No more yo yo dieting!

susieg77 said:
I'm thinking about taking water retention tablets over Xmas so I don't end up looking pregnant! Haven't done much except finish off my Xmas shopping but was nice just to chill. Hope u had a good one xx

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Yeah That's a good idea, was ok thanks worked most of it but snowed in today so was stuck at home with a house full of boys watching a marathon of football! Haha! Xx
It's constant football in my house all the time and thats just one boy, even the dog stops and watches it now lol

Have decided what I'm doing for refeed/Xmas

I'm going to come off LT completely and switch to Atkins until new year. I know I can have a decent dinner at Xmas and stay low carb - I even know some low carb puddings and since I'm cooking I know exactly whats going into everything. I cam even have a few drinks if I stick to vodka and coke zero
I thought that would be a better plan all round than messing about on LT and I don't trust myself to do a full refeed, have delish Xmas dinner then go back to 100% whereas I know after a couple if weeks of Atkins I shouldn't gain weight and I will get so fed up with it that LT will seem like a break and should be easier to go back since I won't be out of ketosis

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Haha just like that here although i cop for not only my boyfriend but everyone of my friends boyfriends too because my tv is the best! Haha!
That's sensible Hun, I'm doing refeed buy laying off carbs til Christmas day then just having a few vegetables then after new year will be back 100% on jan 2nd! Xx
I'll be back with you on the 2nd!

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Me too back on 100% from 2nd of January! I'll hopefully be feeling loads better by then. We can support n motivate each other.
v12345 said:
Me too back on 100% from 2nd of January! I'll hopefully be feeling loads better by then. We can support n motivate each other.

Definitely can hun will be all over it in jan!! X
I'll be with you - 100% from 2nd Jan!!!
Good luck ladies on the re-feed and can't wait to have you all back on 2nd Jan :)

Oh and have a drink of something cold and alcoholic for me pleaseeeee haha!! x

Happy Xmas to me!

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Finn thought he had died and went to wrapping paper heaven!

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I had every intention of sticking to Atkins for Xmas and new year and hopefully sticking to same weight
Works party was on 22nd and the food was bloody awful! Drank too much instead and got chips after *aaarrggghh*
Had the worst hangover ever the next day and gave in to a mcdonalds happy meal :-(
Stuck to low carb Xmas eve but couldnt resist the roast potatoes it cheesecake Xmas day/ boxing day
Have to admit I don't even feel that guilty! Had a great night at the party and lovely Xmas with my family
Weighed myself this morning and have gained 4lbs BUT although I feel a but bloated my measurements haven't changed so I think it must be water weight?!?!
Am thinking of doing 2 shakes plus sensible(ish) dinner until the 2nd then back to 100%
Hopefully will get good "week 1" loss again next week and lose the Xmas lbs with a few more to keep them company which will take me under 12 stone

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Just had my first shake in a week and a half. Is it weird that I actually enjoyed it???
Won't be drinking at new year so going to have shakes for breakfast and lunch and small dinners for rest of holidays then back to 100% on the 2nd

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Susie ... I got back onto 100% yesterday and omg it was wierd but comforting knowing what I was going to have for breakfast lunch and dinner! Never thought I'd be saying that about TFR but stranger things seemed to have happened ~lol~

I'm back on this for the long haul now and Wedding dress here I come :D x x x
Have you got any pics of your dress? I'm still fascinated with weddings 8 months after my own!

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Just had my first shake in a week and a half. Is it weird that I actually enjoyed it???
Won't be drinking at new year so going to have shakes for breakfast and lunch and small dinners for rest of holidays then back to 100% on the 2nd

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A great plan im not drinking either :) it's nice when you can enjoy a shake again good for you.
Well done girls! Must admit I'm nervous about starting the shakes again next week. Really worried I won't be able to stick to it after all the lovely food of the last week so glad to hear you are enjoying them again. Happy New Year.
I'll be joining you back on TFR as of Jan 2nd. Have had a lovely 'holiday' since Dec 22nd; with a low cal, high protein meal each day in addition to my shakes/soup. However, I've still got about 9lbs to lose to get my BMI under 30 and I'm determined to be overweight (rather than obese) before I start the CD stabilisation programme.

Hopefully a couple of weeks should do it!

Love, hugs and good wishes for 2012

I will put pics up after the wedding just incase OH sees a sneak preview ;) want it as a total shock to everyone :) x x x
Hey peach, starting back tomorrow when I go back to work. TOTM came early and I've broken my wee toe so doped up on co-codamol yesterday and today.
Back to 100% tomorrow, back to work and normal paracetamol.
Not looking forward to tomorrow lol
Can't wait to see the pics of the nye dress in all it's glory x

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