need help...I'm so miserable


Full Member
Hello everyone a bit about me. Last October I got to target in fact I went to low and now I'm over three stone heavier and extremely miserable. It sounds simple if my weight is getting me down I should find it easy to sort it out. Only its not that easy. I hate going out incase anyone see's me and says about how fat I am in fact some people have asked if I'm pregnant. I go on holiday on 22nd June and don't want to go because I'm so fat. I'm desperate to lose weight but can't seem to stick to it longer than 24 hours. I need some help and any tips or inspiration. I know if I could do it long enough to see some results that would spur me on to stick to it but at min I'm just getting bigger. Please help I'm so down and miserable about it. Look forward to hearing from you xx

Im in a similar situation, i got with a pound and a half of my target in October then stopped going to class thinking i would be fine on my own. Im now over a stone and a half away from my target. ive got a holiday in July and Im determined to at least be in the 10stone bracket before i go. Ever since Christmas ive been trying to stick to it but failing miserably. Ive finally accepted that I need to go to class and get weighed. It seems to be the one thing that keeps me on track. To be honest i put all the weight back on up to about Feb(Between Oct and feb I had a week in eurodisney, weekend in london, wedding anniversay, christmas, new year and valentines day) and since then ive stayed the same.

Did you previously attend class, are you still going. ive also filled my cupboards with low syn or free foods.
Okay.. I considered kid gloves but I've decided to go for the tough love approach. Apologies in advance if it isn't what you want :)

If you are miserable enough about your weight to plead for help then you are miserable enough to do something about it. So, do it. Don't get upset about it, don't waste your time berating yourself for re-gaining the weight you lost before, don't put your life on pause. Just do it. You know you can do it because you've done it before. If you can't go more than 24 hours then maybe you aren't quite as miserable about it as you think you are. But, hang on in there, give it another six months of self flagellation and you'll probably be ready then..
Or, just do it now. Give yourself a break. You are only human. Don't expect miracles, just expect that the weight WILL come off if you work at it. The way I see it, you have two clear choices. Spend another 6 months being miserable before starting your journey or do it now and feel bloody fabulous in six months time. It's a no-brainer, really.
Believe me when I say I understand. I weighed in at 22st 3lbs 3 weeks ago. That's two people, at least. I have spent 15 years on and off diets and I'm TIRED. It's now, or never. I am currently on day 25 of being 100% on plan and although I cannot yet physically see the changes, I feel them. I wake up feeling alive, and not like I need another ten hours sleep. I feel positive about myself. I know, KNOW, that this time I will do it for real. And I so wish you could feel this, because it's a buzz unlike any I could get from a bar of chocolate.
It's not necessarily easy, nothing worth having comes easily. But it's so worth it. And it's a damn site easier than living a half-life.
Do it. Do it now. Because you can X
Agreed ^

You have done it before you can do it again. Stop beating yourself up or you won't do anything. Get positive, only you can do it and you CAN do it, you have before.
Pickle81 said:
Okay.. I considered kid gloves but I've decided to go for the tough love approach. Apologies in advance if it isn't what you want :)

If you are miserable enough about your weight to plead for help then you are miserable enough to do something about it. So, do it. Don't get upset about it, don't waste your time berating yourself for re-gaining the weight you lost before, don't put your life on pause. Just do it. You know you can do it because you've done it before. If you can't go more than 24 hours then maybe you aren't quite as miserable about it as you think you are. But, hang on in there, give it another six months of self flagellation and you'll probably be ready then..
Or, just do it now. Give yourself a break. You are only human. Don't expect miracles, just expect that the weight WILL come off if you work at it. The way I see it, you have two clear choices. Spend another 6 months being miserable before starting your journey or do it now and feel bloody fabulous in six months time. It's a no-brainer, really.
Believe me when I say I understand. I weighed in at 22st 3lbs 3 weeks ago. That's two people, at least. I have spent 15 years on and off diets and I'm TIRED. It's now, or never. I am currently on day 25 of being 100% on plan and although I cannot yet physically see the changes, I feel them. I wake up feeling alive, and not like I need another ten hours sleep. I feel positive about myself. I know, KNOW, that this time I will do it for real. And I so wish you could feel this, because it's a buzz unlike any I could get from a bar of chocolate.
It's not necessarily easy, nothing worth having comes easily. But it's so worth it. And it's a damn site easier than living a half-life.
Do it. Do it now. Because you can X

Well said and well written. I hope you reach your goals!!
I agree with everyone else, yes I am low weight and lots of folk think I don't need to lose weight etc but I do sw too. I do it for me. When I am on plan it keeps me controlled. Lookin back I thought I was doing things properly but a couple of weeks ago I decided to start afresh. Write everything down, plan my meals, choose super free before free when I can. I have also started to excercise more. If I didn't do sw I wouldn't be in control and wouldn't feel so much better about myself. I would eat junk, be miserable then eat more junk. Think I was gettin bored listening to myself moaning about myself and my wobbly bits, now am trying hard as I realised tomorrow would never come.
Start it and do each meal at a time. Good luck
A consultant once said to me ''if you want to write a letter, you hae to pick up a pen'' and I always remember this when I start to stray.

I have been where you are and it sucks - I have cancelled nights out, avoided people, not looked in mirrors etc etc and all because of my weight. Like the lady above says, you CAN do it - and you will.

I lost 2 and a half stone in 2009 and spent the whole of 2010 putting it all back on again - plus a pound extra. I then decided that by eating chocolate and drinking red wine I was not going to be slim and it mattered more to me to start enjoying my life. Luckily it all clicked into place for me last time I joined and fingers crossed I wont go back to being really heavy again...........but who knows?:

Sennding you lots of good luck and love x
Pickle81 said:
Okay.. I considered kid gloves but I've decided to go for the tough love approach. Apologies in advance if it isn't what you want :)

If you are miserable enough about your weight to plead for help then you are miserable enough to do something about it. So, do it. Don't get upset about it, don't waste your time berating yourself for re-gaining the weight you lost before, don't put your life on pause. Just do it. You know you can do it because you've done it before. If you can't go more than 24 hours then maybe you aren't quite as miserable about it as you think you are. But, hang on in there, give it another six months of self flagellation and you'll probably be ready then..
Or, just do it now. Give yourself a break. You are only human. Don't expect miracles, just expect that the weight WILL come off if you work at it. The way I see it, you have two clear choices. Spend another 6 months being miserable before starting your journey or do it now and feel bloody fabulous in six months time. It's a no-brainer, really.
Believe me when I say I understand. I weighed in at 22st 3lbs 3 weeks ago. That's two people, at least. I have spent 15 years on and off diets and I'm TIRED. It's now, or never. I am currently on day 25 of being 100% on plan and although I cannot yet physically see the changes, I feel them. I wake up feeling alive, and not like I need another ten hours sleep. I feel positive about myself. I know, KNOW, that this time I will do it for real. And I so wish you could feel this, because it's a buzz unlike any I could get from a bar of chocolate.
It's not necessarily easy, nothing worth having comes easily. But it's so worth it. And it's a damn site easier than living a half-life.
Do it. Do it now. Because you can X

Love this! Will be taking this advice myself. Thank you xx
Pickle81 said:
Okay.. I considered kid gloves but I've decided to go for the tough love approach. Apologies in advance if it isn't what you want :)

If you are miserable enough about your weight to plead for help then you are miserable enough to do something about it. So, do it. Don't get upset about it, don't waste your time berating yourself for re-gaining the weight you lost before, don't put your life on pause. Just do it. You know you can do it because you've done it before. If you can't go more than 24 hours then maybe you aren't quite as miserable about it as you think you are. But, hang on in there, give it another six months of self flagellation and you'll probably be ready then..
Or, just do it now. Give yourself a break. You are only human. Don't expect miracles, just expect that the weight WILL come off if you work at it. The way I see it, you have two clear choices. Spend another 6 months being miserable before starting your journey or do it now and feel bloody fabulous in six months time. It's a no-brainer, really.
Believe me when I say I understand. I weighed in at 22st 3lbs 3 weeks ago. That's two people, at least. I have spent 15 years on and off diets and I'm TIRED. It's now, or never. I am currently on day 25 of being 100% on plan and although I cannot yet physically see the changes, I feel them. I wake up feeling alive, and not like I need another ten hours sleep. I feel positive about myself. I know, KNOW, that this time I will do it for real. And I so wish you could feel this, because it's a buzz unlike any I could get from a bar of chocolate.
It's not necessarily easy, nothing worth having comes easily. But it's so worth it. And it's a damn site easier than living a half-life.
Do it. Do it now. Because you can X

Love this too, im having difficulties at the moment too and will def try this advice :)
Okay.. I considered kid gloves but I've decided to go for the tough love approach. Apologies in advance if it isn't what you want :)

If you are miserable enough about your weight to plead for help then you are miserable enough to do something about it. So, do it. Don't get upset about it, don't waste your time berating yourself for re-gaining the weight you lost before, don't put your life on pause. Just do it. You know you can do it because you've done it before. If you can't go more than 24 hours then maybe you aren't quite as miserable about it as you think you are. But, hang on in there, give it another six months of self flagellation and you'll probably be ready then..
Or, just do it now. Give yourself a break. You are only human. Don't expect miracles, just expect that the weight WILL come off if you work at it. The way I see it, you have two clear choices. Spend another 6 months being miserable before starting your journey or do it now and feel bloody fabulous in six months time. It's a no-brainer, really.
Believe me when I say I understand. I weighed in at 22st 3lbs 3 weeks ago. That's two people, at least. I have spent 15 years on and off diets and I'm TIRED. It's now, or never. I am currently on day 25 of being 100% on plan and although I cannot yet physically see the changes, I feel them. I wake up feeling alive, and not like I need another ten hours sleep. I feel positive about myself. I know, KNOW, that this time I will do it for real. And I so wish you could feel this, because it's a buzz unlike any I could get from a bar of chocolate.
It's not necessarily easy, nothing worth having comes easily. But it's so worth it. And it's a damn site easier than living a half-life.
Do it. Do it now. Because you can X

Awesome advice and well done on your losses so far, fantastic :)
Okay.. I considered kid gloves but I've decided to go for the tough love approach. Apologies in advance if it isn't what you want :)

If you are miserable enough about your weight to plead for help then you are miserable enough to do something about it. So, do it. Don't get upset about it, don't waste your time berating yourself for re-gaining the weight you lost before, don't put your life on pause. Just do it. You know you can do it because you've done it before. If you can't go more than 24 hours then maybe you aren't quite as miserable about it as you think you are. But, hang on in there, give it another six months of self flagellation and you'll probably be ready then..
Or, just do it now. Give yourself a break. You are only human. Don't expect miracles, just expect that the weight WILL come off if you work at it. The way I see it, you have two clear choices. Spend another 6 months being miserable before starting your journey or do it now and feel bloody fabulous in six months time. It's a no-brainer, really.
Believe me when I say I understand. I weighed in at 22st 3lbs 3 weeks ago. That's two people, at least. I have spent 15 years on and off diets and I'm TIRED. It's now, or never. I am currently on day 25 of being 100% on plan and although I cannot yet physically see the changes, I feel them. I wake up feeling alive, and not like I need another ten hours sleep. I feel positive about myself. I know, KNOW, that this time I will do it for real. And I so wish you could feel this, because it's a buzz unlike any I could get from a bar of chocolate.
It's not necessarily easy, nothing worth having comes easily. But it's so worth it. And it's a damn site easier than living a half-life.
Do it. Do it now. Because you can X

Great post. This is the coversation I had with myself this morning. Time for me to stop sitting around scratching my backside feeling sorry for myself and time to get on with it. The time just slips away else. I know SW works and that I love the food and feel great and full of energy on it. Lets get on with it!!!

Exactly I could be sat here in 6 months still moaning about my weight in size 18s OR I could be sat here in 6 months a couple sizes down! Its in my hands, no one elses !