New Decade, New Me

I'm Bethany. I was born twenty years ago, I began to diet eleven years ago... Wow that seems a really long time when I look back. Today I took the first step and contacted my local LLC and discovered, to my delight, that my consultation would actually take place tomorrow. (I do so love prompt people <3). I'm scared out of my mind because I have a major pepsi and diet-coke addiction and almost find I'm more worried about cutting that out than I am cutting out food =/ I'm sure that's a little strange but right now food doesn't really taste good to me anyway. According to my parents I gorge all day but don't even seem aware of it. Fingers crossed I can replace the pepsi bottle for water and the gorging for self-esteem.

So here I am, right at the beginning of my LL journey and all set to face whatever stuff comes my way. I know for the first two weeks it's going to be really hard whilst my body gets in to Ketosis but I can't help but think: two weeks of really hard graft and about ten or eleven months of semi-hard graft for sixty to seventy years of happiness and health and not wanting to hide in my bedroom? Bargain.

Wish my luck!
Welcome Bethany!! Good luck for your meeting tomorrow :)

You're absolutely right: the diet is not easy and it is a big committment, but the trade-off is amazing. Make the most of the counselling as well, it can be quite the journey of self-discovery.

All the best and let us know how it goes!
it is amazing how one little can of water, artificial sugar and caffeine can make us so addicted. I was the same as you. I had a Pepsi Max everyday - sometimes more than that. But I am now 5 months without any at all. It was hard - but actually once you get over the first few days it becomes easy. if you use the water flavourings - it makes it much easier. I also had plenty of sparkling water with lemon LL flavouring and it tastes like lemonade. it really helped. Now I just have water and I am perfectly happy.

Good luck with your meeting. Don't be put off by what anyone else says. Be aware that you have done your research and know what the diet takes. if other people make you question yourself - just ignore them. You will be fine and by next summer you will be strutting your stuff on the beach (weather permitting!)
Thank you for all the support and welcomes! And nzmegs that suggestion over lemon and sparkling water might just save me from going completely and utterly insane. I've only been off the Pepsi a day already (thought I'd tackle that before I got to the foodpacks) and am already getting the headache and the shakes.

I went to my consultation this evening and just have to get my form signed... I can start on Monday next week so I'm all ready to start shedding the pounds. My LLC is really lovely and didn't even look embarrased when I asked about the possibly effects on my bowel movements :sign0131:
Doctors >_>

So my Doctor flat out refused to sign the form as it's "Practice Policy" but thankfully, with a little help from the rather wonderful pharmacist at Superdrug, I now have a signed form all ready to go :D I don't understand Doctors sometimes. In the same breath as he told me he couldn't sign the form he told me to come back in a month because my blood pressure was higher than it should be!!!!
OMG - the world is crazy. Go back and show how much you have lost and what your BP is in a month and you will be able to rub it in their faces...
so it's day one... and i'm struggling already. i really wish that i weren't but i am. the porridge made me gag but the chicken soup was okay =/ i've got pasta carbonara for dinner and i'm gonna have a shake in the evening but yeah. this is hard.
The first few days are the hardest. Once you get into ketosis you might still have mental battles but any physical hunger will be gone, which makes it much easier. Over time you will find which packs you like and which ones you don't (and your tastes may change as well). Will your LLC let you swap some? Mine did and it made life a lot easier as there were some I went off. Hang in there!
i can't swap until saturday though i might give her a ring tomorrow if i find i really can't stomach anything =/ i tried the pasta and have just spent the last hour gargling to try and get rid of the taste of it =( this is not going well. i've only got the shake to go so fingers crossed i might like that... really hoping my taste buds get a bit less choosy. thanks so much for the words of support <3
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Please don't give up. We have heard this time and time again - people hate the food at first and then after a few days they settle down. Just like magic, your tastebuds learn to accept the difference and your hunger magically disappears. Right now your body is craving carbs and sugar and doesn't know what to do with the food it is getting,. Your brain is rebelling. But remember that you are in charge and your body will fall into line in no time.

Try to read some of the stories from other diaries and see how people coped in those first few days. Just don't give up because you will never forgive yourself. But also take care of yourself. Don't try to do too much and treat yourself to relaxing things like reading or baths.

IN terms of the food try some of these tips: mix a little vanilla shake powder into your porridge and use an electric whisk to get it nice and smooth. Try whizzing up a shake with plenty of ice in a blender. The vanilla is the most palatable. Try adding a shot of coffee for a frappe, use extra water with the carbonara - most people find it too thick, use less water with the soups as they can be a little tasteless - add extra salt or a broth mix powder to liven it up. Just experiment for a few days until you find what you like best.

Personally, i like he shakes best and especially vanilla. I could drink vanilla shakes all day but only ice cold and really thick with crushed ice. Try using a straw too because it avoid you having to take big mouthfuls.

Well done for getting through the first day. it is all downhill from here!
thank you so much for all the advice nzmegs! i've just had my shake and of all the stuff i've had it's definitely my fav. one, i don't feel sick. and two, there's no after taste!! yayy!!! i did the chocolate one all whizzed up with the ice and it was so nice. are we actually allowed to just have the shakes? because just to get through this first week i think it might be the best thing for me...
Absolutely - you can have all shakes if you want to. Maybe focus on them for now and just try one new thing each day to see what else you might like. Another nice combination is a chocolate shake made up with cold peppermint tea. It is really yummy! I find the banana shakes a little strange, but the strawberry ones are great.
First off: thanks for ALL the support. I doubt I'd be writing this without it.

I'm almost at the end of week one, got weigh-in tomorrow. Have discovered I LOVE the chocolate shakes crushed up with a load of ice and vanilla porridge so looks like they're gonna be a staple for me. I get to try the bars this week so fingers crossed they'll turn in to my treat <3 I've been having trouble with the water but fingers crossed that should get easier.
How was your weigh in??
Had my second weigh in tonight. Another 4lb gone which is incredible but this week has been tough. I've been feeling really down in the dumps and missing all the comfort that food used to bring me when i got stressed or sad. I've had a few wobbly moments of thinking "I can't do this" but hoping that things will start to get easier again sooner rather than later. My Mum's been brilliant with telling me not to beat myself up for feeling a little down but I can't help it really. I just feel pathetic that I'm losing all this weight and yet I'm still not happy.
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This is really common. it is a bit like a bereavement - you start to feel like you miss those old foods. but you need to remember that it is mental - not physical. Your body does not need those foods, but your mind is telling you that you want them. Thee are so many associations we place on eating as well. you might feel you are missing out on time spent with friends, doing the old routines, relaxings in the old ways. You need to find replacements for all those things. make sure you are still hanging out with your friends, get a new hobby, learn something new, start walking. Anything to find a new habit to replace the lost food habit.
Beleive me, in a few days you will start to feel better. the feeling down thing will come and go, but having strategies to cope with it is a great place to start.
I think, without you nzmegs, I would have given up at about day three. I just want you to know that I really appreciate all the support and knowing that I'm definitely not the only one whos been through this stuff makes it just that little bit easier to deal with <3 You're utterly wonderful.

Am thinking I might take up pilates as a new hobby. I always used to enjoy it when I was younger so there's no reason I shouldn't find it as relaxing now :D
Oh, thankyou! We all need someone to offer us that extra little bit of motivation. I used to do pilates as well. I had one of those machines - but i sold it before I lost the weight becuase i wasn't using it as often as I should have. Now I am wishing I kept it as t would really help with the toning I need to do. Even as an overweight person, pilates really toned me and made a big difference to my overall well being. I think that if you have the time, go for it. Just take note of how exercising makes you feel, if you get hungry, if you feel more positive or more tired. Exercising isn't compulsory on LL and if it isn't right for you, don't do it. Focus on the diet as the number one priority.
Well today I'm off to test the exercise! I'm going bowling with my best friend so it should be a really good laugh. Bless her heart she's already said she's gone on a diet as an excuse for us not to have to go out for lunch afterwards. I know she's lying because of something on her facebook but I will play dumb cos it's so sweet of her to make it sound like her decision!