new to this site be gentle


Full Member
:wave_cry: hi everyone I joined slimming world 9th of Jan and have to say as far as diets go this is by far the easiest plan to follow... my aim!! to run around after and with my 6 year old son and do fun stuff fo hours without getting puffed out!! my starting weight was 21st 10.5lb and I was horrified to see the scales after years of struggling woth my weight I WILL beat this battle and be truly happy and healthy its my weigh in day tomorrow and as I have lost 10.5 lbs so far I am hoping I have managed to get 3.5lb off this week to get my 1st stone :)... does anyone know how I do the icon thingy to show my progress under my posts??
If you click into the offtopic section there's a thread in there where you can copy and paste the little pics into your signature in the UserCP.

Well done on your loss so far! Inspiring!