OzzieMoz's Upside Down Diary!

Ha! Brilliant! My personal feeling is that as long as you're only warming up death it should be ok. If, however, you're cooking death, or using it in a different way from its original intention (I'm thinking death cake here, or possibly using death to thicken a casserole) then you probably should syn it.

It's all about being honest with yourself Ozzie.
You two ladies gave me a good giggle before I went to bed last night :rotflmao:

CyberRuby - we have found my inner geek - I am delighted to be geeky! I have now achieved a true status of chubby speccy-4-eyed geekiness - woop woop!! Now I need to get rid of the chubby bit .... and I would like to avoid the "geek" aspect becoming a nerd.... it would seem there is a fine line between the two!

Sorus ... the "death cake" and the "using it in a different way from its original intention" had me giggling away and I really couldn't explain it to my OH. I'm still laughing now! I have a feeling that any couscous threads I read will now descend into hilarity in my mind now.

Yesterday .... well, it wasn't a green day .... or a red day ... it wasn't even an EE day. It was more of a ..... hmmm, how shall I put this... it was more of a fat day! Did you know that large custard tarts and KFC twisters (sweet chilli) are syn free on a fat day? In my mind they are anyway!

I'm trying hard to feel guilty about it but I don't - I can't say I even really really enjoyed it but it needed to be done. Custard tarts and KFC are not a miracle cold/flu cure though so I can now at least contribute that fact to medical science - so my day was not wasted!

There is an old-fashioned London pea-souper fog in my head this morning (syn-free on green/red/EE, although not super-free or souper free - meh!). I think I'm getting better though because I'm bored now so I have to get better!

Grey day outside and quite cool by normal standards. The cyclone looks like it will hit land on Sunday morning, but quite a way south of here and it's weakened a bit too - hopefully it will miss any populated areas :fingerscrossed:

LittleOM has just got up - she has the day off school so I better go and sort her out!

Today, I'm going to try and be very good. I don't want to undo all the good work from earlier in the week, so I might try a couple of low-synned days. I know I can do it as I didn't used to eat all my syns - but I've got quite used to having them all now so I think I'll miss them :cry: It's the price I must pay for my flippant attitude!
Ha! I'm very impressed re your exhaustive research as to whether custard tarts and KFC are a miracle bug cure. The things we SWers do in the name of science. We're a noble lot.

Your 'fat day' reminded me of a friend who was tweeting away on Twitter about the gorgeous lunch she'd just had in a nearby restaurant of fish and chips followed by sticky toffee pudding. I happen to know this friend is following SW. So I asked her if STP was part of the new success express menu I didn't know about. She replied that she was on a 'brown day'. Which made me giggle.

Hope your weigh in goes ok tomorrow!
Still not found a food cure for this lurgey - moved on to a new and unpleasant snotty stage this morning. Fed up! It's a pain in the posterior because it's my girly's birthday, she's 8 today! In some ways it doesn't seem like 8 years in other ways it feels as if she has always been with me. She is my sunshine :)

Yesterday was a muddled sort of day. Went a tad off-plan and had a yummy bacon and egg roll at my M-I-L's work, young OzMoz had the day off school so took her there for a little treat to see her nanna. As it turned out, she was just knocking off work as we got there! so after our roll, we went round to hers for a cuppa which was nice. In all honesty, I don't think the job thing is going to happen. The manageress is telling her it's a definite possibility and she's sure they can make it work, but she says they have to advertise, which isn't actually true. However, it means that there are bound to be qualified/experienced people who apply who can work the hours they want without compromise and so they can justify to m-i-l why I can't be given a chance. I think they are just trying to let down m-i-l gently although I didn't say that to her. It's probably for the best, as I suspect I wouldn't like the work, but we shall see!

After my heinous crime of delicious b&e roll - I then had 2 mud cake cookies with my mid-afternoon cuppa. I don't know why I ate them, other than the fact that they were there! Mad thing is that I'd turned down a big slice of choccie cake at my m-i-l's house because of being on a diet - how come I then chose to ignore this fact an hour or so later when I got home? I'm daft!

Had a sneaky peek at the scales again. Still looks like just 2 of the 3 pounds have gone - I want all three gone and I had hoped that one more would go with it - doesn't look like that's going to happen, we shall see tomorrow morning at the official WI though :fingerscrossed: although my efforts could be hampered by triple chocolate ice-cream cake :eek: :eek:

One thing I am clear about though is that I'm not going to do another whole red week - I really don't like them. I think what I might try next week is to have a couple of green, a couple of red, a couple of EE and one day off. I know we shouldn't plan to be bad but ... I might :p

Oooh, time for me to go, the birthday girl has arisen! yayyyy! :birthday:

Keep on truckin' :character00182: Parp! Parp!
Hi Ozzie, poor you, you're really in the wars! I hope you managed to get your bed back. I think it's kinda funny when men get 'man flu' it's ok for them to sniffle over you because women couldn't possibly get 'man flu'! Yet when we're not well we get a sympathetic pat on the back to make us (or them) feel better when we're clearing away the dishes lol. Naturally I find that I won't complain and my slight hints (stomping around the kitchen, clattering all the dishes around in a sulk) get no reaction or the usual 'oh it's THAT time of the month is it?'!

I do hope you enjoyed your syn free KFC :) I'm sure when you're feeling better you'll be much more motivated x
Still feeling fairly crappy on a health level but happy enough apart from that :)

I was slightly disappointed to see that only 2 of my 3lb gain had gone this week. As I've said many times, if I'd been bad and put on those 3lbs that would be one thing, but the fact that in my view they were totally undeserved makes it more annoying. Anyway, 2 have gone. For the first time I'm setting myself a weekly target to lose - I must lose a minimum of 1.5lbs this coming week. Actually ideally 20-something pounds but that isn't going to happen ;) The reason for the 1.5 is that I would then be back into making progress and breaking new ground rather than this up and down nonsense of the last few weeks. I'm going to do a mixture of days like I said yesterday, although I'm not going to do the "fat day" - my aim is to be 100% on plan all week with no airy-fairy vagueness with my syns - no sirreeeeee! I can do it - I'm a big hairy trucker - rarrrrrrrrrrrrrr!

Daughter's birthday yesterday was lovely - I know everyone thinks their kids are the best, but she is a real sweetheart. We had a lovely day out shopping for presents! To the extent that we didn't eat anything all day - well she had a disgusting breakfast .... a Neenish Tart, I put a candle in it and sang happy birthday to make her laugh first thing in the morning. Family ended up having takeaway from Maccas for dinner, but not me! I even had to go there twice as they screwed up the order! Benefit to that was that they gave me my money back! I just had beans on wholemeal toast with vegemite, mushrooms, little bit of cheese and a little squirt of HP sauce! Yum - that is my easy happy dinner/lunch when I can't be bothered.

Today, I will be playing with MiniOzMoz and catching up on washing and stuff! Bearing in mind my brain-fog I think the washing is more appealing at the moment at least that doesn't require imagination which is a thing I'm sadly lacking in at the moment.

Going to get some cold/flu tablets and see if they'll knock this thing on the head. I have no faith in them, I wonder if that is what inhibits them from working on me - perhaps, you've gotta have faith-a-faith-a-faith, you've gotta have faith! (George Michael moment there! :p ).

I'm off to make my second cuppa and read some minimins stuff! Hope everyone is having a splendiferous weekend!

Keep on Truckin' !! :character00182: Parp! Parp!
Hey Ozzie;

Sorry to hear you're still under the weather. These spring* colds are the pits, so darn tenacious.
My body is misbehaving too, I think it's a protective thing with the lergy hanging around.

Here's so good health, and soon.

*I guess it's autumn for you though, innit :)
Thanks CyberRuby :) .... and I suppose technically it might be autumn here, but we only seem to do 2 seasons up here in the tropics - summer and winter and the temperature varies from hot to bloody hot! :rotflmao:

It's actually quite mild today - only 24C but that's probably because it's grey and piddling down with rain and there is a fair bit of wind coming off the ocean. Can see some blue sky over the mountains but I don't think it's heading this way, I think it's there to mock me!

Healthwise I seem to be on the mend. Throat is ok now and I don't seem to have a rampaging snot monster in my head. So I'm happy with that!

Weight-wise - I'm p***ed off. I really think that the body is a most peculiar thing. For most of last week and in particular on WI day on Sunday my weight had gone down 2lbs to 172 (losing 2 of the 3 I had put on for no reason over the previous 2 weeks) .... then yesterday and today it's back up by 2.5lbs and I have been good as gold. I'm flummoxed and fed up. It seems I'm going round and round with the same few pounds. I've mixed things up with red days, I've upped my syns and made sure I have HE and that worked temporarily and then it just came back. I really am at a loss as to what to do .... and this is what is really getting my goat this morning ... actually it will have to be my imaginary goat as I don't really have a goat ... I quite like the idea though of an imaginary goat friend and I'm going to call him Reginald... anyway, what is really getting my Reginald this morning is that because I do the online thing, I get NO SUPPORT. I pay all this money and when things get tough, they send me "motivational links" which don't apply to me and are totally generic and only seem to deal with situations where people aren't sticking to the plan, not situations where the plan isn't working for whatever reason. Bodyoptimise sucks the big one! Hurrumph!! Reginald and I might flounce off into the sunset :p

Apart from that - all is good!

I fell over yesterday afternoon, that wasn't good though, so all isn't good after all. I hurt my bum and my dignity! The road I have to park in when I collect my girly from school has a pavement which gets really slimey when it rains and the thongs (flip-flops) that I'm wearing now have no tread left on them, so my feet just whizzed away from under me and I landed in the mud. So I had to collect MiniOzMoz with my left hand side all covered in grime! .... and not one person who were waiting in their parked cars poked their head out to see if I was OK. I thought this was meant to be a more friendly/helpful nation where "mateship", as they call it, rules! Pah!!

Oooooh I am growly today aren't I! But I'm enjoying it! :rotflmao:

What else can I rant about? Cheese! I bought 500g of shredded cheese on Sunday and yesterday my stepson pointed out that it was inedible as it is a strangely green colour! Now I've got to go and take it back - they better be nice or I'll set Reg on them!

Rarrrrrrrrrrr! Here me roar!

Today, I'm not giving up on the plan although I'm very cross with SW and bodyoptimise in particular, is going to be a green day. Still sticking to it 100% but my enthusiasm and faith are waning. I think later when I'm feeling less ranty I'm going to write a long letter to the folk at SW explaining to them why BodyOptimise is a rip off and they need to have a radical rethink. Hurrumph!


Hope everyone else is doing well and keeping the faith and losing some poundage! Meanwhile I'm just going to keep on truckin'
Only just had a chance to read your last entry Ozzie. It made me laugh so much. Reginald! I now have visions of you roaming round Cairns with a generally amenable but occasionally grumpy goat in tow.

As to the weight - well, blimey I know exactly how you feel. What seemed so easy a few short months ago (ie stick to plan, weight falls off) now seems nigh on impossible. Incredibly frustrating when you know you're not doing anything different.

And as for the Body Optimise website - I couldn't agree more. Total rubbish. Which is why I cancelled my membership as soon as the 3 months were up. I occasionally wish I could look up a syn value on the website but usually Google comes up trumps anyway.

I've found with me that I tootle along sticking to plan and weight going nowhere for 3 or 4 weeks then suddenly, one week a loss will be registered. This week is that week for me. Hooray! I know now that I'm not to expect the scales to do anything exciting till the end of April. I've had my excitement for one month!

Other than that Ozzie all I can suggest is boring stuff like getting more exercise? Though in that heat it would be put me right off. I bought a Pilates DVD - dead cheap - which has several ten minute workouts on it and I try and do one of those a day when I'm bored.

Or zinc! I forgot I used to take zinc picolinate - when I remembered yesterday (came across an article about it which reminded me) I realised I was taking it (along with kelp) in Nov/Dec when I had my big losses. So I took one yesterday. And lo and behold scales showed a pound and a half off this morning! Total coincidence I know but it made me laugh. I shall keep on taking them just as an experiment!

So I reckon you must be due a loss soon Ozzie. And if not, well - amputation?
LMAO...this really made me laugh!

....and this is what is really getting my goat this morning ... actually it will have to be my imaginary goat as I don't really have a goat ... I quite like the idea though of an imaginary goat friend and I'm going to call him Reginald... anyway, what is really getting my Reginald this morning....'

I love reading your diary because you're such a nutter...and that is meant in the nicest possible way of course :)

It's good to have a rant, I've certainly had my share of them too. As for those other women not coming to your aid when you fell over, well when it happens to them and you're sat in your car, snug and dry, you'll be able to allow yourself a self-satisfied smirk :)

I can understand your frustration at feeling like you're gaining and losing the same pounds but you have lost 18lb so you're obviously doing something right. Maybe it just gets harder when you're nearing target and you're not that far off. I've never been remotely near my target so I don't really know. In fact I think my target is buried somewhere in Australia so I may have to come out there and find it! Keep your eye out for a big X marks the spot please :D

Keep your pecker up Ozzie, you really have done very well and without the group meetings to keep you going too.
I now have visions of you roaming round Cairns with a generally amenable but occasionally grumpy goat in tow.
So I reckon you must be due a loss soon Ozzie. And if not, well - amputation?

You must know Reginald, you have described him to a tee - yes indeed he is generally amenable, can get a bit cranky sometimes but at his age, he's entitled, dammit!

As for the "amputation" well I nearly spat my tea! It was somewhat unexpected, although I concede the plan has some merit in terms of effectiveness yet somehow I think the long term disadvantages outweigh the short term advantage. But let's keep the idea on the table shall we! Stick a pin in the idea and pin it to the wall!

Unfortunately, I think the answer is largely exercise or lack thereof. It's definitely getting cooler here now so maybe I could try getting a DVD and jump around the room like a loon, I might even make it an exercise DVD .... :rotflmao: I just had visions of me jumping around doing exercises to Star Trek the movie or something... :eek:

Marie, I saw your "nutter" comment shortly after my daughter had once again told me "Mum, you're mad in the head you are!" - but I'm taking both comments as flattery :p What an excellent realisation about your target being buried in Australia, I can believe that - I think however mine is in the UK. If you start digging a hole in your garden and I start tunnelling from mine, we can perhaps meet halfway - it's a plan! a bad one, but a plan nonetheless! Oooh now some wise words from our friend Sorus come to mind "what the mind can conceive, it can achieve!" so we better get digging! :rotflmao:

Zinc picolinate, what's that all about? I just had a good read about it and it seems a good idea generally. What made you start taking it Sorus? I sometimes think I should take a multi-vitamin at least of some sort. I think my diet is generally quite healthy, but you never know if you're getting everything you need each day.

My green day, the day before yesterday didn't happen and it became a red day and I really enjoyed it! I didn't feel hungry at all - it all happened because I found some leftover frozen bolognese sauce and some frozen microwaveable steamed veggies that I'd forgotten I'd bought. I needed a quick/easy lunch and that provided it! I enjoyed it so much I had it for dinner too! Yesterday, i had a green day, I made 3-tin soup from the recipe section which is actually very nice for lunch and then had a mushroom omelette with spicey couscous for dinner.

This morning, I have been absolutely saintly and made a HUGE pot of mince, some of which I have frozen plain with gravy, some bolognesed and some chilli-ified. That's lunch times sorted out for a while! Despite me saying the other day no more red weeks for me, I think I might give it a go for a while, or at least a mix of those and EE and have a bit of a break from green which is my favourite. Who knows, with my butterfly brain, the plan might change by tomorrow!

Anyway, this is an excessively long post and Reginald needs a walk. Hope everyone is doing well! Keep on truckin' :character00182: Parp! Parp!
Amputation indeed. I now have visions of Ozzie as the determined knight from Monty Python and the Holy Grail flailing around limbless and declaring 'Tis a mere flesh wound! And I've lost 12lbs!'

Re: supplements - in the past I have found chromium picolinate helpful too; it apparently helps keep blood sugar from doing plummety things and therefore stops those dreadful rebound carb cravings. I haven't taken it for a while but that reminds me I ought to start again. I also take something called 'thermopure' which is a mixture of raspberry ketones, caffeine and other natural stuffs supposedly helping to mobilise one's fat stores. I don't know if it helps, but my hubby buys quite a few supplements online because he's a vegan weightlifter (not an easy combination) and I generally refuse to take them. On this occasion I decided I would make an exception on account of the science behind it makes some sense to me, and there are no bizarre chemicals in it.

Wow. Supplemental ramblings!
Amputation indeed. I now have visions of Ozzie as the determined knight from Monty Python and the Holy Grail flailing around limbless and declaring 'Tis a mere flesh wound! And I've lost 12lbs!'

Gawd, the perception of me is getting worse .... now I'm the determined knight with my slightly cranky but mainly amenable goat, Reginald .... oh and missing a limb or 4! :rotflmao: You made me giggle!

Eeeeeeh bah gum it's a foul morning here! Torrential rain all night and all morning so far! Road was flooded so young OzMoz and I got soaked on the way to school - sensible kids/parents went bare foot, you can tell I'm not totally aussified yet as that didn't occur to me! So young OM is sitting in class in her bare feet along with the majority of the kids! But at least it isn't being frowned on as I saw the Prinicipal and the VP wandering around with their trousers rolled up and in their bare feet too! I've at least been able to get in and have a warm shower to warm my poor bones and get into dry clothes! OH works in the gardens at a large complex here - so he is going to be like a drowned rat when he comes home!

Still sticking with red days and finding it easier this time! Actually after yesterday's morning cooking marathon it should be much easier! It appears to be working too as my weight is almost back to where it was a month ago. If this morning's weight is to be believed at 171.5, I still need to lose 1lb before Sunday if I'm to actually have made any genuine progress! Oh and I looked up on BodyOptimise (grrrrr!) to double check figures and while I was there checked my anticipated date for getting to target at my current lacklustre progress ... and it's December 2013!! Bloody hell! I was hoping to be at target by August-ish! To be honest if the weight goes back to what is my usual 1lb a week then obviously the target date will substantially decrease, but it shows what a few unsuccessful weeks can do! :eek:

I forgot to label my frozen efforts from yesterday and they all look pretty similar .... so it's pot luck lunch! I think it will be a mushroom & ham omelette for dinner but I might change my mind about that.

Anyway, better go do the dishes and phone the drowned rat to show sympathy ..... and to go "I'm dry, you're not, ner ner ner" of course! ;) :D

Hope all are keeping well and on track!
It's another grey wet morning here, but it's lovely and cool - so I'm going to enjoy that and not think about the rain!

Got soaked several times yesterday and the worst of it was that I had promised Young OzMoz an ice-cream after school on Friday. So in our dripping wet clothes we had to go into a freezing air-conditioned shopping centre and sit and eat ice-cream! I tried to postpone it to a warmer drier day but she looked so sad.... and she had specially put her socks and shoes back on even though they were soggy because she thought if she hadn't then I might not let her go! For some strange reason she really struggles putting socks on - I must not have taught her right :rotflmao:

Other than using my syns on a very delicious scoop of boysenberry ice-cream, I was totally good yesterday. Stuck to my planned red day! Might have a green day today but will see what happens at lunch time!

Fingers crossed that I can actually make some progress this week - my sneakypeek weigh in this morning suggested I might, but who knows what horrors tomorrow morning's WI will bring, bloody weight fluctuations grrrrrrr!

I had a plan for today, but I really can't remember what it was.... I'm getting old and dithery, thats what is happening! Or, another possibility is that the weight I am losing is all going from my brain :eek:

I've scared myself now ... so I think I will go eat Weetbix, because I'm an aussie weetbix kid <---- I'm singing that because I've been brainwashed by a splendid advert :p :D

Hope all are doing well, Reggie sends his best wishes.

Keep on truckin' :character00182: Parp! Parp!
Ozzie and CR - I've been having a lovely giggle over these posts the last couple of days - but haven't had time to write myself. Thank you for making me laugh!

And now I have visions of you, Ozzie, as an amputee knight, with loyal Reginald by your side, swashbuckling your way through streets flooded with several feet of water. And shouting a lot, of course. :D

Glad to hear the red days seem to be working for you. Will be waiting to hear your weigh in news tomorrow! You've given me a kick up the backside actually, and reminded me that there is such a thing as red days, and that indeed when I only did red days I was quite happy AND I lost weight.

It was only when I discovered Extra Easy that Red days lost their appeal and I started to see them as completely draconian! Which is absolute tosh and I need to sort my head out.

Nothing new there.

Dead impressed that you've done all that cooking. Even if it is unlabeled. Will make the diet even more exciting. :)

Oooh - forgot to say thank you to CR for reminding me about chromium picolinate. I used to swear by them but like CR got out of the habit of taking them. I still have some so along with a few other picolinates I'm going to start taking them again.

Weirdly since I started taking supplements again a couple of days ago my weight has shifted downwards - yet I've been off plan. Will witter on about that in my diary if I get time.

Have a great weekend Ozzie and give Reginald a handful of grass for me. The non-recreational drug kind! Though actually it might be quite fun to see a stoned goat.
Oooh - forgot to say thank you to CR for reminding me about chromium picolinate.

Hey no probs - you guys reminded me really with your other picolinate. I'm off for a wander into town to get some chromium now. Happy supplemented truckin!
And now I have visions of you, Ozzie, as an amputee knight, with loyal Reginald by your side, swashbuckling your way through streets flooded with several feet of water. And shouting a lot, of course. :D

God bless Reginald! .... and of course I shout! Reg just says "meh" in a somewhat disdainful manner. When YoungOzMoz was really little, we used to go for walks, back in the UK at this point, and I taught her that when walking into a strong head wind it's good to roar as loud as you can! We used to have great fun! God knows what the neighbours thought!

Hey no probs - you guys reminded me really with your other picolinate. I'm off for a wander into town to get some chromium now. Happy supplemented truckin!

I'm jealous, I am picolinateless. Want some. Want some now! *stamps foot* I have to go to the chemist later to get OH epilepsy medication, I might have a look at the supplement aisle! Prices will probably put me off the whole idea!

Today is a splendid day! If the house had been empty I might have done a running lap naked this morning I was that pleased! Lost 2lbs this week - woop woop! Which means that I did make some progress! The last remaining pound of the ones that come and go went and took a friend with it! So I am 1lb lighter than I've been since I started this plan! Yayyyy - go me!

I'm going to keep the faith with mainly red days this week to see if that will keep it coming off. 1lb more will see me into the 160somethings and get me my 1.5 stone award!

It seems somewhat disproportionate to the actual achievement to be this happy as in reality whilst it's 2lbs gone, it's only 1lb progress. But I am seriously ecstatic! I think I need to get out more :rotflmao:

I found yesterday quite difficult as I really wanted to have lunch out and I didn't want to cook dinner for myself and my stepson bought in ice-creams for everyone! However, I managed to turn down the ice-cream and he is a good lad, he didn't pressurise me he is actually being very supportive. Also, my husband burned the dinner a bit for everyone else so it was quite a good call me eating separately :rotflmao:

Still raining here and I have to try and get uniforms for work/school washed and dried - not sure how I'll manage that, they may have to go starkers!

I'm going to have a quiet day in today other than my trip to the chemist. Really want to read as I haven't read much the last few weeks. When I get to 1.5 stone I'm going to treat myself to a few books from the book depository. It's mad that it's cheaper to buy books from the UK and get them sent over than it is to buy here. There is no good reason for it. Grrrr!

Hope everyone is having a good weekend! May the picolinates be with you. Amen.
Not much to say here. Had the quiet-ish day that I wanted yesterday. It's still raining not sure if it will ever stop! Can't grumble I suppose as it is the wet season, and not for nothing am I living near the rainforests! It's so beautifully green here compared to many parts of Australia.

Stuck with the red day yesterday, but am going to have a green day today as I have a craving for kidneybean risotto.

Am having a small financial crisis. Going to knuckle down and go all out on the job search front as I've been a bit half-hearted about it and that isn't going to get me anywhere and I'm starting to lose sleep worrying about money and I have enough trouble sleeping as it is without doing more worrying! So bearing in mind that I am a determined knight, I'm going to use that determination to get me a job! Hope they have grazing available as I'll have to take Reg with me! Perhaps I should put that on my list of questions to ask .....

For the next 3 days it's that irritating cycle where I go backwards and forwards every hour or so between OH and stepson's work and school and home, so no real time to do anything in particular. I feel as if I spend the days just watching the clock to make sure I'm not late. On that basis it's a good time for my job-search thingy. No excuse not to sit here writing letters/emailing/printing/phoning etc... All I have to do is make sure I don't spend time doing surfing of the more interesting variety! :rotflmao: As you can see, I'm starting as I mean to go on, by "wasting" time here :p Although I dispute that it is wasting time, as I really rely on minimins and my fellow truckers to keep me motivated. I don't think you probably realise the extent to which I do appreciate this support.

Anyway, I better shuffle off before I get maudlin, and it's far too early in the day to be maudlin, not sure what the suitable hour is but it's definitely not 9.45 am!

Hope everyone has had a most excellent weekend and are going to see some good losses this week! I'm still focussed on getting rid of that pound!
Hey well done on losing 2lbs this week!!! You've now lost 20lbs! That's incredible! Think you're beating me by about a pound - we forget how far we've come. Progress might be slow but at least it's progress!

How's the job hunting going? Hope something brilliant turns up. I have good vibes!

Looks like red days really work for you. I'm still to get into them. Weekends and a complete lack of motivation keep getting in the way!