday were definately the hardest, if i fall off the wagon even once i find it really hard to get back on and stay away from bad foods cos my body screams out for them :( but i've been ignoring it so all should be good!

Hope everyone else is doing well CC, ill report my weigh in tomorrow heres hoping to see that scale moving down!
Hi Abbie, Good for you,.. changing to something more suitable is better than giving up altogether.
Keep in mind that having only a few pounds to lose will most probably mean that it will come off slower than those that have a lot to don't get disheartened.
Just a word about your are you calculating this? There are a lot of sites on line that will calculate them for you.

All the very best to you and wish you great success in your journey... :)
hey emmaline thanks for the advice :) i used to cc by just doing it myself but im using mfp now it's so much easierr! Yeah i have to keep reminding myself that because im technically a healthly weight the pounds will go slowly but tbh im okay with that, ive done fast weight loss before and its come back to haunt me! so slow and steady for me, any weight loss is a good one!

On the note of my weigh in the scales read 9 st 7.4lbs which is that pesky 1.4lbs that i put back on gone as well as an extra half a pound, so chuffed with 2lbs off :D roll on week 2!
been a good day so far despite my kitty cat being unwell :cry: so he's staying in the vets tonight poor baby!

Anyway i did the 30 day shred to mix my exercise up a bit so don't bored/muscles become used to my usual exercies. I havent done it in months and found it pretty damn easy compared to how i used to feel doing it, if i hadnt done it for a week or two i would be properly out of breathe and seating like a *****, even if i did it for 4 days everyday i would find it hard so it goes to show that fitness and asthma are improving :D

Think im gonna have to have healthier dinners ive had pizza today and yesterday (only 1/2 and within my cals) but i looked on the packet and in half a pizza theres over 2g of salt :eek: water retention, lucky weigh in is a week off! Also had 2 pieces of bee good to yourself garlic bread with it too yummy :) Love how with cc you can still have stuff you fancy.
oh i also did 16 mins on the treadmill run/walk as usual as ive gotta do 30 mins a day and the 30 day shred is 20 mins so im happy with the exercise today
cheers mellymoo how are you getting on? :)

Eughh as a treat i ordered a slice of chocolate fudge cake and THE biggest slice arrived it looked enough to feed four people, of course i usually just eat it to myself ;) and i've eaten about half and feel physically sick does absolutely nothing for me anymore to be fair its not the nicest cake but ive always had a fondness for, not anymore!
i weighed in again today and lost 1lb :D happy with that! i hadnt drank much water on monday so drank 2 and a half litres yesterday to make up for it, got to keep this up.

It's wierd when i weigh myself i have to weigh myself again 20 mins later and the scale goes down a bit :confused: really odd but i like it ;)

I've decided i'm weighing in twice a week, hopefully wednesdays and sundays as doing it once a week drives me to madness i can't wait that long! lol also breaks the week up a bit and i can see if i'm doing well or need to bump up the exercise a bit. So far it's going well i just noticed on the nhs website that my bmi has gone down a whole point from what my averaging weight used to be :D yaaaay.

The food aspect of things is going fine though i get RAVENOUS at uni just because i'm in the library a lot, get realy bored and the vending machines are full of my favourite crisps and chocolate and starburst and i have never craved starburst until now, i will stay away!

Also my cat was put down this morning due to multiple organ failure from his road accident :cry::cry::cry: really upset so couldnt really celebrate my weight loss, i won't let this ruin my diet got to keep on track bad things happen and i can't let things slip every single time it just makes me worse So roll on today :eek:
so saturday i had a sneaky treat, well i planned it actually. I thought i need to indulge to keep myself from going crazy so bought myself a packet of flying saucers (yes i am still a child at heart!) and a creme egg easter egg and ate the lot, come to think of it it was about 930 calories for the easter egg and two creme eggs! :eek: but boy was it yummy ;) and i got on the scales this morning and still lost 2 ounzes :rolleyes: okay not much but i've been struggling with the water (as in not drinking ANY) plus i did my measurements today! didnt think they had changed but they have!

Waist: 28.5 inches
Hips: 37 inches
Thigh: 24 inches

W: 27.5 inches (lost 1 inch)
H:35.5 inches (lost 1.5 inches)
T: 23.5 inches (lost 0.5 inches)

So i am back to being a good girl with the diet and water, luckily i have kept up my exercise which is why i could eat all that chocolate and not gain! Hopefully by wednesday ill see a good number! the scales are going DOWWWWWWWNNN :D
feeling utter poop today hence why i want to demolish everything in sight! But i shall resist, i don't no why i'm in such a bad mood just one of those days i guess, got my assignment finished so i should be chuffed but im pissed i gotta be up at 4:30am tomorrow :cry: ouch!

Oh well i'm sure i will get my weight loss mojo back, weigh in on wednesday eek! Hoping for a good locc but we shall see, i've not been great with the water really boring drinkinging it all day i just pee pee and pee but it must be done. Gotta keep thinking how slinky ill be by summer ;) yaaay, it's worth it in the end!

Ooo i've stocked up on them chocolate philadelphia pots they are gorgeous!! thought they would taste cheesy but they taste just like chocolate and only 84 cals per pot yummy!
Well tuesday night i had a bit of a treat, a lot of a treat actually, had a pizza hut and got the works! mm it was deliciousss! didnt half feel guilty the next day but i carried on with my diet. It shows me things have definately changed when i used to get a takeaway i would stuff myself silly till i felt physically sick and then i'd save the leftovers for breakfast (YUMMY), then the next day i would feel so guilty i would continue eating ****. But i don't do that anymore, yes i am still naughty and have a takeaway but i get rid of the leftovers, i give them to someone else and then start afresh the next day and its doing just fine atm, got on the scales today and i am the exact same weight, havent put anything on which i'm so happy about! It's nice to know that i can still have the OCCASSIONAL treat :D (although i've been having more of them lately! will work on this!!)

Anyhow, i am hoping to lose a pound by sunday and another one by next wednesday as i'm seeing friends next friday night that i havent seen in a while, they won't notice my weight loss cos it's only small atm but i would love to go knowing i'm getting closer to 9st! so the goal is to weight 9 st 4.5lbs on fri 23rd. Sometimes these goals do more bad than good cos i get down if i don't reach them but hey ho ill try it anyway and we shall see. Definately not letting myself get obsessed with a number on the scale like i used to do, i know what i'm doing works so as long as i do it it will keep working :rolleyes: