New to the Forums


Full Member
Hi everyone. I am new to these forums, just joined today, but I'm not new to weight-loss. I have lost over three stone already on The New You Plan, which is a total food replacement diet, but I am starting tonight on Slimming World, as I want to learn to control my weight using normal foods. I tried Weight Watchers many years ago but I have never tried Slimming World, although I have heard a lot of good things about it. From what I read, it seems like they eat an awful lot, especially compared to total food replacement diets! I am going to my first meeting tonight with my daughter. Wish me luck!
Hiya welcome and good luck! I have lost 3.5 stone in the past 2 years doing weight watchers and a calorie controlled diet but last thursday i joined slimming world and although it took me a day to understand it i feel absolutely amazing as you do eat a lot as everything i love is free! Let me know how you get off tonight! :)
Hiya. Firstly I want to congratulate you on the fantastic weight loss. I have just started slimming world two weeks ago and I love it so far. Plus this site has helped me alot aswell, with recipes and syn values and inspiration of course!
Good luck for tonight :D
Good luck at your meeting tonight and with carrying on your amazing weight loss.
I've been doing slimming world 3 weeks now and love it. I find it easy to follow and like having syns so I can enjoy the odd treat. There are loads of recipes and ideas on here x
Hi everyone! Thank you so much for all your greetings. I got on fine at the meeting last night. SW seems like a sensible diet plan to follow. Seems like you could follow it for life, not just to lose weight! I am still a bit scared of food at the moment, after being on Total Food Replacement for about three months. There is a lot to think about, but I am already enjoying the feeling of being in control and making my own choices. I just have to be very careful not to get too carried away! LOL:D
Thanks for all your support guys, great to hear from you all. Good luck! :D