My nurse was horrible too

lol Taz, i honestly think that thing is rubbish though, no way should it take me 2 years, it's so depressing.

I don't even think it's worked out by a computer either, i think there is a fat woman who sits in front of a computer in SW HQ, who can't lose weight, so she tries to sabotage us by giving us these depressingly long target dates, just so we all give up, stay fat and make sure she isn't the only big girl left in Britain lol

I mean, that makes sense right? lol
Surely any weight loss is a good weight loss!! It takes a couple of weeks to get into the swing of things. I feel they must think 'another fat person I've lectured, done my bit for the statistics'. I feel that some, not all doctors and nurses just have no empathy for people, we're just patients, not human beings with feelings. Can you request to change your nurse? I would try if I were you. I'm never going back to the clinic I went to ever again!

Hope you're feeling better :)

The people on here really lifted my spirits again with their lovely comments :)
A terrorist touched your foot - you girls crack me up :rotflmao:

I'm not going back to the nurse again. I'm going to make an appointment with the doctor instead.

Thing is I got on my scales this morning and weighed 2.5lbs less than yesterday morning. I think I had a fat few days. So I will show the B*tch!

Honestly, sometimes i wonder why some people chose the professions they do, because if you aren't a people person, you shouldn't work in caring /retail/teaching or any roles that involve you being in contact with another person and trying to be nice lol

I totally agree about people considering the profession they choose in terms of the kinda person they are but sometimes people aren't always 'nice' to us and it does make you feel 'why the f**k do I bother?!' Im not saying that any of you guys were unkind or rude to your nurses etc but sometimes one rude or angry person can set you back for the whole day! xxx
Yeah true, and especially in terms of doctors and nurses, you can feel frustrated if you feel the help you are offering is falling on deaf ears, however, it's their duty to be consistent and remain positive for the patient's sake as well.

So i understand it's frustrating, but people in such roles, need to be more cautious with their words sometimes.

I also believe in what goes around comes around.

Some of the medical profession are still so judgemental. When we go and ask for help they are either rude, offer no support or make it difficult. Then they wonder why the nation has an obesity problem.

My GP has offered me Xenical (hmmm………….that another long story on another thread!!) or suggested that I saw the practice nurse who is the size of an house herself……yeh right like she knows anything!!!!

Good luck with your 4lbs slimmerkay.

Aislinn x