Step 1 Sole Source New team HARDCORE HOTTIES!!!

Read a blog earlier of woman moaning about only losing 1lb this week. She is doing SS+ and having bread roll with her 200 cal meal every night because she is so hungry *facepalm*

Oh my god and I've gained 1lb sticking to 810 to the letter!! If I'd had bread imagine how much I'd gain!!!
Madness. I found cd much harder when taking the pill. Not sure why?
Glad you slept better Cazza.

Can't believe you've gained a pound, Sal - that's really annoying. I'm heading for only a pound off this week despite SS-ing, grrr - unless something miraculous happens overnight.

Bread rolls. Mutter mutter. :mad: Doesn't that blogger realise it's the bread rolls that are making her hungry? :confused:
Having an SS+ day. Won't put details here but will update blog later. Feel like i am being really really really naughty, but Im actually being really good and sticking strictly to SS+ allowances, it just feels naughty as I am in a restaurant for the first time this year!!!!
Another SS day in Lily-ville. :) What's that, day 31??

Weigh day tomorrow. Not expecting a huge loss but I'm definitely getting slimmer, so who really cares? A friend who hasn't seen me since before Christmas could tell straightaway that I'd lost weight and said I was much thinner in the face. :D

Maybe tomorrow I'll see about wearing those jeans I tried on last weekend. The ones I'm wearing are starting to feel very baggy. :)
Having an SS+ day. Won't put details here but will update blog later. Feel like i am being really really really naughty, but Im actually being really good and sticking strictly to SS+ allowances, it just feels naughty as I am in a restaurant for the first time this year!!!!

Read your blog. Sounds like a great choice! :)
I've also made the decision once and for all to come off the pill. I've had a period for most of January and I feel drained. Also I have no way of knowing if something is wrong other than relying on the smear, because of this erratic bleeding. By the sounds of it I'm one of the ones this pill doesn't work for. Most people have no periods at all. I'm also wondering if it'll help my weight loss. Anyway, I'm not due back to see the nurse until the end of Feb so I'll come off have a pill free month and demand to go back on my old pill which was lovely!!

Sounds like a good idea. No one can say you haven't tried to get on with the mini-pill (it is the mini pill, isn't it? Or have I mis-remembered?). If you've had a period most of the month your hormones and your water balance must be all over the place. A pill-free month might make all the difference.
So... I decided I wanted to start doing some exercise. Nothing too mental - I can only commit to exercise if it is something I enjoy, and it is tough finding classes or time to go to the gym when you are working full time and have a child the rest of the time!!!

I used to kickbox and do ju jitsu with my ex many years ago. Had to give it up when I fell pregnant (took a ju jitsu grading at 16 weeks pregnant and that was enough for me!!!!). Wanted to get back in to it since, but never managed it due to single parenthood and the related childcare issues that go with it!

Anyway... Chloe has been doing martial arts club at school and loves it, so I thought I would look for a martial arts club maybe where the was a kids lesson followed by an adult lesson... and stumbled across one that has a family class!!!! So adults and kids train together (though they split you up so you don't beat up small kids!!!!). Going along on Wednesday to a trial lesson - we get 2 free trial lessons! So excited, can't wait!!!! Unsure how my arm is going to cope with it, but hoping a bit of exercise might actually do it some good. Will find out soon enough I am sure!!!

In an unrelated matter - serious issues continue in the poop department... Might have to resort to giving the suppositories a try! My sister has a whole jar of Psyllium husks she os going to let me have, hoping they improve the situation... bought some constipation tablets that promised to sort the issue overnight... they lied!!!!! Sorry, probably far too much tmi. Long story short I am rather uncomfortable...

Lily - was well chuffed with my find! Nice to know there is an SS+ option available out there with the least amount of awkwardness!!!
Yep. :) It's an SS+ option I've taken myself in the past. Glad you had a chance to feel 'normal'-ish.

Sorry to hear about the bunged-up-ness. Have you run out of Movicol now? I find Dulcolax pretty fierce (tummy cramps are soooo pleasant) but I nearly always go for them because they work - I only ever need to take one little pill and job's a good 'un 8-12 hours later. ;)
In preparation for visiting the nurse next month I've started checking my blood pressure again so I can prove its raised only at the surgery, and there's no reason I can't go back on my old pill. I've found out a reason why it was so high when I first went. I put the medium cuff on this afternoon and my blood pressure was sky high I mean majorly bad for me - 160/114 bad. I started to panic that it was high but my friend who's a doctor told me to put the large cuff on and try again before I panic too much, sure enough it was perfectly normal at 121/69. He then told me that if the cuff is too small it gives a false high reading. I suspect that the nurse used the medium cuff the first time. Last time I told her I'd put on weight and I'd need the bigger cuff so the reading was normal. You'd think a qualified nurse would know that. All the ones I work with do. So at least I don't have to worry about my blood pressure, just the practice nurses competence!

As for my diet, back to SSing again! May have the odd SS+ day but no higher, not yet! I've got too much weight left to lose to be messing about. I'm not going to weigh every day either if I can possibly help it. Seeing gains does not help me at all, so if I don't weigh every day, hopefully I won't see these fluctuations. I know this is just common sense because I'm easily swayed by the scales.

Anyway for the first time since I started, and almost certainly brought on by the gain I saw this morning, I've had an overwhelming urge to binge all day. I've avoided it so far!!! I was meant to be meeting the girls after work in the pub for drinks, it often involves getting pub grub and when I agreed I was feeling string and sure I'd be fine. But when I finished work I called and cancelled because I'd have given in and we all know where I'd have ended up. So I'm home in bed watching NCIS drinking extra water. The life of a rock star huh?
Sounds like a good idea. No one can say you haven't tried to get on with the mini-pill (it is the mini pill, isn't it? Or have I mis-remembered?). If you've had a period most of the month your hormones and your water balance must be all over the place. A pill-free month might make all the difference.

Yeah I figured it could be why I'm feeling so bloated and sluggish, it might not be 810 at all. Hoping a pill free month will sort me out. Yep it's mini pill it's the work of the devil!!!
Still taking the movicol, it just isn't getting things moving (vaguely remember this happening before). So might have to give the dulcolax a go. It's that or Picolax :eek: (if you have never had picolax - or even if you have - this is one of the funniest things I have ever read!!! Singletrack Magazine | The Picolax Thread Returns)
Oh. My. God. :D :8855: :cry:

Thank you! Best laugh I've had in days!
I spent 10 days in hospital about this time last year on lots of morphine and tramadol and no lactulose :mad: they then wouldn't let me leave hospital until I had performed and threatened me with Picolax... I googled it and found that! Was enough to quite literally "scare the sh!t out of me!" and I was spared an encounter with Agent Picolax :D
In preparation for visiting the nurse next month I've started checking my blood pressure again so I can prove its raised only at the surgery, and there's no reason I can't go back on my old pill. I've found out a reason why it was so high when I first went. I put the medium cuff on this afternoon and my blood pressure was sky high I mean majorly bad for me - 160/114 bad. I started to panic that it was high but my friend who's a doctor told me to put the large cuff on and try again before I panic too much, sure enough it was perfectly normal at 121/69. He then told me that if the cuff is too small it gives a false high reading. I suspect that the nurse used the medium cuff the first time. Last time I told her I'd put on weight and I'd need the bigger cuff so the reading was normal. You'd think a qualified nurse would know that. All the ones I work with do. So at least I don't have to worry about my blood pressure, just the practice nurses competence!

As for my diet, back to SSing again! May have the odd SS+ day but no higher, not yet! I've got too much weight left to lose to be messing about. I'm not going to weigh every day either if I can possibly help it. Seeing gains does not help me at all, so if I don't weigh every day, hopefully I won't see these fluctuations. I know this is just common sense because I'm easily swayed by the scales.

Anyway for the first time since I started, and almost certainly brought on by the gain I saw this morning, I've had an overwhelming urge to binge all day. I've avoided it so far!!! I was meant to be meeting the girls after work in the pub for drinks, it often involves getting pub grub and when I agreed I was feeling string and sure I'd be fine. But when I finished work I called and cancelled because I'd have given in and we all know where I'd have ended up. So I'm home in bed watching NCIS drinking extra water. The life of a rock star huh?

Ah, the scourge of daily weighing. :( I know, I was most aggrieved to see the scales stuck at 14st 13lbs this morning. A lousy pound off - that's all I'm going to see this week? :sigh:

So you never actually had high blood pressure, huh? Wish I could say I'm surprised but I'm not. That's how I ended up coming off the pill. Went for a routine check up and my BP was up a bit (I was a bit stressed, my mother had just been diagnosed with terminal cancer) so they told me to come back and have it checked by the nurse. The practice nurse had a student nurse with her and she made the student do it with a proper manual sphygmomanometer. Now, I used to be a nurse - I know what to "feel" for when my blood pressure is being taken. The student duly pumped up the cuff and set to work and a few seconds later brightly declared that my blood pressure was still 140/100. Except I'd been watching the meter and I know it wasn't - I know when I felt my pulse come back in and it was a lot lower than 100. So I said so, asked if the practice nurse herself would retake it and she refused. :mad: We've got a sphyg at home - I know my BP wasn't high.

But I left the surgery that day without any pills and never went back on it (and didn't go back to have my BP checked again either). Funnily enough though, it didn't turn out to be a problem - my periods have been regular ever since (that's why I went on the pill in the first place cos I had such irregular periods and never knew when I was going to come on).
Well new tablets allowed me a full nights sleep! That hasnt happened in some time. Just tucking in to first product of the day - maple pecan porridge. 2 litres and 4 giant coffees down already (been a bit slack in fluid department last couple of days so making more effort).

Read a blog earlier of woman moaning about only losing 1lb this week. She is doing SS+ and having bread roll with her 200 cal meal every night because she is so hungry *facepalm*

Hi Cazza, posted on your diary glad you are feeling better going to catch up on everyone's posts on here x

Makes you laugh eating a bread roll!
Well I went on the scales this morning for the first time since wi and I've gained 1lb, so that's absolutely the final nail in 810's coffin. I'm not doing it anymore!!! I have to wonder if I'll ever be able to actually eat food again? If I can gain weight eating allowed food.

I don't know.... I'm one month in and can't complain about the weight ocelots so far, but that 1lb gain seems like a massive step back over.

I've also made the decision once and for all to come off the pill. I've had a period for most of January and I feel drained. Also I have no way of knowing if something is wrong other than relying on the smear, because of this erratic bleeding. By the sounds of it I'm one of the ones this pill doesn't work for. Most people have no periods at all. I'm also wondering if it'll help my weight loss. Anyway, I'm not due back to see the nurse until the end of Feb so I'll come off have a pill free month and demand to go back on my old pill which was lovely!!

Sorry to hear you have put on a pound on 810! Sorry to hear about your periods I had to have a hysterectomy so don't have periods but know what it feels like to bleed continually for months on end which is really draining! Hope you sort this out hun!
Another SS day in Lily-ville. :) What's that, day 31??

Weigh day tomorrow. Not expecting a huge loss but I'm definitely getting slimmer, so who really cares? A friend who hasn't seen me since before Christmas could tell straightaway that I'd lost weight and said I was much thinner in the face. :D

Maybe tomorrow I'll see about wearing those jeans I tried on last weekend. The ones I'm wearing are starting to feel very baggy. :)

You sound like me Lily having to look at the calendar to see what day I am on!

Great attitude to have about your potential loss this week! Great your clothes are getting baggy!
So... I decided I wanted to start doing some exercise. Nothing too mental - I can only commit to exercise if it is something I enjoy, and it is tough finding classes or time to go to the gym when you are working full time and have a child the rest of the time!!!

I used to kickbox and do ju jitsu with my ex many years ago. Had to give it up when I fell pregnant (took a ju jitsu grading at 16 weeks pregnant and that was enough for me!!!!). Wanted to get back in to it since, but never managed it due to single parenthood and the related childcare issues that go with it!

Anyway... Chloe has been doing martial arts club at school and loves it, so I thought I would look for a martial arts club maybe where the was a kids lesson followed by an adult lesson... and stumbled across one that has a family class!!!! So adults and kids train together (though they split you up so you don't beat up small kids!!!!). Going along on Wednesday to a trial lesson - we get 2 free trial lessons! So excited, can't wait!!!! Unsure how my arm is going to cope with it, but hoping a bit of exercise might actually do it some good. Will find out soon enough I am sure!!!

In an unrelated matter - serious issues continue in the poop department... Might have to resort to giving the suppositories a try! My sister has a whole jar of Psyllium husks she os going to let me have, hoping they improve the situation... bought some constipation tablets that promised to sort the issue overnight... they lied!!!!! Sorry, probably far too much tmi. Long story short I am rather uncomfortable...

Lily - was well chuffed with my find! Nice to know there is an SS+ option available out there with the least amount of awkwardness!!!

Cazza family classes sound like they could be fun! You are going to out me to shame have not started any exercise yet but have thought about it! But not sure that counts!

Sorry about toilet dept again Hun! The husk just adds bulk Hun by the sounds off it you need to clear the offending issue and then soften it with some form of softener! ( hope that makes sense) and I don't mean comfort or Lenox! Lol x