
You know this might be a little too much info but I was not regular at all when i tried the other VLCD i went once in the two weeks but finding exante loads better on that front :eek:
Glad you are enjoying it and doing well, bet you cant wait for weigh in I know I couldnt! Just watch out for the dreaded second week. Im back on and ok now though (just have no will power)
Thankyou, day 5 now :) Your right i can't wait for weigh in on monday just hope i see a good loss to keep me motivated, would love to lose around 5lbs but we will have to wait and see.

Don't feel too bad about going off plan a little because most the time the hardest thing for me is putting it behind me and getting back on track which you've already done!

I know what you mean about the dreaded second week, i got to the end of the second week last time and had a massive binge and gave up on it and carried on eating rubbish as well! But this time i'm determined not to, i think if i can get past week three i'll be ok hopefully.

Is it tomorow thats your weigh in day? Have you decided whether to weigh or leave it til next week yet?
NB- Thats really good that you had 2 days off and still lost 1lb, my birthday is coming up and have arranged to go for a meal as part of it but will be having the meal and thats it straight back on track so you've given me hope that i might at least stay the same! :D

Hi Vix....I went straight back on plan (can't believe my willpower) ...I knew I was going to off plan 3 times during May, but I'm so determined this time that it's going to work. I've made sure that I always have food packs so I can't use excuses. This is the 3rd year I've started a weight loss programme after Easter....lose 7-10lbs then lose focus, have a day off, then just forget the whole thing until the next time. Enjoy your birthday :bday:, go straight back on TS or WS and you'll reap the rewards.
Thankyou, I've just seen that you lost 4lbs this week was that with a day or so off plan? Thats amazing and goes to show as long as you get straight back on it you can recover from the odd day, well more than recover 4lbs wow!
Thankyou, I've just seen that you lost 4lbs this week was that with a day or so off plan? Thats amazing and goes to show as long as you get straight back on it you can recover from the odd day, well more than recover 4lbs wow!

I was 100% for this weeks weight loss, but I'm going off plan tomorrow for my daughter's birthday. Will go straight back to TS on Monday. It'll be interesting to see what I lose next Saturday.
Ah i see got mixed up with which week the birthday was, hope you enjoy it and i'll also be interested in how much you lose next week :)
Ah i see got mixed up with which week the birthday was, hope you enjoy it and i'll also be interested in how much you lose next week :)

Don't worry I'm confused as well LOL. Birthady celebrations were fantastic. Back on 100% as of Monday. Fingers crossed that I do lose. Will be having 2 days off next week for B/H :17729:then down to serious work.