Ok to take Multivit/Min Supplements?


Full Member
Hi guys - just wanted to check if it ok to take multivits on CD?

All i'm after is to take one Pronatal multivitamin and mineral supplement a day - dont intend to get pregnant WHILE doing CD, but certainly do intend to afterwards!! :D

I know the foodpacks give you your RDA, but just want to be overly topped up with it all. Generally the powers that be say you should be taking your folic acid etc for 3 months before doing full on baby dancing to try and make a mini me! :p

Is it ok to?

Lors x
Im not sure this is acceptable, CD offers all vits an minerals that we need, and a lot more than most of us get in everyday eating. I personally woukdnt, but you can check with your CDC and see her advice
I was told by my CDC that i needn't bother with multvits as the shakes would give my body everything it needs (as long as you make sure you have all your shakes everyday) but i'm not an expert so may be best to check with yours.
Yep, not at all necessary to take a vit supplement. CD has 100% of what you need, provided you take all your shakes as instructed.
But what about folic acid tho? That my main concern. Should be taking 400 a day, but on my 4 packs it only 266! Not worried bout the other vits.

ANy thoughts?
Hi, i've taken pro natal vits all threw this diet, my cdc said i didn't need to as i will get all vits from shakes etc but i didn't want to stop incase a miracle happen and we conceived!!! Taking them hasn't affected me at all (i don't think!!) If it makes you feel better taking them, i wouldnt worry. Good luck with diet and baby making!
Hi All,

Check out waht CD say on there website.

Remember having to many vitamins can be as dangerous as not having enough. Sometimes it can take time before any damages is noticed.

cambridge company history

Will I need vitamin supplements while using the Cambridge Diet?​

The big plus about Cambridge is that, unlike other diets, you do not need to take extra supplements. Each item offers a third of the recommended daily allowance of all vitamins, minerals and trace elements, so three a day give complete nutrition. The main worry when people go on food-based slimming diets, is that reduction in food means reduced nutrient intake which in turn puts health at risk. It is impossible to achieve complete nutrition from conventional food on less than 1500 Kcal a day. Even then, extensive nutritional knowledge and a wide variety of foods need to be consumed to ensure adequate intake of all those vitamins and minerals. Cambridge has cracked that problem by formulating a diet that gives 100% nutrition and has programmes (up to 1500 kcal per day) using the Diet as a nutritional foundation with conventional food. Cambridge customers have confidence that they can lose weight safely and not put health at risk.​

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