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Hi Everyone

I am now entering day 4 of the Lipotrim TFR and have to say feel good that I have stuck at it and feel alot less bloated. Weigh in day is Wednesday so here goes the weekend and hope I enter ketosis soon and start burning lots of fat.
Well done on getting this far - I'm on Day 4 too, it'sdifficult but SO worth it!! :)

Hope you keep us updated on all of your success!!
I'm back on Lipotrim for a planned 2nd stint. Im currently on day 4. I lost 16 lb on 3 weeks on Lipotrim TFR & then 1 week of refeed last time & have managed to maintain for over a month now so I've decided to do another 3 weeks & then refeed again to hopefully tick off another stone of my blubber!

I have 2 stone to loose to get to what I'm told is my goal. I personally don't care about what the scales say I weigh at the end of the day it's about how I feel & just regaining some confidence & feeling better generally.

I am finding the first 4 days tougher this time than last, so have decided to come back on here for support as live looking at peoples success stories. Keep up the good work ladies & here if I can be if any help to anyone x
And gents! :0)
Lots of people on day four..good luck to you all.
Thanks :0) you too!