ProPoints My Weight Loss Diary

Looks like a great days food wise Ninjapro and well done on the great weightloss . You are well on yur way. I often find the "better" I eat the less "rubbish" I crave . Keep having your healthy carbs (wholemeal bread) and protein with each meal (def lunch and dinner) and you will find you are not as hungry :D

Thanks! Im happy with that weight loss. I hadnt been properly shopping last week, so couldnt 'plan' as much. So basically I ended up eating loadsa junk...

Im having trouble eating breakfast as I work out in the morning and cant eat before that or it makes me sluggish! But I'm browsing on fruit.

How are you going this week??:)
Tuesday 21/062011

Feel a bit ill today!! Couldnt eat much. My children have had it too.

Breakfast : Redbull : 3pp
Coffeee : 0pp

Lunch : Skinless chicken chinese chicken thighs : 9pp
Mango : 0pp

Dinner : Chicken breast wrapped in Parma ham : 6pp
Veg : 0pp

Snacks : WW crisp : 2pp
Blueberries :0pp
Cherries : 0pp

Gym : 3pp earned

Total : 29pp + 3bonus pp - 20 pp eaten = 12pp left

Weeklies : 49pp
Wednesday 22/06/2011

Feeling dreadful today :-( Woke up ok, went to Zumba and then did my weights routine...Got home and just felt ill!! And was ill all night :-/

Breakfast : Redbull : 3pp
Banana : 0pp

Lunch : Chicken kebab from sainsburys : 6pp
Cherries :0pp

Dinner : x2 100g Salmon fillets, baked : 12pp
Mixed 0pp veg : 0pp

This is when I really went downhill :-(

Snacks : blueberries, tried to eat more just couldnt.

: 5 bonus pp earned

Total : 29pp + 5 bonus pp - 21pp eaten = +13pp

Weeklies: 49pp left

Having a day of rest, fasting and rehydration tomorrow (today). No gym, no food except fruit and maybe some grilled chicken. And fingers crossed this stomach bug will pass quickly. Thanks to my little boy for giving it too me!! lol
Thursday 23/06/2011

Had a stomach bug ALL DAY. Felt weak and sick,,

Breakfast : Cherries : 0pp

Lunch : Half a can of Heinz Oxtail soup : 2pp

Dinner : Papa Johns BBQ wings x 8 : 16pp (feeling starving as the worse was over )
Scrambled egg(no milk) : 2pp
Small grating of cheese : 2pp

Bonus pp: 0 (slept most of the day)

Snacks : blueberries : 0pp

Total : 29pp - 22 eaten = +7pp

Weeklies left : 49pp

Feeling tons better today (friday) am gonna attempt the gym! Just light exercise.
Souns like you have had a rough few days ninja .Stomach bugs are yeuck. Well done for keeping focussed . Try toeat as healthy as poss now for next few days .lots of good protein to fill yu up .your body could be craving rubbish after that break.
Souns like you have had a rough few days ninja .Stomach bugs are yeuck. Well done for keeping focussed . Try toeat as healthy as poss now for next few days .lots of good protein to fill yu up .your body could be craving rubbish after that break.

Tell me about it!! Ive been right off! But am fighting fit today! Yay. Actually RAN on the treadmill for a full 5 mins!! NEVER done that b4 in my life lol.
WoW Ninja ,thats a great bounce back .well done on the running .You'll be fit for biggest loser soon. I would be found as a puddle on the floor:D
WoW Ninja ,thats a great bounce back .well done on the running .You'll be fit for biggest loser soon. I would be found as a puddle on the floor:D

I know!! I watch that! Even the repeats! They are a true inspiration. I watched one when I was ill and thought, if they can do it so can I! lol.

I hope your weeks been great too :D
Keep us up to date ! good luck hun x