new please help

well done so far :D i only have 2 tablets a day as always miss tablets (oops) i am feeling full more often too. thou do get peckish late at night still but instead of raiding the fridge for a massive snack i usually just grab a piece of fruit and full again :D

side effects are not good but least it shows that the tablets are working for you :D
Hi Shelley!

Oooh - I think we all have a person like your friend!! There's always a know it all isn't there!!

I'm doing ok so far, I've had a few wobbles, Christmas and inexplicably last weekend was a nightmare, but I've got myself back on track. I'm finding that the fear of the side effects is keeping me on the straight and narrow, so lunches for me at work tend to be cottage cheese and ryvitas, or some of my soup, (which I seem to make in a vast couldron, because there's always loads!!) and chicken/fish with salad/veg for tea.

I wouldn't have thought 4 months ago that a few ryvitas and cottage cheese would keep me satisfied from lunch until tea, I would have had a whole host of other things to accompany it, not because I needed to, or even wanted to, but because I "just did"!