Nervous before weigh ins?


Silver Member
Why am i so nervous before weigh in? It's only week 6 but i should be used to it now surely :confused:

Honestly i love going to group but dread it at the same time, especially as i know i havn't been 100%

Anyone the same or do you not care?
I've been doing this since Sept and still get nervous. I just don't want to be disappointed when I get on the scales. I always worried that I hadn't lost even when I had been really good. I hit target last wk and now worried about staying at target!

I always make sure I am at class early so I can be one of the first to weigh so then I can relax :-s
Yeah always nervous, but I do have more of a laid back attitude to it now as I firmly believe sw is for life and if I gain or sts, it's just a wee blip on the journey. Whereas before I would get upset. xx
Yes I still get nervous at my weigh ins and i have been going since July .... and i even get on my accurate scales in the morning of the weigh in!!!!!
I've lost the weight slowly (0.5lb - 1.5lb pw) over the last 6 months and haven't really worried about it. It's more of a problem now that I'm at target trying to STS! Last week I lost 2lb without even "being particularly good".

I've been doing it since Sept 2009 and seem to get more nervous each week lol its such an important journey and what those scales say makes a diference to the route we are taking I suppose but this week when I was worried group wasn't going to be on because of the snow I hated the thought of not getting weighed and knowing what those scales said whatever the result!