Need motivation


Full Member
I've been doing SW for 2 1/2 months now and at first I found it easy to stick to plan and lost 1.5 stone in 1 1/2 months but for the last 5 weeks all Ive lost is 4.5 lbs :(
I know exactly why, its because Im eating the wrong foods and only sticking to plan sometimes :( Im very lucky to have not put on really.
I really need to get back on it. I've set myself a mini goal to get my 2 stone award on Wednesday and I know I can loose the 2.5lbs if I stick to plan....
Just need some ideas on how I can keep myself on track and not sway off like I always do :(
Write everything down! I use the notes function on my phone and plan the next day out the night before, and then add to it or change it the next day, as needed!

Plan everything out u are going to eat, it seems easier that way. No guessing either, weigh n measure everything and don't guess syns.

Eat loads of fruit and veg

Do you have a dress or trousers or something to aim for to fit? Regard where I have got my inspiration from, I have a dress that I bought too small that I want to wear to a wedding on 11th june

Good luck, it will be fine, and minimims is here 24/7!
You've done so well, much better than me :). My motivation has been at an all time low this last two weeks but it's back with a vengeance now. I'm religiously writing everything down and I've cut my portion sizes of carbs right down. I've gone as far as replacing carbs with extra veg ie carrot and swede mashed instead of potato and extra veg in curries and mince. I even cooked curried cauli instead of rice! I admit to weighing very morning and my losses the last few days have been fantastic. I'm so so so pleased. Good luck :)
Some good advice here :)

I would also say along with planning, make sure you have plenty of free foods available - fruit, carrot sticks, free yoghurts - whatever free food you like to munch on. That way there is always something available when you fancy a snack that will help you resist the bad stuff.
I find I go off plan when I get bored. I seem to end up eating the same meals over and over again and I get fed up of it and go totally off plan. So my advice is to have a root through some of the magazines, check out the recepie threads on here and find some new things to try. It should help to re-invigorate your enthusiasm and hopefully give you the boost you need to get back on track.

Best of luck for the 2 stone!
Variety is the key, make sure you vary what you have each week, plenty of superfree available and theres no reason you can't stick to it :)