Need some advice.

I'm now in week 2, I lost 7lbs in week 1 which was great. This week my calorie meal in take has been lower so to make I have been making sure my overall calorie intake is ok, I have been having an extra snack. Well it looks like my weight has stabled doing this. My question is do I NEED to eat enough calories or shall I just stick the the 3-2-1 plan? I'm just worried in case my body goes in to starvation mode.
skinnytwinniemum said:
I use MFP. I'll just keep aiming for 1400 and under

I'm aiming for 1600 and I usually come under that. Add me if you want, toxicsgrl x
I try and stick to the 1360 cals, depending on what exercise I do I may have more, I'm on mfp clairevaughan x
On MFP when u add ur exercise it adds extra cals for u to have shoud u make sure ur net hits the right amount u have each day or make sure u hit ur food section??? xx