Olivia Isabel and grandad

They are there now, maybe photobucket was down for a while
I can see them Cheryl, can anyone else?
ah, are you talking about the first posts? when she was born, because I've fixed them now.
Yay. I can see them. Jim she is totally scrummy. How beautiful. She looks like a very contented baby.
ah, she was so tiny then, she hasn't half grown since.
4 months Cheryl.
Oh bless. Enjoy every min as you well know they grow up fast. I bet she has those lovely chubby legs you just want to grab hold of
which photo's are you looking at love? there is loads over the many pages, not just the first page. She is all chubby now.
Trust me ive seen them all. I love babies and im really broody at the mo. She really is beautiful and i can tell that grandad Jim is very proud.
here's my baby. :)




and I love her to bits FAF. :)
WOW hasnt she grown!!! she is gorgeous x
Absolutely gorgeous Jim, I reckon she takes after Colleen looks wise tho :8855:
You must be very proud ;) x x