Out of ketosis ??

Liveonce said:
I no that I'm probably out of ketosis as it was my sons christening yesterday had some food and drinks but are there any effects you feel when coming out such as the cold feeling when your in ketosis xx

not sure hun but there is a member on here who is good with ketosis questions... i'll find her name and let you know x
Depending on what you ate reflects whether you came out of ketosis.
The effects you may experience are tiredness, lack of energy, no longer having the taste of metal in your mouth... etc!
Liveonce said:
I ate some carba a ham sandwich and a slice of pie and a slice of christening cake so my bet is I've put on a stone lol x

Oh dear, yes I reckon that would do it. I lost the bad taste and smelly breath last week when I came out of ketosis. I was back in ketosis 2 days later tho so dont despair :)
Don't worry about it too much just carry back on with the diet, you won't have gained a stone, but your body will have to process the carbs so you might have a stay the same or slight gain until the glycogen stores from the carbs have depleted then you'll be back in ketosis and losing. Don't let it put you off x