Nausea... so much nausea


Full Member
I've been following Slimming World pretty closely so I gave myself a day off yesterday when I went shopping with the guys. I had two slices of pizza and today I've felt soooo ill. Do you think I'm just not used to greasy food anymore? @__@'
Quite possibly, it wouldnt be the first time someone has felt dreadful after a day off because their body has adjusted to healthier options :) Hope you feel better tomorrow!
I always feel ill if I go off plan, almost hungover.
That's just what it was like. A hangover! lol.. And you know what? The crap I ate totally was NOT worth this feeling. I'm deffs going to be a Saint from now on. lol
I don't get it with Chinese or Indian but really greasy or fatty foods make me feel terrible the next day. I always get a KFC hangover (but that one is worth it!) Lol