Now a Mrs, time to become a Mummy! My Journey... <3

@lellykins88 how's it going? you've not been around for a while x
So just a bit of an update as i havent been on for weeks!!!

Work blocked the site so could only get on at home and then it became such a pain trying to do it i completely forgot! I'm 7 weeks in now, just got my 1 stone award so am really happy and on track - not had a single gain so far!! Been putting pictures of food everywhere on all my social media haha! Making lots of new receipes and forcing myself to get tons of vegetable chilli (i dont even like veg!!)

Took my mum to class with me again 4 weeks ago so shes being amazing for my support and help and another friend joined last night to help as well so there is so much support around me i'm super positive this time will be the time i will do it.

Hit a bit of a wall in regards of trying for a baby - had an abnormal smear so am now awaiting a biopsy so we've had to stop at the moment but its not stopping my weight loss - although prob why i only had half a pound this week! haha

Hope everyone else is doing well! xx
Hi @kirsty_baird_26 thank you!
Well done on rejoining! Feel so focused this time round!! think its all because i want a baby so much haha!!
How long you been TTC for? xx
I also feel really focused too.
We have been trying just over a year now - we did fall pregnant in November but I had an ectopic pregnancy and lost the baby. Found out Christmas eve it was ectopic and got rushed for emergency surgery on 30-12-2015, where I lost my right tube and the baby. We have been trying again since May (I had to wait 3 months since surgery before I was allowed to try due to the injections I got). Hopefully we fall again soon and have a healthy little baby.
Sorry to hear about your abnormal smear, hopefully you get on ok - do keep us updated.
Welldone on the weight loss you are doing fantastic! xx
we've been just over 2 years now but only got married 2 months ago so we were trying and taking vitamins etc etc with no luck - we were ready to start a fresh then the smear came back so i'm just going to focus on the weight while that gets sorted then we can from there lol! thank you sweet! will keep you all updated :)
hopefully it'll happen for you soon and it be a baby that will be the reason for weight gain and nothing else! xx
Good idea having something to focus on just now :)
Fingers crossed for us both, I fell pregnant taking the trying to conceive tablets. My sister did too as did my sister in law so ill be trying them again soon!
Oh nosy question, but have u got a link to the ones you mean? Sorry I hope you don't mind x