New Year... New Start - onwards and downwards.

Ok well I shall do that in future then :)

Starting to get a bit nervous about getting my legs waxed now... is that silly!? I just don't really know what to expect. I've got a long top on that comes to a bit above my knees and leggings so I can still have some sense of dignity when I have to take my bottoms off lol

I really fancy getting dressed up! Nice dress, go out to a nice bar, dinner etc. Nothing to dress up for these days lol
I didn't get my eyebrows done, she wouldn't do them. Well said she could try but they weren't long enough and based on that being 2 weeks worth I need to leave it and come back in 3 weeks or it won't grip the hairs properly to pull them out. Don't think I'll bother! Doubt want to wait that long and have hairy legs, bad enough now!
Ok well I shall do that in future then :)

Starting to get a bit nervous about getting my legs waxed now... is that silly!? I just don't really know what to expect. I've got a long top on that comes to a bit above my knees and leggings so I can still have some sense of dignity when I have to take my bottoms off lol

I really fancy getting dressed up! Nice dress, go out to a nice bar, dinner etc. Nothing to dress up for these days lol

Take 2 ibuprofen tablets 2 hours before your waxing. It really helps.
I manage a spa and we always recommend it to our clients. :)
That's what I was need about 3 weeks of growth minimum before they can be waxed, that is the main drawback of waxing, but after waxing they grow back softer and lighter so that makes the wait a bit more bearable. Introducing a new system is never easy. I reckon just don't shave a month before your holiday, worth putting up with to have lovely smooth legs on your holiday, then just go back to shaving.
Nope. She did a little test patch and said that she could try if I wanted to but didn't recommend it. Apparently I have quite fine hairs and they're surprisingly short for 2 weeks of growth.

She said that apparentlythere are 3 stages of hair growth and so it isn't until you've waxed all 3 of them that you start seeing the lasting smoothness. So people who come in and get it done just before their holiday are disappointed that they're stubbly soon after but it's a different stage of growth.

So based on that I'm just better off shaving for my holiday as I normally do. Otherwise it's 3 waxes to get them staying smooth at, she thinks for me, 5-6 weeks apart so the hairs would grow back long enough. So that's 15-18 weeks, holiday is 19 weeks away so would have to start now! Just seems far too much hassle to be honest, I'll just stick with shaving. That said, cut my ankle shaving this afternoon and anyone would have thought i'd sliced my Achilles open at the rate it was bleeding!
I know, I didn't realise either! I knew you had to leave it a while so they were long enough but you'd think in this day and age that 3-4mm would be enough... apparently not! I did get my eyebrows done though, she booked me in for my legs on 4th May but I've already shaved them now so will call and cancel, decided to just not bother with it. Shaving really isn't that much of a bother and it's free :D I've got a tattoo session booked for 4th May anyway for her to do a bit of touch up. She's put her prices up apparently, by £15 an hour. I'm going to have to message them and find out what I'll be charged. Really I should be done now as I've decided that I don't want the stem but if you look at the butterfly there's little patches in his wings that have no colour in them so she'll have to do some touch up. I'm slightly begrudging to pay her anything for that at all (lots of people do free touch up, it doesn't take long and generally is only needed if they've missed something) and I'm certainly not going to pay her £50 for it when I was paying £35 before. Personally I don't think someone should be able to put their prices up mid tattoo, it's not good practice, as you can't exactly stop mid tattoo or go elsewhere so have no choice but to pay. It's still not a bad price but she's pretty new to the profession and so I personally don't think it's worth paying her that atm.
Good morning Caz, hope you reach a compromise with tattooist! I don't know anything about tatoos, but surely a wee touch up should be free or at a reduced rate if the customer is not fully satisfied? Stick to your guns and haggle the price involved hun :)

19 weeks until holiday?..doesn't seem that long when you put it like that! I love a good old countdown :) How many weeks away was it when you booked it?

Enjoy your day :)
I'm getting a free touch up :) Yay! Didn't even have to argue for it.

Umm... Well it's 132 days at the moment, it was something like 210 when we booked. So gone from 30 weeks to 19, those 11ish weeks have gone so quickly!

I'm looking at buying a tablet for some school stuff. I'm considering the Google Nexus 7 atm. Has anyone had one of these and able to offer me an opinion on it?
11 weeks???? wow, that has gone quick! I remember you being so excited and posting about it! :)

Yay to free touch up many one liners there for me, but I shall behave! ;)

Don't know anything about tablets hun sorry, but I am sure someone will be along soon to offer advice :)
Hey Caz, I have a Nexus 10 and I like it, and I've got a friend who's had the older ones and likes them enough to keep upgrading :) but I don't know about the 7 at all really
Haha just that comment was enough Rose. Had me giggling!

Hi :) I think the Nexus 10 is just the bigger one isn't it? Quite like the idea of a smaller one.
Nexus 7 bought! I'm so spontaneous sometimes, not sure if that's a good thing or not lol It was a really good price though and I want it to use at school. There's an app that I want to start using for behaviour management, gives points for good things and takes them away for not so good things. Can have my tablet with me and control it from there but it'll shoe on the board. I can use it like a Kindle too, was going to pay more than this cost just for one of them. Looking forward to getting back to Aaron's to set it up and have a play!
Ooh how exciting Caz. I love new gadgets. Keep us posted with how you get on, i fancy one myself. I find the kindle fire a little restricting.
Hello from my new Nexus 7! This is fun and exciting!! As I've got an Android phone it's very similar in it's layout and how you use it so I'm finding it fairly simple to get the hang of. It's automatically downloaded the apps from my phone so I've got Minis on here now. I've downloaded the app for school too and think the kids will love it. I need to decide how to work it now though. Kids love points but they need to equate to something I think, I'm just not sure what. Maybe Anyone who finishes the day in green gets a sticker and anyone in red gets a chat with me and mum or dad. Those who at the end of the week have x number of points or more get golden time (free time). Or they can bank points and trade them for different things like... Err... Being my PA (they love jobs!) for 10 points, a dip in my treasure chest for 50 points, being first in the line for the day for 25 points etc. Not sure whether it's making it too complicated for myself! Any thoughts?
Lovely weather here today. Very bright and sunny with clear blue skies. Said last night I wanted to get out for a bit today and now that it's nice weather I definitely want to. Just not sure what to do!