NEWBIE :) help please x


New Member
hello! :)

my names harriet, i had a beautiful baby boy 6 months ago. he was nearly 3 months early and i lost lots of weight whilst he was in hospital. When we got home i got myself comfy and just ate so much crap! (yummy things!)
i weigh 10st 2, but i am 5ft1, so i am just over weight.
i want to get to 8st!
i ordered a 4 a day pack, just a weeks worth to see how i get on.

just a quick question, i ordered the meals, shakes and bars.... so is that ALL i have 4 times a day? no other food? total food replacement. and how many cals is it?

what have you found to be yummy and what havent you?

thank you :) xxx:)
Welcome. As diets go you have picked a good one :)

you can also have 150ml of skimmed milk and 200g of veggies a day (from an approved list).

Couple of tricks i have learned from here is grate the cauliflower and it looks and acts like rice - good way of tricking your body.

I make the shakes up thick with a whisk (only 200ml water) and they are gorgeous like McDonalds MilkShakes.

I eat my meals from a bowl - makes it seem like it is more food than it actually is. :)

Good Luck :)
There are some really great stickies on this forum with pictures of the food and what you can do with it which are worth a look at. There's also a sticky product review thread where people say what they like - it's all down to personal taste though. I'd order a sample of everything if I were you and decide for yourself.