nibbling my way thru the queasy!

Hi Dis, a beautifully colourful entry today!
Sorry to hear that the cramps are creeping up on you, but as I tell myself, better that than to be preggers...well for the moment anyhow!!

Tried cyber-stalking you on facebook, no luck, so I shall see if I can find you on the minimins appreciation group. I know, I'm supposed to be studying and what am I doing? Hubby and daughter just came home and I know that I'll be in big trouble if I'm seen 'playing' on here!
See you later!
yes yes, i couldnt resist the use of in a xmas frame of mind at the moment. even thinking of the best way to decorate this place on the cheap. lol

im waaay ahead of myself, i know.

facebook.... just look for candice kelly. the pic is a profile of the face, white hair covering it.... dark background.

Tomorrow...Weigh in!

as sunday evening rolls to an end, i am ever so curious to see how tomorrow mornings' weigh in goes.

i've been 98% committed this week. and earlier today, i got the hubby up, packed fynn on my back..and lugged them along with me on a lovely lovely walk. ((hehehehe i told my hubby it would be a short walk, maybe 45 mins...:p turned into 2 hours..strayed off the trail into the hills, dodging cow patties in the fields. )) it was such a gorgeous day...and in my head i was thinking over & over : maybe this looonng walk will drop another pound off before tomorrow morning....

i think i'm in denial that i'll have a decent loss because yesterday, i started yet another cycle (totm) PLUS from midday until bed time, i was waaaay bloated. i had to unbutton even my baggy trooosers! :(

i'm sure its just pre-WI anxiety. im just sooo close to my next mini goal of 170lbs...and also, these last 15lbs have been soo difficult to lose, or rather, i should just come out with the truth and say that i personally havent let my body lose the weight. i havent let CD wave its magic wand and do its work properly without any interference. i open my last 1L bottle of water to take a swig, Here's to a good WI tomorrow! And a perfect, wonderful CD week ahead of us. :)
((and goodnight :cool:))
Hi Dis, I was thinking of you yesterday because I was in your neck of the woods. I went to a wedding in Bodfari, the reception was in Rhyl and I stayed over in Prestatyn. This morning driving the best man back to Bodfari to pick up his car we drove through Meliden and I had forgotten how beautiful the views are from up there. It's been years since I went up that way. You're right, the weather was fabulous, so what a perfect day for a walk!

Hope you have a great weigh in this morning. Mine has been rubbish - I have eaten and drank all weekend so it's only as expected!
((wow, westie. if you drove thru meliden, you werent far from my home. hehehe. im not on the main road but i'm up on one of the hills. i luv meliden. its far enough away from rhyl/crazy tourist traffic but yet close enough for when i have the crazy urge for a penny pusher. :p i hope the wedding went well and you had a fab time!!))

righty, on with the WI stuff.
thru the week, i had stepped up on the scales to get a peek. but as usual, i never rely on it until monday morning. thru the week, it went up n down. i think it even said 172 yesterday. not this morning though. but thats ok. :) it said 173 point something but i never count the point.

and this weeks loss: 2 lbs. :) thats two pounds less than the week before. and considering i was so bloaty the other day and its TOTM (again) taking no notice. and as mondays are my "eating/downfall" days, i nearly went crazy this morning, thinking "oh i have the next 6 days to lose weight, so eating today wont hurt."

this has been killing me! this has been delaying my progress. ok yes, i have the rest of the week to lose a few...but consider this:

eating on the monday and :restarting: SS on the tuesday...vicious cycle!! i may be SS for the 6 days but it takes my body 2-3 days to kick back into ketosis if im lucky!! so leaving only like 2 days to lose a lb or two. wow, im wasting so much time and money when i do this. :(:mad::(

so this morning, ive had my shake. im sticking to it this week. I MUST!! i know i always say that, but its always with good intentions.

must. stick. to. SS. this week.

anyways, im happy to have lost the 2lbs. perhaps a better loss next week?!?

hope everyone is well.
Hey Dis, a wonderful loss for you, especially as your TOTM and you've been a little naughty. And 3lbs for next week on an complete ss will be a cinch!
I felt really jealous when I read about your lovely walks in the Welsh hills! When I was back home a couple of weeks ago, I went walking with my Mam and Dad rained with us almost every day though but even then, it's better than walking through the streets of Beijing!!!!

Your reasoning makes soooo much sense, don't you dare even think about straying! You know for the past while, I've been smelling the food, closing my eyes and pretending that I ate it! Smell is the biggest part of the taste, eh?!

Well have a lovely rest of the day....catch up with you soon, Eiriana is waiting for her dinner and hubby has just called to say all is ready!
Well done on 2lb loss Dis ..... you can do it. When you see how much you can lose on doing a whole week of SS you'll not want to just do 5days again!! Good luck.

well done dis
2lbs is a good loss
you are doing so

kaz xx
Dearest Dis,
You are such a sweetie, this is coming a little late as I didn't even manage to read my own diary these days! I have a terrible habit of lying in bed with Eiriana when it's time for bed for her (usually around 8:30pm) and not waking up 'til the next morning! :sigh:

Never mind, I'm getting my beauty sleep for certain!

I'm at work at the moment, and even though I'm the boss, I still get extremely guilty when I chat online, so I shan't stay too long!

I have looked several times whilst I've been at home for Montessori schools, but even in the more civilised south :)D) I haven't found any! There are quite a few in London and loads in Ireland, but in the rest of the UK they're pretty sparse! When I tell most people what I do, they look at me and say 'Monte-what?'! Really, the absolute best way to bring up your kids though, completeley changed my life too! (Have a background in law and psychology, never, ever thought I would become a teacher, especially not to kids this young, but I really, truly love my job now and would not change for the World!)

Good luck finding a Monte-whata school for Fynn!

What did I just say about not staying too long.....

Chat to you later, and thanks again for the lovely thoughts for Eiriana (who is, by the way much better, think she's passed it on to Daddy and I though!):sick:
....i havent nibbled ....AT ALL...for 2 days.

this is like week 1 all over again!

so far, so good. i would LOVE to get below 170 this week. that would pass my mini goal (matching the fibbed about weight i put on my driver licence) AND getting into the 160's range of lbs.

wow. i think, the last time i was that weight was.. errr...hmmm wow, i cant think that far back. llol
i may have been 15 i think. maybe 16.

ahh ok i m off.
just wanted to post this little "pat on my own back so far".
must get back to my painting. :)

woohoo well done
once you get that feeling of the 1st week back you feel great

keep up the good work
kaz xxxx
Hiya Butty!
Hope that you are doing well and that the past too days have gone as well for you ss style as the first 2. You can do it, and this week you are sure to see your 170 mini-goal!
What are you painting? the walls or a masterpiece?

Feeling soooo much better today. Came home from work feeling like death warmed up, had my soup (no gum drops you'll be pleased to hear! Eiriana made short work of those!) overdosed on OLBAS oil and was in bed by 7:30pm (early for even me!) Eiriana woke me up when she came to bed at about 8:30pm and hubby went out to buy some Bufferin night and day as my eyes were rolling and I was sure I was gonna die! I'm such a drama queen! Slept through the alarm and didn't wake up 'til 8 this morning, but feel much, much better for it.

Hope that Fynn and you are both feeling better. It's bad enough when you catch a cold, but when you catch a cold and you have to take care of a little 'un, it's 10x worse. When you have a cold and you need to take care of a little 'un who also has a cold, that's 100x worse!

You take care and i'll speak to you soon!
Het Dis,
Hope that the rest of the week has gone well for you and everything is fine.

Have a lovely Sunday
(((hiya paula! i have been reading everyones diaries & posts, but i just havent been posting or replying...)))

so while fynn is strapped into his chair, i will write a little something now.

thanks for popping in! all is going ok here. just ok. after my brilliant week & head-strong determination, i had a slip last night. nothing tooooo major.:booboo: nibbled a few crackers...with mustard. ((i've grown to looovvve mustard since being on this diet...i have no desire for mayo anymore...which is a good thing)) but eating carbs yesterday, naughty naughty mommie. :whoopass:

i felt sooo guilty all day. it was like everytime i walked into the kitchen, i was almost "sleepwalking" to the cupboards to get a cracker or two. :eatdrink051: that is the mental state of mind and the control that im terrifying the most when i finish CD.

it like its not even me. and i acknowledge that i'm doing it because in my head, im telling my arms : 'dont do it dont do it" as they open the box. but they tend to proceed anyways. and when the food goes in my mouth, i tell myself, "spit it out, spit it out!", but my throat & mouth take control and its almost as though "they" choose to swallow. :character00182:

omg, this sounds totally insane and coocoo, now that i've re-read it. but its the only way i can explain it. i hope im not alone with these self-arguments when it comes to food (or any decisions for that matter). :gen147:these "episodes" are not all the time. but when its one of those days, wow, i find it soo hard to beat.

((oh wow, fynn is sooo ready to come down from his chair, but im on a roll here.:rolleyes: hehehehe))

soooo, to ease my guilt the best i could, i forced myself to drink a full 4 L of water...staying up even though i was falling asleep sitting up, til like 1am to get it done. its a vicious self beating (mentally).

righty, today is a new day. even though i fear that ive ruined my perfect week a mere :hitthefan:TWO DAYS BEFORE WI!!! the only thing i can do about it for the moment is to stick with it today. allll day. stay out of the kitchen for the day and consume all the water in the fridge.

today, the boys & i were supposed to head out for another long walk in the hills but its soooo wet outside this morning. raining like crazy. hmmmm maybe i'll get lucky and it will clear by midday.

ok i should be off for now. i think fynn is deliberately making a mess with his leftovers, since i'm doing this. heheheh

hope you all have a great sunday.
paula, glad to hear you are feeling better now! ((also, to answer your question from last week, late i know...but i was painting canvas...but i wouldnt say masterpiece. just yet. hahha))

my walls are incredibly bare so i'm just painting anything and everything at the moment. :D
good monday morning, ya'll.
everyone have a nice weekend? hope so. the weather was so weird. but it did work to my advantage in the end. i did get to drag the hubby and fynn out for a good walk in the hills. we made it to the peak of one of the few hills by our house. nearly got blown over but it was sooo worth it! the views were amazing (even though they were of the great orm, rhyl, prestatyn, the ,my village)). hehehe so lovely from so far away.

anyways, WI this morning went well. 3lbs off, woohoo!
i have reached my mini goal to be 170, the weight on my california Driving licence. which, of course, i had always fibbed about. ;) woohoo! :D
i've dropped into the "overweight" bracket of the BMI charts as well! PLUS, i'm in the 28bmi range. wow, to think i started at 40!!

according to my ticker goal, i have 20 lbs left to lose before being in the healthy bmi range. and i'm really tired of being on CD for every bloomin meal so i'm just going to get on with it...get it finished. the sooner the better!

i have an appointment with the GP tomorrow morning. i've phoned in, asking if i can have a health/wellness check. told them i was on a VLCD for the last 4 months, and that i will be planning for bebe number 2 in december so i think its wise to make sure everything is ok. ;) been feeling a little funny in the abdomen area, a few pains and random aches that are new. ((no, im not prego yet! i took a test for that lst week to rule it out hehehe))

anyways, im getting on with it!
i hope we all have a very good CD week...and for my pals on WW & SW, you have a great slimming week as well. :)
Wow Dis, Im in awe of everything you have acheived so far. You are amazing and I wish I had your willpower so that I could have kept going on CD when the going got tough for me.

Youve come so far, and you should be immensely proud of yourself. That healthy weight is in touching distance now, and if it helps you to conceive another baby then its definitely been worth it.