

Full Member
Hello everyone I started Cambridge the week before last. I have tried it a few times before but give up because I felt so poorly going into ketosis. This time I lowered my carbs the week before, increased my water and I breezed into it.
I lost 8lb my first week but this week only 2 and a half. I am trying to not let it put me off and stay focused. Has any one else only lost a small amount on week 2???
Hey well done on your first wi 8lb loss is great... my first wi was after 5 days and i lost 9lbs but then the 2nd week wi was a full week and i only lost 4lbs then 3rd week 6lbs 4th week 3.5 and then 5th week 6lbs again so mine is very much up and down.. our bodies are strange things ha ha dont give up if you stay 100% you will be sure to have a better loss some weeks and others not as much as you want but main thing is that the scales go down =D Good luck.
In lost 8 First week, 3 second and 1 third :cry: I was gutted after last weigh in but now think it's ok as if I lose 2 next week then I will have lost a stone in 4 weeks. Best to look at over a month.
I have to agree with Daisy... try seeing the progress over a month rather than each week seperately.

Well done though dani :D !! keep up the good work.
k xx
Thanks ladies, it hasn't demotivated me I must say just made me want it more. My counsellor said about looking at it monthly as well x
well done Dani
keep up the good work
