New Jeans!


Full Member
Hi Everyone,

I thought I would write some positive news for all those that are having a struggle, feeling a bit poop and missing food. I had a terrible day last saturday - all I could think about was food and how I was missing out on so much but a week on and guess what, I am so glad I got through it, stuck to TS 100% and I got my reward this week.

I went to next to buy new jeans and instead of my usual 18 - slouch jeans I got a size 14 skinny jeans. Okay so I am still not in my topshop skinnies but I was delighted!!

Just battle through the hard times, you will get reward it for it if you dont cave. Its not just about the number game on your scales. Keep up the hard work everyone.
Thank you for sharing this. I've been delaying my starting of exante but your post has motivated me! there's NOTHING like the feeling of putting on new, smaller, jeans. Such a simple act, but hugely significant for you. You're right, it's not simply about the numbers on the weighing scales, but your own perceptions of your changing self. Can I ask tall are you? Thanks for posting...
Thanks for posting. It's so rewarding isn't it? Ive a small dress in my cupboard brand new that I want to fit into. Hopefully my day will come soon :)
Wow that's amazing, I'm busting out of my 18s at the mo and dying to get to 14s - thanks for the inspiration :) well done x
Aw thanks guys, I was delighted. Actually sittining here in my new jeans now feeling very happy :) All of you - your day will also come!! Ive still a way to go but you cant beat that feeling of getting slimmer and wearing clothes you like!

mhorag - Im 5ft 5.