No motivation whatsoever:(


Full Member
Hi all,

Really feeling down at the moment as I can't seem to get motivated at all. I start the day well then completely go off track which normally ends up in a full scale binge on rubbish foods. I feel awful then for eating it but end up eating more in an attempt to make myself feel better. I know its stupid but can't seem to break the cycle and a bad day turns into a bad week and so on.

Had to go clothes shopping aswel today as starting a new job and when trying stuff on I just burst into tears when I saw my reflection in a full length mirror. Can't understand why I continue to do this to myself.
Hope your all doing better than I am this week, good luck with your journeys,
Dan x
I binge too so know what it's like :( I'm trying to break the cycle but mine gets worse or better depending on how my bipolar is going, my general binge of choice is chocolate. I have been just taking it day by day even half day by half day and I'm limiting myself to buying one chocolate bar a day and eating it in the evening (when my binges usually happen).

I hope you start to find things a bit easier. You can do it!
Dan8317 said:
Hi all,

Really feeling down at the moment as I can't seem to get motivated at all. I start the day well then completely go off track which normally ends up in a full scale binge on rubbish foods. I feel awful then for eating it but end up eating more in an attempt to make myself feel better. I know its stupid but can't seem to break the cycle and a bad day turns into a bad week and so on.

Had to go clothes shopping aswel today as starting a new job and when trying stuff on I just burst into tears when I saw my reflection in a full length mirror. Can't understand why I continue to do this to myself.
Hope your all doing better than I am this week, good luck with your journeys,
Dan x

Hi Dan. Sorry to hear you're feeling so down. I've been there before, so I completely understand that vicious cycle of eating rubbish food, feeling crap about it and then eating more for comfort because you feel down about it. It is definitely hard to break but not impossible!

If you know that the evening is the time you're most likely to go off plan, could you try to identify WHY this is the case? Is it boredom, stress etc... If its boredom, you could perhaps arrange things for the evening so that you're less likely to turn to food? Or if you eat when stressed, maybe something like meditation/yoga might be helpful? Also, I definitely find that planning ahead is important for me. If I have healthy foods prepared and available, I will be more likely not to turn to junk food. Could you maybe prepare veg sticks and syn free salsa or other healthy foods/snacks and try not to stock lots of chocolate (or whatever it is you typically binge on) in the house? E.g., if you like to treat yourself to a bar of chocolate within your points in the evening, just buy that one bar rather than having a multipack in the press. I also find keeping my own food diary at home (and on here) makes me feel accountable and always helps trigger me into healthy eating mode-making sure that you write down everything, even on days when you have binged, may help to change your mind frame. You could also jot down triggers, like why you ate what you did and how you felt afterwards if you binge.

Hope some of this helps. I know it's tough but I'm sure you can break the cycle, especially if you use the support of all the brill people on here!

Reading what you'd written it could have been me writing it!! I too have a good morning then it's downhill fast!! Fancy buddying up to help each other?

:bighug:first of all a big hug!
which diet are u doing Weight watchers or SW?
When i was on Slimming World earlier this year i did it from home and i was the same! every morning wake up have a brilliant breakfast and lunch then it wud go dwn a naughty dinner and naughty snacking!
i hated going to bed every night sayin to mysel tomorrow will b different and it wasnt!
\so my friend dragged me to Weight Watchers and i had done WW in 2010 before it went to propoints so dint no how i would get on but i love it! i feel going to group keeps me on track and i jus feel with WW i am in total control!
Chin up babe u can turn this around, i have hardly no will power AT ALL but in the past few weeks the choices i have been makin have been the right ones!
Were all here to help u huni
Dan8317 said:
Hi all,

Really feeling down at the moment as I can't seem to get motivated at all. I start the day well then completely go off track which normally ends up in a full scale binge on rubbish foods. I feel awful then for eating it but end up eating more in an attempt to make myself feel better. I know its stupid but can't seem to break the cycle and a bad day turns into a bad week and so on.

Had to go clothes shopping aswel today as starting a new job and when trying stuff on I just burst into tears when I saw my reflection in a full length mirror. Can't understand why I continue to do this to myself.
Hope your all doing better than I am this week, good luck with your journeys,
Dan x

I know EXACTLY how you feel. I could easily do the same and ate like this hence the reason I'm at WW's!! My honest good tip is to plan your meals. Seriously. If you know you've got good meals set for your week ahead, it really makes the difference. Even if you have to plan every PP for that day, do it!! It will stop you binging-honestly. I've lost 3st now and my loss is due purely to planning. Good luck-you can do this. And you are not alone either xxx
Oh and another thing, I don't keep ANY trigger foods in the house which I know I would binge on, like bread and butter or biscuits. I actually stopped buying biscuits years ago but the bread and butter had to go as I could have eaten a loaf easily in a day. Don't be tempted either to buy the cheap multipacks of choccy-I know it's much cheaper to buy a multipack at a pound vs 80p per bar but if you're like me and have no self control of only eating one bar, rather than the four, its not worth putting temptation in your way!!!!
I don't know if its of any help to u, but ur dr can prescribe Prozac to help with binges or food issues xx
Hey all,
Haven't been on here for while but wanted to say thanks for all advise, support and kind words. I will definately try to plan my days food now to see if this helps and also avoid binge food in the house. This is hard though as I have three children so last few days have been buying chocolate,crisps etc that I don't like so know I won't eat.

Going back to my meeting in the morning and going to try and have a little more faith in myself that I can actually do this! Have been thinking about changing diets but know this is the only one that fits into my lifestyle so need to try and stop myself comparing them all the time and just stick with it.

Could definately do with a buddy sarahevans:)

Thanks mrss2010 didn't know that about prozac so will be looking into it further.

Once again thanks all for your support its much appreciated:)

Good luck on your journeys,
Dan x
Dan8317 said:
Hey all,
Haven't been on here for while but wanted to say thanks for all advise, support and kind words. I will definately try to plan my days food now to see if this helps and also avoid binge food in the house. This is hard though as I have three children so last few days have been buying chocolate,crisps etc that I don't like so know I won't eat.

Going back to my meeting in the morning and going to try and have a little more faith in myself that I can actually do this! Have been thinking about changing diets but know this is the only one that fits into my lifestyle so need to try and stop myself comparing them all the time and just stick with it.

Could definately do with a buddy sarahevans:)

Thanks mrss2010 didn't know that about prozac so will be looking into it further.

Once again thanks all for your support its much appreciated:)

Good luck on your journeys,
Dan x

Dan, I can understand what you are saying about keeping treats in the house when you've got three kiddywinks!! I'm on my own so I don't have that difficulty to face BUT...I do have a 2yr old Labrador who has a cast iron tummy and ANY food is like a magnet!! I can't bear the look on his little face if I attempt to eat a crisp or even a WW bar!! So for that reason alone, it's helped me to stop non-mindful nibbling! My colleague at work has two teenage boys; as you can imagine, they eat her out of house and home. I know she buys lots of goodies for them but she is simply amazing-she's lost way over 2st and I take my hat off to her regarding her self discipline. I started SW at the end of April-only lost 9lbs in 6 weeks but moved to WW in June. I've now lost 3st exactly. My only reason for managing to lose this, this time(!!) is that mentally, I've realised that I can't keep binging everyday-it is a vicious cycle-you binge, you feel guilty, you binge more, you gain more weight, you feel stressed about that so you binge again and so it goes on. However, I have found that the more classes I've attended and the more weight I've lost, the more confidence I've developed in realising I can do this. I've stopped beating myself up if I lose half a pound, STS or gained-it doesn't matter-I just keep attending classes every week. You need to just draw a line under everything, sit back and take stock and have the utter faith in yourself that you can do this-there will be blips on the way but that doesn't mean you've ruined your entire eating plan. The longer you get into it, the easier it becomes. Seriously. Good luck and just wanted to let you know that you are most definitely not