Newbie to IF / 8 stone to lose


Full Member
Hi ladies/gents

As the title suggest ive decided to do the 5:2 plan as i have a lot of midriff weight and quiet like the idea of the health venefits that side with the weight loss.
i have been cc for about 2 months but due to home life problems i am an emotional eater. but i've turned a corner over past few weeks and am finally starting to see that i dont need to overeat i need to deal with my problems head on! sorry for the rant.

anyway i jus wanted to know how people are doing losing weight and how much to lose as i have 8 stone to lose and would like to see a constant weight loss not fluctuations.

thanks for reading
Welcome in.

I started JUDDD but suspect I now do my own unique version with my favourite bits of all the variations. 2 stone down in 1 year and I was not at all consistent as I want this to be a lifestyle change and not a chore.

Have a good read round, use JUDDD calculator as a guide, and then just get going, the fasting days will soon become something you look forward too - honest!