To answer your question about weight, based on my experience with LL. To be brutally honest, I would suggest getting to target and then going onto maintenance. I was advised otherwise by my LLC, and I have regretted listening to her ever since!
I went onto maintenance at 12st, my original target having been 11st 7lbs. Admittedly during the first couple of weeks of management I continued to lose weight, and did indeed drop another 9lbs (3lbs a week for 3 weeks) as I was still in ketosis. But as soon as the fruit re-introduction came, weight loss stopped immediately, and the body started to replenish its stores, started to retain more water (as glycogen does), and the weight started to creep back on. I slowly crept back upto 11st 10lbs ..... agreed still lower than when I went onto management, but higher than target.
I maintained at that quite easily, and through careful portion control and care in what I was eating (easy in the summer with salads), I managed to shift more weight and got myself down to 11st 6lbs again.
I am currently 11st 8lbs, and aiming to shift the 8lbs .....
I would say shift the weight whilst you are finding it easy, because (it may just be me), I find it easy enough to maintain my weight with food, but not to lose weight.