no weight lost !

Hi Stacey. Today is only thurs so dont get upset and stressed just yet a lot can happen in 4 days . Just keep to points and a bit of exercise and you can do no more . And i know hw disheartening and lousy it is when you dont lose believe me . Chin up :)
I know youre supposed to drink loads but i am afraid to as well in case i dont lose . Very wrong really but if you dont drink it your body retains. No win lol
I know its like a constant battle with my body again at the minute been this way for yeears and now i am 30 i want it sorted for good. I cant seem to find the best losing point for me i feel like just giving up and keep being the big chick grrr
Not lettin ya give up. We will take half a pound at a time and trial and error everything and see how we get on. Im 39 in nov and see clothes that i would love to wear when im skinny but wont be able to cos ill be too old and i regret all the years i should have done something about my weight and didnt. I dont want you to feel like that its horrible so chin up and you will get there . 30 sure youre only a baby lol

Gwen x x
Don't give up, and I completely understand how you are feeling. The same has happened with me with every diet I've done. I would have weeks without any losses and it's so disheartening and I would give up and end up getting fatter and fatter. I've stuck this week and I'm determined to not let this get to me. I keep trying to think, even if the weight isn't come off as quickly as I like then surely my insides will be healthier iyswim.

You're doing well with the exercise too and this is important, don't give up. I have M.E. and am unable to do exercise and I really wish I could.

You CAN do it, you CAN do it, you CAN do it, don't give up.

Lou x
Hey! I wanted to say that I've been having the same thing and its been really depressing me! Im doing exercise, im sticking to my points and the weight is going no where. I know it must be something that im doing..maybe eating too many carbs? But it is sooo darn frustrating when u put all the effort in to it and then nothing happens :( starting to get me down as i've lost barely anything in the last few weeks!!!! x
Just a thought. Are you weighing everything? I have to weigh everythiing as my portion sizes are magical normally, they weigh more than they should ;)
Yeah i weigh everything! :( ive decided from this week im doing a total overhaul on the cutting out a lot of the carbs and adding more veggies even though im not a huge fan! I want this bloody weight to come off..i hate being on a diet and not losing anything!! :)
Well it's so demotivating isn't it? I can feel it for you. I lost a load of weight on slimming world 10 years ago for my wedding, and it was really easy to lose well since then having thyroid problems, then M.E. it's just been so hard to shift any. It was always so bloody slow that I ended up giving in. This time I'm more focussed, and it's coming off slowly. Keep with it. You can do it. You really can.

Lou x
Yes it is really irritating!! Sucks for you that its so hard, but i guess its better slow than not at all hehe. Ive been trying to cut more carbs this week cus i really think they dont help me, so hopefully at the end of this week we shall see how its gone!! :) x