NEW: 1lb a week Challenge

Boooooooo another n!!! Put another lb on!!
Yes 1.5 off !!!

Allure_ - Y Y

Baggiesles - Y Y N Y Y Y * N N Y Y N Y N N Y
CarlyLanky140 - * * * * * Y N
Chelemad - Y Y N
Fatal -
Jackieb68 - * * * Y Y N Y
Jensonbuttongirl - Y Y N N N N Y Y Y * Y N Y Y N Y *
Katj - Y N Y
Kizzib - N
Leanne641 - Y N Y Y N N Y Y * Y
LMO - * * Y Y Y Y Y *
Littlemissthin_17 - N N N N Y N
Lydia150970 - Y Y Y N Y * Y Y Y N Y N * N N N Y Y N N N N N Y Y N
Michbright - Y Y Y N Y Y * Y Y Y Y N N * Y Y
Michellethegooner - * * * * N Y Y Y Y Y * N Y Y Y N Y Y * N
Minxymoo - * * * * N N Y Y N N N Y Y N N Y * Y N Y N Y N Y Y * Y N N Y Y N N N
Missa!!! - Y Y
Mrsm79 - ** Y N N N
Nessa - Y Y Y Y Y
* Y Y Y Y Y * Y Y
Primegirl - * *
PunkStar -
Stokegal - Y Y
xxRebeccaxx - Y Y YTrefoil - Y Y N Y Y Y *
Y Zi-ann - Y Y Y N Y N Y
Y Y Y Y N *
Will update on Sunday :) well done Rebecca abs Baggiesles. Hugs minxy x
Please can someone give me a virtual kick up the ****!

I've not been counting my points, I have no idea how much I weight because I keep *forgetting* to get a new battery for my bathroom scales and I joined the gym 10 days ago but only been swimming once with the children, which doesn't really count because I was only splashing around with them for 15 minutes after I was in the water with my youngest for her swimming lesson.

Please, please, please someone motivate me to get going again! I have 17 weeks before we go on holiday to South Africa and my sister in law is a petite size 6 and even though I was a 14/16 when she last saw me and I'm now a size 12, I still have a wobbly tummy to her nice taught tummy, which doesn't bode well for going swimming. I already feel she and my brother in law look down on us as the poor relations and I just want to look good when I see her again. I know it's very shallow, but I just can't help it!

Anyway, rant over. I might actually steal my kitchen scale battery to put in my bathroom scale until I get round to buying a new battery...
Hugs Michbright and virtual kicks... just remember why u want to do it and have a challenge to get to a certain weight or into a certain item of clothing in 17 weeks :D and maybe a piccie on the fridge? Back to it petal x

Allure_ - Y Y
Baggiesles - Y Y N Y Y Y * N N Y Y N Y N N Y
CarlyLanky140 - * * * * * Y N
Chelemad - Y Y N
Fatal -
Jackieb68 - * * * Y Y N Y
Jensonbuttongirl - Y Y N N N N Y Y Y * Y N Y Y N Y
Katj - Y N Y
Kizzib - N
Leanne641 - Y N Y Y N N Y Y
* Y
* * Y Y Y Y Y *
Littlemissthin_17 - N N N N Y N
Lydia150970 - Y Y Y N Y * Y Y Y N Y N * N N N Y Y N N N N N Y Y N
Michbright - Y Y Y N Y Y * Y Y Y Y N N *
Michellethegooner - * * * * N Y Y Y Y Y * N Y Y Y N Y Y
* N
Minxymoo - * * * * N N Y Y N N N Y Y N N Y * Y N Y N Y N Y Y * Y N N Y Y N N N N
Missa!!! - Y Y
Mrsm79 - ** Y N N N
Nessa - Y Y Y Y Y
* Y Y Y Y Y * Y Y
stupid thing says this has too many characters?!? how?!?

list continued...
Primegirl - * *
PunkStar -
Stokegal - Y Y
Trefoil - Y Y N Y Y Y *
xxRebeccaxx - Y Y Y Y Y *
Zi-ann - Y Y Y N Y N Y * Y Y Y Y N
Another N for me last week .. Boo Hoo
It was an N from me I STS.
Hugs Michbright and virtual kicks... just remember why u want to do it and have a challenge to get to a certain weight or into a certain item of clothing in 17 weeks :D and maybe a piccie on the fridge? Back to it petal x

Thanks for this Carly. I especially need it today after a few particularly condescending comments from my sister in law this morning! Suffice it to say, she really showed her true colours today and she's so self-centred she can't even see that her comments are so unnecessary and so totally inconsiderate! Anyway, rant now over (again) and NO MORE COFFEE FOR ME because it raises my anxiety levels and I've had 3 cups today (it just tastes so nice)!!

I weighed myself this morning and it's most definitely a no for me, but that's okay because I've only put on 1.6kg in the weeks that I've fallen off the wagon so I'm not too upset.

I've been tracking today and have stayed within points. Yay me! Onwards and downwards from now on and I'll focus on the positives of my holiday, like seeing my family who are not shallow or condescending at all.
That's awful of your sister in law :( oh dear :( big hugs and think of the hols :D

Allure_ - YY

CarlyLanky140 - *****YN
Chelemad - YYN
Fatal -
Jackieb68 - ***YYNY
Jensonbuttongirl - YYNNNNYYY*YNYYNY
Katj - YNY
Kizzib - N
Leanne641 - YNYYNNYY
Littlemissthin_17 - NNNNYN
Michbright - YYYNYY*YYYYNN*
Michellethegooner - ****NYYYYY*NYYYNYY*N

Last edited:
Missa!!! - YY
Mrsm79 - **YNNN
Nessa - YYYYY
Primegirl - **
PunkStar -
Stokegal - YY
Trefoil - YYNYYY*
xxRebeccaxx - YYYYY*
A yes for me another pound gone;)
Edited above - well done xx
1.5 off for me this week. so a Y please, not quite the full gain from holiday, but 13.5 to go till goal and 10 weeks to do it in!
Back on track a Y for me please
Well done both :) will update tonight x
A Y for me please .. finally back on track :)
Well done will update when I get chance x