My Up and Down CC journey :)


Full Member
Started in Jan until about March and lost a stone. Then CC'd on and off, not losing, not gaining (which is a good thing) but still got a stone - a stone and a half to go until I am at target!

Getting married in Feb 2014, so got a huge incentive to keep at it!

Love CCing because I can eat everything that I love, just in small portions (except chocolate which always seems to be in large portions- eeeekk!!!!)

I do MFP but wanted to keep a diary as well so I can't keep cheating and I stick to it!

So today:

2 x toast
Tuna w/mayo

Total: 494 cal


Bolognese sauce

Total: 607 cal

Day Total: 1,101

Little bit under but there is still time! (Also have work lunch at pizza express 2m, so won't hurt to be under for that calorie fest!!)

Been so nervous about starting a diary and really appreciate any comments!

Hope everyone had a nice weekend :)
Okay second day of the diary!

Had the whole day planned out, with a work lunch at Pizza Express, which got cancelled, so had to rethink food and keep away from the temptations in waitrose!

Managed not to succumb but the chocolate was calling me!!


B: low fat pb on hovis brown bread
Cal: 168

L: waitrose spicy chicken and mango flat bread
Cal: 298

D: spag Bol with Parmesan (left over from yesterday with a bit more Parmesan!!)
Cal: 667

Snacks: cup of tea
Cal: 15 cal

Total: 1148

Now just got to last the rest of the night without eating the fruit and nut lurking on the back of my fridge!

Just about made it through day three!

Breakfast: sandwich thin and low fat pb: 180 cal

Lunch: tuna mayo and rocket sandwich thin and walkers sunbite crisps: 299 cal

Dinner: Homemade wrap pizza with rustic over chips, little bit of mayo and ketchup: 659 cal

Snacks: Strawberries and a cup of tea: 41 cal

Total: 1179 cal

OH was out so Worked out for an hour, which I have to do at home with the curtains closed because I am so out of shape I don't want anyone to see!!!

Hope everyone's diets are going well :)
Today has been so hard! I am so hungry!!! Had dinner and literally just want to eat another dinner (and chocolate and maybe some more!!!!)

B: sandwich thin and low fat pb:168 cal

L: tuna mayo and rocket sandwich thin and baked star crisps: 273 cal

D: baked beans on two slices of brown toast and cheese: 475 cal

S: tea x 2 cups, aero mousse (my attempt and not eating a massive chocolate bar!) and strawberries: 157 cal

Total: 1072

Anyone got any ideas on how not to snack in the evenings? I'm just so used to doing it and love junk food! Luckily not really got anything in and ordering shopping on line so can't get tempted walking round the supermarket!

Still got a few calories, so might update again later when I've decided what's to eat ;)

Moan over! Have a good evening everyone!!

Hiya Treax, good luck loosing your last stone and a half! If you want to add me on MFP I've got the same username. I'm always looking for regular users and am happy to give positive comments to keep your going!:)

Also, it might be worth checking out what your TDEE, as 1200 is usually too low for the majority of people. For example, the minimum I should eat to maintain is around 1880 cals, so I'm currently eating around 1600 and still loosing steadily. Definitely worth a look at working yours out, you might be able to fit in more of what you love ;) x
Hi tweekedgirl

Thanks so much for your message and advice!! Will def look at my tdee and see what it says! Calculation with thru MFP and I am not sure he accurate it is!! Will def add u on MFP because I need all the encouragement I can get!! Are u just CCing or combining with anything else? Xx
Better day today- helps I was in meetings a lot so no time to eat but lots of water to drink!!

B: pb sandwich thin: 180

L: turkey, mayo and rocket sandwich thin with sunbite crisps: 297 cal

D: jacket potato with beans and low fat cheese: 487 cal

Snacks: strawberries, a cup of tea and half a cupcake: 248

Total: 1,212

So stayed within calories just about! (i think) but the cupcake was home made (and amazing) and shared it with my oh but still wondering if I should add more than 200 cal??? It's was so small- surely it can't be more!!!

Going to watch old ER now and fantasise about cupcakes xx
Treax18 said:
Today has been so hard! I am so hungry!!! Had dinner and literally just want to eat another dinner (and chocolate and maybe some more!!!!)

B: sandwich thin and low fat pb:168 cal

L: tuna mayo and rocket sandwich thin and baked star crisps: 273 cal

D: baked beans on two slices of brown toast and cheese: 475 cal

S: tea x 2 cups, aero mousse (my attempt and not eating a massive chocolate bar!) and strawberries: 157 cal

Total: 1072

Anyone got any ideas on how not to snack in the evenings? I'm just so used to doing it and love junk food! Luckily not really got anything in and ordering shopping on line so can't get tempted walking round the supermarket!

Still got a few calories, so might update again later when I've decided what's to eat ;)

Moan over! Have a good evening everyone!!


I avoid excessive evening snacking by not having my main meal until 9.30pm. That way I just have a low calorie snack in the evening, knowing that I've still got my dinner to come. That's what works for me. :) xx
Are u just CCing or combining with anything else? Xx

Hey, I started out just watching what I was eating, then that changed to calorie counting, and now I'm calorie counting along with running twice a week and getting in some toning Kettlebell exercises a couple of times a week.

As for not eating in the evening, that for me was one of the hardest habits to break by far! I found what really helped for me was a hot drink around 7/8 pm. Horlicks is quite nice or for a super low 40 calorie drink, the Options hot chocolate sachets work really well. They're normally on offer for 4 for a £1, or you can buy a tub which is about 20-25 servings for about £4.

Keep at it!
Thanks for the advice ladies- gonna try the evening ideas ad excercise a bit more!

So epic failure last night :(

Very impromptu Chinese out (literally 15 minutes notice) which was lovely and unexpected but not time to plan or work out calories!!

Didn't eat too much but drank five vodka lemonades! No idea what the calories were in my meal and cannot figure it out!!

Breakfast: pb sandwich thin: 180

Lunch: turkey, mayo and rocket sandwich thin with sunbite crisps: 297 cal

Dinner: 7 prawn crackers, half a portion salt and pepper chicken, 1/3 portion of Singapore noodles, one chicken satay, few bites of plain chow Mein, three pieces of chicken in pineapple: unknown huge amount of calories!!!

Snacks: five vodka diet lemonades and two cups of tea: 350 cals

Total: massive!!!!!

So today I have a friends bbq which was supposed to be my treat for the week and thought I could get away with a couple of drinks! Going to make low fat kebabs and try and stick to those and salad!

My reward this morning was no weight loss yet this week, official weigh in is tomorrow so need some kind of fat burning miracle!

Hope everyone is having a more successful weekend! I will staple my lips together and avoid the chocolate fountain today and hopefully get through in one piece lol xx
Ooops!! Staples must have come off my lips!!

Not the worst but here goes!!

L: turkey sandwich thin with mayo and star crisps: 262 cal

D: bbq too much to list because I went a bit over board!!! Worked out the calories on MFP eeeekkkkk!! 1048 cal

S: wkd: 228 cal

Total: 1538 cal

Not expecting a loss tomorrow but don't really deserve one given the last two days! I'll keep u posted!!! ;)

Back on the wagon as of ..... RIGHT NOW!!!!!
Hi.. here to follow.

I only have about half a stone to lose but have given myself 1300 cals cause I think 1200 is far too low.

Try not to beat yourself up about going over a little... I'm sure you'll do great at weigh in x
Thanks for your encouragement and the follow Lisa! I am starting to think its a bit low!! Are you CCing as well? Good luck with the weight loss!

Unfortunately didn't loose any weight but sts which after my blow out on Friday and sat was better than gaining!!

So today went to the cinema, was very good and had a satsuma and water! No chocolate (OH ate a whole bag of minstrels!!)

Brunch: sandwich thin with pb and star crisps: 279 cal

Dinner: homemade lamb burger, weight watchers wrap, mayo, ketchup, rustic chips: 581 cal

Snacks: satsuma and aero mousse: 127 cal

Total: 986 cal

Bit low but won't hurt after the weekend- might even things out a bit!

Back to work tomorrow and dreading it as have a really horrible day out the office, won't easily be able to take lunch, hopefully I can get something healthy on the go!

Hope everyone had a lovely weekend xx
Yes I'm cc but I don't have a lot to lose so it's coming off slow :rolleyes: I do have a diary but it's not very exciting lol.

good luck for next week. X
Long day!! Four trains, three taxis (no time to walk), and I am knackered!!
Managed not to have a any unhealthy snacks but was starving when I got home and so dehydrated!!

Has anyone else found that once they are in the habit of drinking lots of water, they need to drink it everyday or feel rubbish??

B: pb sandwich thin: 180 cal

L: turkey, mayo, lettuce wrap: 206 cal

D: burritos with lettuce and cheese (two wraps): 685 cal


Not my best day as was out the house but I am within calories! Got the tesco order coming so may have a treat in there and use up my calories!!

Going to do a proper signature and get a ticker as well now, keep meaning to do it but forget!!

have a good evening all xx
So it's TOTM and I am feeling rubbish!! Which means I have not felt much like eating (except chocolate of course!)

B: pb on a sandwich thin: 180 cal

L: turkey sandwich thin with low fat mayo and squares: 265 cal

D: spinach and ricotta ravioli with spicy tomato past sauce and Parmesan cheese, aero mousse: 663 cal

Snacks: 2 x cups of tea: 30 cal

Total: 1108 cals

im under but forgot to eat my fruit today!! Must try harder at this!!
did 30 mins on the excercise bike before work and aiming to do it again tomorrow!

Bravely stood on the scales and had lost a pound but this evening had gained three! I don't understand why weight has to fluctuate through the day!! I think my body should pick a weight and stay there lol !!! Hoping for a loss this week after last weeks disaster!

Got a party this weekend (buffet eeekkkk!!!) and the following weekend have a meal out! Then going away te weekend after that! How do I not eat al the lovely food without seeming weird or rude??

Btw have made a weight loss ticker and added a signature!! I have used my total weight loss to date and made my goal to lose another stone, then I will decide if the last half a stand is required!!

Hope ur diets are all going well! Xx :)
Can I just say I hate totm- makes me too hungry and on too much pain :(

However I stuck to the diet and avoided all sweet treats:)

B: pb sandwich thin: 180 cal

L: turkey sandwich thin with mayo and quavers: 254 cal

D: homemade pasta bake (spicy tomato sauce leftover from yesterday with some low fat Phili): 740 cal

s: 2 x cups of team and satsuma: 63 cal

Total: 1237 cal

Cycled for thirty minutes and did ten minutes on the ab thing we have.

Realised how boring my diet is! I should try and eat some different things! Evening is okay bit day time it must be putting everyone to sleep!!

I will try and mix it up a bit- gonna have some salads maybe? Appreciate any ideas for more interesting lunches!! (Also with some more veg/fruit as I am seriously lacking!!!

Ergh I hate totm... can eat my body weight in junk without realising.

I'm very samey with my food too.. I tend to have the same everyday for a week or so then change it to something else lol x
Watching supersize vs superskinner and drolling over the Chinese take away! Eeeekkkkk!!!

Good day today, OH out so got o excercise this morning and this evening!

B: pb sandwich thin: 180 cal

L: sandwich thin with turkey and mayo, squares: 254 cal

D: Cajun prawn pasta with Parmesan: 642 cal

Snacks: 2 x cups of tea and satsuma: 63 cal

Total: 1139 cal

As OH was out thought I would get a healty ready meal- but they all looked horrible in tesco! So I got some prawns and made a Cajun sauce with low fat Phili and some left over tomato sauce- it was so nice that I will def be making it again!!!

Shame I haven't got a nice big bar of chocolate to finish, never mind ill have to distract myself with the tv!

Have a lovely evening xx