New girl-Gayle's Diary - all help and support welcome please. xxx

Well today I have done aqua aerobics i really am not a one for exercise but i have joined a fitness club with a pool and i am really enjoying it plus working from home all the time it makes a nice change seeing other people, I done 45 mins aqua aerobics today it was good fun then back home to take little one to nursery then worked for a couple of hours while he is at nursery.

Breakfast - Banana and harvest morn cereal bars x2 (B)
Lunch - omelet with onion peppers and mushroom

not decided on dinner yet I don't get my food shopping until tomorrow so will have to see what i can come up with x

So what did you have for dinner??
I have had a couple of glasses of wine this week I would rather have that than crisps and chocolate, besides red wine is good for you isnt it? lol If I don't have a loss this week then I will have to give it up I suppose but then I don't use all my syns, oh it just feels soooo naughty xx
So what did you have for dinner??
I have had a couple of glasses of wine this week I would rather have that than crisps and chocolate, besides red wine is good for you isnt it? lol If I don't have a loss this week then I will have to give it up I suppose but then I don't use all my syns, oh it just feels soooo naughty xx

Red wine is defo good for you he he, the only thing with me is if i have 1 glass then it leads to 2 and before i know it the bottle has gone and then i get the munchies so i loss the plot ha ha. but you are really good and don't snack on choc and crisps etc, looking at your food diary you will defo of lost this week. Well dinner last night was another story I had a dog groomer come round to cut the dog and it was a nightmare the dog (scooby) went nuts so ended up sitting on the floor holding it while she tried to cut it, 3 hrs later i just looked in cupboards to see what i could find for free and ended up having a batchelors savoury thai style rice ( i think that is free) and i was surprised it was lovely. Just been to asda and done the food shop and bought loads of lovely free stuff I got some of them Mug shots to try, 2 more sleeps for weigh day for me really hope i have a loss 2lb would be lovely. x
Just finished work it was so busy Everyone must be sick of this weather and want a holiday lol, not had much time to cook today so just shouted instructions to the hubby ha ha,

Food diary today
Breakfast - banana
Lunch - mugshot and apple
dinner - chicken breast topped with mushroom,onion and 42g (a) motzerella melted on top with veg (the hubby made it, it was lovely)
2x (b) alpen light
Weigh day for me tomorrow and i feel so bloated today really will be surprised if i have a loss this wk, been so busy this week looking forward to a chill out weekend.

Food today so far

Breakfast - Banana and 2 x (B) alpen light bars
Lunch- Mugshot and apple and satsuma
Dinner- Steak with vegetables and salad potatoes.


Good luck for tomorrow I am sure you have done well :D I too feel a bit bloated this week but if I don't lose its my own fault as I had a friend round for drinks and got carried away !! I am hoping that I had enough syns left to get away with it but that might be wishful thinking:sigh: I really need to be good til my Monday weigh in xx
Woop woop i lost 2lb this week so thats 8.5lb in 2 weeks, thank you so much for your support it is really helping me, really thought i would of not lost anything this week as i felt so bloated, I really thought i had messed up when i went totally off plan lat sat at the meal but just go's to show if we have a bad day just start again the next day. You have been so good this week with your syns i am sure you will be fine. Taking the kids swimming soon will updates food diary later x
WHOOOHOOOOO !!!! WELL DONE YOU I am working all weekend but will update my diary tonight when I finish, I think I may have blown mine on my girly drinkie night but will be glad of anything, I am deffo not drinking next week xxxxxx
Just been reading your diary. 8.5lbs in 2 weeks is fantastic. well done to sticking to plan. AQlso well done for joining a gym. I am no good sticking to exercise, I try but get bored and give up. However, I try to walk every day even it is just waking to the shops nearest 15 minutes walk.
WHOOOHOOOOO !!!! WELL DONE YOU I am working all weekend but will update my diary tonight when I finish, I think I may have blown mine on my girly drinkie night but will be glad of anything, I am deffo not drinking next week xxxxxx

I am sure you will be fine,look at me last Sat night i never expected a loss this week but just got back on plan the next day must of helped and i am sure it will be the same for you. keeping everything crossed for you, don't work to hard. xxx
Just been reading your diary. 8.5lbs in 2 weeks is fantastic. well done to sticking to plan. AQlso well done for joining a gym. I am no good sticking to exercise, I try but get bored and give up. However, I try to walk every day even it is just waking to the shops nearest 15 minutes walk.

Hi and thanks for reading my diary, I am over the moon with 8.5 lb in 2 weeks, i am really enjoying the diet so far. I am the same as you i don't really like exercise and find the gym boring but i don't mind swimming, the only reason i joined the club was because it has a pool and they also do lots of classes, I only do swimming and aqua aerobics they do lots of aerobic and spin classes on land that are free with your membership but i am sticking to water or i might have a heart attack ha ha. Good luck on your journey 1st 6.5lb loss is amazing. x
Well not had a good weekend, we had a takeaway on Sat night and I was going to just have 1 glass of wine yesterday but that turned into a bottle of wine and I had a few picky bits, anyway I feel really bad about it this morning and i am so going to get back on track today, there is nothing better than the feeling when you have been good and i am not going to undo all my hard work for the last 2 weeks. I will just have to try and cut back on my syns this week and see how i go.
Well all motivated again today just attempting to make a slimming world quiche it's in the oven just hope it turns out ok, it smells nice so hope thats a good sign. will update later on how it turns out. x
Well got to say my quiche was bloody lovely, I will defo make that again, I decided to have a green day today this is what I had today.

Food diary today
Breakfast - 2 alpen lighs (b)
lunch - slimmingworld quiche with salad (a) motzerella 42g on quiche
Dinner - jacket potato with salad and 42g motzerella (b)

No exersice today I have been working and I have had 0 syns today trying to pay them back from the weekend.

Well all motivated again today just attempting to make a slimming world quiche it's in the oven just hope it turns out ok, it smells nice so hope thats a good sign. will update later on how it turns out. x
That is the right attitude going back on the paln straight away when you have been a bit naughty. Mind you I think it is this miserable weather that making us want to eat.
How did you make your quiche.x

Hi I got the recipe off here, I whisked 4 eggs together then I added in 250g of good for u cottage. Cheese with chives and whisked together with the eggs, I chopped some onion,pepper,mushroom and fried them in fry light then added them to the flan dish and poorer over the eggs&cottage cheese mix and spread it evenly, put in the oven on 200c and bake for 20mins then added motzerella 42g (a) and back in the oven for another 10mins, (I added 42g of motzerella on one side of the quiche and 42g on the other side and had half yesterday and half today and counted it as (a) on both days, I took some pics but not sure how to upload them, but it was really lovely. You could always add bacon etc. xxx