Step 1 Sole Source + On day 11 and ull of energy


Full Member
Hi all
Day 11 and woke up full of energy and feeling great . During school run, exercised my stomach and bum by clenching in time to Black Box - ride on time !
When I got in put Heart radio on and danced away for 1/2 hour ! Been using my sons hand weights too for the bingo wings and doing some sit ups !
Looking after my friends dog Dennis and took him for a lovely long walk over the fields twice today ! Hope this feeling lasts !
Weigh in tomorrow morning !
Im usually such a nightmare in morning to get up and usually in bed early, but6am in ping and up, doing chores before work as well as getting kids sorted. I hope this lasts too xxx goodluck for tomorrow,look forward to hear how you get on x
It's funny isn't it ..... Not used to having any get up and go !
Thanks for the good wishes for my weigh in, surprisingly nervous for some reason !
Lol x