My LT Diary

Well thankfully my curtains are still drawn as I lifted up my jammie top over my head, ran around the living room and was like get in there!!!!. I felt like David Beckham knocking in the winning goal at some world cup thingy.

Sorry you can't take a blender to work. Lucky there is a proper kitchen/canteen where I work and theres 3 of us here causing a racket with outr tesco hand blender! Mind you, I went out to lakeside on Saturday and took 2 half-litre bottles of water and a pkt of shake and shook it up while I was there!! Nothing will stand in the way of my shakes!
how have you got on today xxxxxxxxxx only 2 more sleeps for the weigh in looking forward to knowing how youve done xxxxxxx
I know, Im waiting with baited breathe for more comedy threads!!
Day 5

Well my mood is matching the weather - pissy

Went to bed last night with a blinding headache, woke up with a blinding headache and feel so tired. Having said that the day got better as was dropping my kids off at school for those of you remember my skinny nacho waving in my face neighbour said your face looks thinner u can tell by your cheeks. I take it he meant that i looked like a squirrel storing nuts for the winter before as opposed to i have cheekbones lol. Can't actually say i have noticed it in my face. Where i do notice it is above my belly button and under my boobs, doesnt help i have a hernia there but it doesnt look so protruding (sp?). I dont know whether I wanted to kiss him or punch his lights out.

I confess to cheating today, but it was an accidental one, i made my kids cous cous for supper and took a spoonful while dishing it up. It was in my mouth before I realised. Now I want to eat a whole freakin packet of the stuff, hence why I am sitting down here with my chicken soup and my water and my ciggie. Ciggie first then the water then the soup.

Actually looking forward to hubby coming home this week as there will be the sign that I have shifted some lard (hubby if you are reading this at any point, 1. stop being a nosey bugger and 2. SEE i do miss you really lol). The reason why I want him home is he has been whining about this lack of food diet and me and him together are like mules, stubborn doesnt even begin to cover our relationship and when he is here I am going to dig my heels in all the more and neck water like we are heading for a drought.

Never mind 2 days until weigh in but technically it should be tomorrow since I got weighed on the Wednesday for starting on the Friday lol
Noticed no one replied to you straight away, so I hope you put the cous cous down!!!! Yum, yum, but naughty!!! You are doing well, keep in there, and it will all be worth it on Friday.

Well done for being dignified to the neighbour, they will soon not be able to speak to you, just looking at you with their mouths open in shock, that'll show 'em girl!!!

My weigh in tomorrow, cant wait, a full 100% week with absolutely no cheating, its been bloody hard, but hopefully I see the reward tomorrow. Good Luck you, day 5 nearly over
Weigh in number 1

Well I was up bright and breezy, peed in my bottle and toddled off to the chemist.

I am in ketosis yeeee hawwww
I have lost 10lbs yeeeeeeeeeeeee hawwwwww
I got some bars so they would be easier at work, OMG I couldnt chew it in my mouth for more than 10 seconds. Vile does not even begin to cover it.

I had the after taste for ages, it reminded me of a stale cigar.

Anyhows, I have managed to complete 2 of my mini goals.

Oh and btw the chemist was wrong with my starting weight, 18st 12 pah I was only 18st 4. Only she says but hey 6lbs means everything to my hips and self belief
Fantastic loss well done!

Don't give up on the flapjacks - I really like them now and lots of others either did straight away or acquired the taste. They're so convenient sometimes. x
Day 9

:( Cheated with 2 chocolate covered hob nobs

So not happy

But hubby has just booked us a dirty weekend away to Amsterdam and I am so looking forward in 2 months time going shopping for some sexy undies to surprise him with

2 months = 2 stone = 2 dress sizes down
lol thanks for that Jan, i have needed it today. Been so bloody bored
Day 11

Well got up and did my morning weighin to keep me going throughout the day. According to the scales I am down 4lbs since weigh in on thursday so I am well chuffed. That is my first stone gone.

I cant believe it is day 11 already - those who said the days and weeks fly by are right. They do.

I am sitting here thinking I only have another 3lbs to lose and that will be me at the lightest I have been for nearly 5 years. I weighed 17 stone 4 during my pregnancy with my youngest. I over the last few years, never thought I would get back down to that.

This has really spurred me on. I am going to my mother in laws tonight for supper, and i told her not to make me anything i will bring my own. Hubby is due home today from the oil rigs. This is going to be a trying time, as he is having a huge moan about me not eating "food". I am hoping he will notice a slight difference as he hasnt seen me since I started Lipotrim.
Day 11

Weighed myself this morning and I have lost 4lbs so far this week - weigh in on Thursday. That means I have lost my first stone. :D

I have just realised another 3 lbs and that will be me at my lightest i have been in 5 years.

This diet does work - it is all about reaching the right time in your life to go on it. There is no point in losing weight for somone else, you need to do it for you and you have more chance of succeeding.

My hubby is due home today from the oil rigs and that is going to be a trying time - as he is already been having a huge moan about not eating "food" and saying stuff like it is ok to have a small reward every week. I am hoping he is going to notice a difference as he hasnt seen me since i started LT.

I hope everyone has great weightlosses this week and I am looking forward to my 2nd weigh in. The days do go by fast once you get into it.
Hi donjon, hope your hubby does notice, but even if he doesn't you are doing fantastic and the longer you do it the easier it gets. Hope you can "work" more calories off when he gets home:love:D....