OzzieMoz's Upside Down Diary!

Job hunting hasn't really happened. Called in at a couple of supermarkets for forms to do night filling work. Just waiting to hear back in due course. That sort of work would keep the wolf from the door while not interfering with my time with my girly, and would also leave me free to look for a "proper" job.

Actually having a fairly horrible week which then got worse this morning when I slipped over (yes again!! :eek: ). This time it was in a puddle that had formed at the top of some stairs outside LittleOM's classroom. Whoooooooooooosh! my legs went whizzing out from under me and I landed with full force on my bum and my left elbow and twisting my knee and ankle in the process! Really hurts - even more than the loss of dignity! Must say though the kids were really lovely, they all mobbed round me to see if I was OK and could they help - not a single one of them sniggered - well not in front of me, anyway :rotflmao: I thought that was quite lovely! I saw H into class and then limped off home sadly feeling very sorry for myself. The school phoned me shortly afterwards to see how I was and although part of the reason was because they have to fill in forms etc, the other part is because they are a very friendly caring sort of school. Anyway, I had to go in this afternoon and fill in their form and then I had to redo it because they said that I couldn't tick the box saying it was fatal ... and that I couldn't label the skeleton diagram querying where my dignity was? ... and that the jaunty hat wasn't appropriate either .... I had also smudged the ink because I was dripping on the form because I was soaking wet, it's still raining here... so I asked if we could leave the drips on the form, and if they could tell the education department that they were my tears! I was handed a towel and asked to fill in the form again .... they were laughing though!

Anyway, now I'm feeling very sore and fed up. I want to do something bad to cheer myself up, I have no idea what! Actually, it's quite shameful that doing something "bad" would cheer me up - and I don't mean eating something synful - I just mean a random act of badness, the direct opposite of random act of kindness I suppose! I probably actually don't need to do something bad, I just need to think of something bad that I could do ..... snigger evilly to myself and all would be well with the world again! :rotflmao: I'm quite horrible aren't I! :eek: I really shouldn't share the inner workings of my mind!

On to more weighty matters, yesterday was red, today is green. Judging by sneaky peeky weighing I think I'm heading towards a sts - we shall see though come Sunday morning. I want my 1.5 stone award so I need to lose that pound! I might hop up and down on my not sore leg and do not sore arm exercises. ;) :D

Hope everyone is having a good week and truckin' on down that highway! I set off from Fatstown, am now nearing Plumpton but still heading towards Slimsville ..... one day!!
Had a few days off from posting. Been sticking to the plan though and been as good as gold over Easter. It helps having a husband who wouldn't dream of buying me an Easter egg, not because he is supporting my weight loss, it just wouldn't occur to him *sighs long-sufferingly*

Mainly been in pain for the last few days but it seems to be easing off now so that's got to be good! Still raining!! Just about all day every day - I wish we had a tumble drier! Here I am trying to be good for the environment, but the weather is conspiring against me! It's just so hard to keep the washing/drying up to date when it's like this, the atmosphere is just so bloody damp!

WI was on Sunday morning as per usual and I was right I sts - feel a bit disappointed as the weight is going so slowly. 6 months to lose 20lbs is fairly feeble especially when for almost the entire period I have been good. As I have said before, it's not the food that I have a problem with, I'm quite happy eating what I am eating, it's the fact that I have to think so much about what I eat, when I eat it and always hoping that the scales will reward me. It's the mind-games aspect that I am sick to the back teeth of. However, it has to be done. I put "end 2010" as my target date when I started, thinking that I would easily make that and expecting to be at target by June/July at the latest, at my current rate I will be lucky to get to target by end 2010!

As my fellow truckers know, we just keep on truckin' along and we'll get there in the end.

Had a few green days as I had some 3-tin soup frozen and some mushy pea curries which I wanted to use up. Will probably go back to red days from today. I've given up a bit on EE for the time being.

Off to the cinema shortly to see "How to Train your Dragon". I don't really like going in the morning, but it's the only time during the week that I can go with young OzMoz. Most of the rest of the day we are clock watching and driving back and forth to OH & stepson work. We've already done one extra trip in with something he'd forgotten!

Hope everyone is doing well. Sorry if this has been a bit of a grumble-fest. I'm feeling smiley on the exterior but growly inside :rotflmao:

Keep on truckin' :character00182: Parp! Parp!
"How to Train Your Dragon" was great! Young OzMoz and I both loved it. We arrived at the cinema, in my opinion, unreasonably early but was then very thankful that we did because it was absolutely heaving! I suppose it was with all the rain, parent/grandparents were keen to treat stir-crazy kids to an outing! I nearly turned round and left as I don't like crowds so much these days which is funny considering I lived all my life in London up until 3 years ago. Anyway, I couldn't disappoint my girl so we stayed and I'm glad we did!

Had another green day yesterday and enjoyed it. Today, I am back to red - or that is the plan at this stage but you never know with me when it might change!

Rain has stopped, which is quite exciting, but the clouds look ominous although the radar doesn't support my theory that rain is a-coming! I'm going to believe the radar and peg my washing outside and hope for the best! Ever the optimist! :p

Not much else happening. Might do some more batch cooking and watch the Sarah-Jane Adventures with my girl. Oh the exciting life I lead! I might even do a second load of washing if I feel particularly wild!

Must go, the dish-water is getting cold - I forgot I was meant to be doing the dishes! :eek: :D
The rain was back after all, but today it appears to have gone. Blue skies, white puffy clouds - glorious!

Still being saintly and sticking to the plan. Still finding it quite easy to do so but still fed up with the lack of real progress. I find it frustrating to read of other people's great losses especially when reading about how many times some go off-plan or over-syn. Don't get me wrong, I'm seriously and genuinely pleased for them that they have lost, just frustrated with my own body for being so reluctant to let go of the pounds. It doesn't help that no-one says anything nice about my weight loss, no idea whether they haven't noticed or just don't care. In fairness to my OH he didn't ever comment on me putting on the pounds. He says if I want to lose the weight that's fine, but it's also fine with him if I don't. It's not as if I am hugely overweight, just a bit plump or podgy! :rotflmao: It's my choice to do SW, I just think it would be nice to hear someone say that I'm looking slimmer/healthier. I need a boost. I suppose that again is the downside of having left my family/friends behind - and if they saw me now, they would say "you've put on a few pounds!" as I've put the weight on since I emigrated! So going home to UK wouldn't help! I'm whining again, aren't I?! I'm not actually feeling growly or sad for that matter - just frustrated! I think when my girly goes back to school next week I really must try this gym thing out, I think I've tinkered with switching food as much as I can and that alone I'm sure will see my weight continue to drop but at a rate so slow that my weightloss graph will look like I'm flat-lining :rotflmao: Exercise or shortage thereof I think is the key! So going to drag my girly on a march up and down the Esplanade this afternoon as a start-up for my exercise plan!

Anyway, must dash as time to collect step-son for his "lunch break" - it's only 10am but he started at 5 - ewww!

Hope everyone is keeping well and happy and on-plan and doing better than I am!! ;) :D
I find it frustrating to read of other people's great losses especially when reading about how many times some go off-plan or over-syn. Don't get me wrong, I'm seriously and genuinely pleased for them that they have lost, just frustrated with my own body for being so reluctant to let go of the pounds.


It's so pigging frustrating, isn't it? I want to throw things across the room when I go to group as there always seem to be 2 kinds of people: those who blatantly haven't stuck to the plan and are really upset because they haven't lost weight, and those who blatantly haven't stuck to the plan and are super happy because they've still lost 3lbs. Oh and then there's me. I run 2 miles every morning and I never drink/go off plan. WHINE WHINE WHINE!! I'm right there with you Ozzie, only I have so much more admiration for you truckers who are doing this without the benefit of the weekly meetings. I honestly don't think I could stay motivated otherwise, so in my eyes you're a superhero.

We have to not let them get our Reginald. Think of it this way - the minute they reach target they'll go straight off plan again, whereas we have been doing it the hard way, forging good new habits and learning a strength they will never have. So let em race to the finish. We'll pass them as they're going back the other way. Mean spirited? Maybe. But we truckers have to stick together, and I feel your pain, I really do.

Have a lovely evening and a great weekend if I don't speak to you.

Thanks a lot for that CR :rotflmao: You really gave me a good giggle when I read it last night before I went to bed! You understand my frustration completely! I try not to voice some of my less than charming thoughts but sometimes I need to vent and it's a relief to know that I'm not alone with these thoughts! It's funny though, because I wrote the other day that I needed to do a random act of badness and laughing at what you wrote whilst agreeing with it, has sort of got that out of my system :rotflmao:

You're right about the good habits and strength that we are gaining along the way. I hadn't really thought about that aspect in relation to myself! Woahhh you're right I'm a superhero! We're all superhero hairy truckers now!

Have a great weekend and thanks again for what you said, it's cheered me up no end! :D
aaarggghh - don't you just hate it when you write a long post and find you've been signed out!

Gotta start again now *stamps foot in temper* :D

First of all, thought it was time I posted again as I haven't visited for a while. Have to agree with CyberRuby (herein known as the Voice of Wisdom :D) that it's frustrating when people don't stick to plan and lose but in the long term they're not learning healthy eating habits. At my group meetings there are people like that and they tend to gain/lose but not really go anywhere with their losses but they're a great crowd and I really enjoy seeing them all. At least they still show up to the meetings and are giving it their best shot.

I think your 20lb loss over 6 months is fab. I know you're frustrated at what you consider is 'slow' weight loss but full credit to you for keeping at it. I think it is much harder to keep going when you don't get the results you want so applaud you for that.

As for no one noticing your weight loss, my OH is similar in that he doesn't care what weight I am, but he doesn't have much choice about having to comment since I constantly pose in front of him with 'does my bum look big in this' questions :D

But...I have been in conversation with Reginald (I am well versed in goat) who emailed me the other day to moan about the constant rain, how the grass looked greener on the other side, but the big rickety bridge looks a bit dangerous, and also that he thought you looked much slimmer. I thought I'd pass that snippet on to you so that you could see someone HAD noticed :D

Good luck Ozzy and keep up the good work x
Have a great weekend and thanks again for what you said, it's cheered me up no end! :D

I'm glad it helped - mission accomplished! I hope I didn't come across too mean (even though you needed the random act of badness!)

Marie, I'm not sure 'Voice of Wisdom' is a good nickname for me! More like 'Voice of BS' ;-)

Hope you've all enjoyed your weekend. The sun here has just been divine, I never want it to end.
But...I have been in conversation with Reginald (I am well versed in goat) who emailed me the other day to moan about the constant rain, how the grass looked greener on the other side, but the big rickety bridge looks a bit dangerous, and also that he thought you looked much slimmer. I thought I'd pass that snippet on to you so that you could see someone HAD noticed :D

Well it's quite a relief to realise that Reg was just emailing! I had a suspicion that he had been using the pc ... and I was slightly concerned that it might be goat porn :rotflmao: Bless his little goaty hooves for noticing the weight loss! ... or is it hoofs? Hmmm - seems either can be correct yet neither looks right/write/rite :p .... now it looks as if I'm saying that the plural of hoof could be "neither" - in which case I would be blessing Reg's little goaty neither - which just looks bizarre!

I've decided to go back to basics. I'm going to have a read of the bumph that I printed out - I'm sure that we get diddled for information on BodyOptimise! I've started off by measuring my milky allowance for the day - I always use skimmed milk and already I suspect that my casual attitude to milk has meant that I probably have often been going over my HexA. I want to know how many cups of tea with milk I can have, assuming that I've had weetbix for brekkie. It's not a difficult problem to correct as I'm quite happily drinking green tea with mint a lot of the time.

I'm also going to keep a food diary for myself and double check the syns for everything that has a syn value that I use to make sure that I'm not inadvertently cheating. I'm pretty sure that I'm not but it's better to be certain.

Today, I'm in a most peculiar mood. My general overall mood is quite chirpy and cheerful and I have a song in my heart and a spring in my step! However, I'm battling some inner demons and trying to be rational concerning something that I'm feeling irrational about. My daughter's school was having work done on it during the Easter break and as part of the work, they had to remove asbestos. My rational head tells me that of course they would not re-open the school if there were any danger to staff or pupils. My irrational head/heart is worrying away at the fact that my late mum contracted terminal cancer, mesothelioma, the asbestos related lung cancer which she had probably contracted in her years teaching, although possibly from having been brought up on Clydeside where the ship building is. Apparently asbestos in the lung can lie dormant for 40/50 years before rearing it's ugly head if it ever does! I was her primary carer from when she first started feeling ill, through diagnosis, treatment and eventually her passing away. It was a horrible thing to watch, it's not a pleasant way to go. Asbestos is like my own private bogeyman, just the word makes me tense up. I really didn't want to take young OzMoz to school this morning. I did wonder whether a pie would make me feel better - but I don't think it cures irrational thinking, so I refrained!

Today is going to be a green day because they are still my favourite! I always weigh my rice/pasta/potato to make sure that I'm keeping portion size sensible. I know that you can theoretically eat as much as you like, but I also know that I can't. I have a special bowl for my pasta/rice dinners which keeps my portions to a reasonable size, and because the bowl is full, it tricks my dozy brain into thinking I've had a big dinner!

Time for me to go do dishes and peg some washing out. Glorious day outside! Then I'm going to settle back and read and plan!

Oooooh interesting thing I learned yesterday at the zoo which I wanted to share with anyone who passes through my diary, wombats do square poo!!

On that note, I shall leave :rotflmao:
Yesterday, I chose not to mention that last week I managed to put on 3lbs. It was that week, but I had stuck to plan and hadn't gone over my syns, had eaten all my Hex's. I know rationally that it must be water retention and so will go off again, but it will probably take me a couple of weeks to shake it off and that will leave me heading towards another wasted few weeks of no progress. I do despair at times but there is not a cat in hell's chance of me giving up. I'm making sure I am more active since the end of last week and I'm going to get a silly jumping around DVD. As I said somewhere yesterday, I do need to relax more as whilst that isn't in itself causing my weight to stall it's causing me to be unhappy and frustrated. Que sera sera! I'm a long-haul trucker!

Another green day today. Had bananas, strawberries and grapes with FF yoghurt for my brekkie, going to have jacket potato with beans, mushrooms and cheese (A) with salad for lunch and then the 3-tin soup for my dinner with toast (B) & vegemite. Probably. Not sure what I'll do with my syns, maybe a milky way mid afternoon and a biscuit with my last cup of tea before bed.

It's raining again today and it's my fault! but shhhhh about that, I'm not telling anyone else here that it's my fault! I couldn't be bothered to take the washing off the line last night and just thought, "meh! I'll take it in tomorrow morning" and now it's soggy and wet and probably the bats have pooped on it for good measure! They've been dive-bombing the car lately. I reckon they have been using it for target practice ..... "good shot Cecil! Bit more to the right and you'll get a bulls-eye - maximum 50 points!"

Time for me to go get my stepson for his lunch break - I have a feeling of deja vu!
Pretty much stuck to plan yesterday except that I had my lunch for dinner and my dinner for lunch!

Having another green day today. Probably going to have the same soup for lunch as it's quick and I won't have much time today at lunch time. Had weetbix and milk for brekkie and will have a banana late morning to keep me going til I can gulp my soup later!

Nothing exciting happening today, just one of my back and forth days to work and back and school and back! I hate it when OH and stepson are on different shifts - I wish we could have 2 cars - life would be simpler, either that or that stepson would get a bike and take responsibility for getting himself to work. Meh!

Added to those trips, OH volunteered me to take his parents shopping for a new pc. I hate helping other people spend their money, I feel all responsible and worry! But I like to help them out because they've been lovely to me since I came over and have welcomed young OzMoz and me into the family with open arms.

Rain seems to have gone again :fingerscrossed: which is just as well as I need to get some washing dried or we may have a crisis!

Time to do dishes before next outing. Hope all is going well for everyone!

Sorus, where are you???
Well today didn't go as planned at all .... it turned from being a green day into a red day. If only that had been the extent of the change then I would have been happy, but unfortunately the day went pear-shaped at 10-ish this morning. OH as I believe I've mentioned before is epileptic and he had a seizure at work this morning so we were at the hospital for a good while today. He's home now and doing fine, just sore and tired. I feel fed up, not with anyone or anything in particular, just an overwhelming feeling of fed-up-edness (fine word that I've just created :p ) actually, I should have looked to the goat for inspiration, I'm like him, I'm feeling disgruntled.

Hopefully with a good albeit short night's sleep (I have to get up at 4am to take stepson to work) I'll feel more gruntled in the morning!


Night night all :zz:
Hi Ozzie :)

Sorry to hear about all the upset earlier. I've witnessed a friend have an epileptic fit and it's really scary, must be awful to have to live with epilepsy - does medication control it or not completely (as would seem to be the case since your OH had a fit today).

I like your new word - fed-up-edness. Maybe trotting around after everyone driving them back and forth, as well as getting up at 4am, has just got your Reginald? But I guess generally we all feel the same way at times. It's not raining so that's a good thing!

You must have been so annoyed at your gain on Sunday. Fingers crossed it will only be because of THAT time of the month but I like your resolve to stick at it :D

Love and best wishes from up under (seems only right if you're down under that we should be up under) :D
Thanks Marie :D I think technically you are "Up over" if we are "down under" although for some strange reason, up over makes me think of vomit, I think it's because my mum when seeking clarification as to whether we had puked or just felt sick used to ask had we been "up and overboard" :rotflmao:

OH is a lot better today but not back at work as he's very sore. His fits are largely controlled by medication but every so often he'll have a fit or two. It's never nice seeing someone you love suffering so in that sense it's horrible, but to be honest I've seen so many now and know the routine that I don't fret like I used to when I first met him. Last September I think was what made the difference, he ended up in ICU at the hospital for a week because he wouldn't stop fitting, he had about 70 or 80 in the space of 2/3 days, they even had him in an induced coma at one point to try and stop them, but that didn't work because as soon as they brought him round he started again, it became just a case of waiting for his body/brain to deal with it and for them to stop of their own accord. Fortunately, he's only ever been like that once, and now seems to have gone back to his old pattern of an incident every 3 or 4 months or so. He hates them so much but there seems nothing that can be done, so we deal with it. Some people have far worse to worry about/deal with on a daily basis in their lives, so this isn't so bad.

Today, I'm disproportionately elated, I went to the newsagent to buy a card for a colleague of my husband who is leaving today and while I was there .... I spotted SW magazine! Yayyyyy! I haven't seen one here before! I should have asked if they get it in regularly or whether it's just an uncollected order for someone else. It's the Jan/Feb edition but I don't care! Woop woop!!

Today is going to be a green day. No idea what I'm going to eat though! Should start thinking about it soon as my stomach is rumbling. I was up at 4 and had breakfast then which was a big mistake as it's thrown my routine out of kilter and I've been hungry all morning!

Hope everyone is keeping on track .... I am and if I can, then anyone can! Woop woop! :rotflmao:
Hiya Ozzie, a quick dash into your diary as well as CyberRuby's :D

Wondering how your weigh in went yesterday and how you've been?
Hey Marie! Thanks for checking up on me! Weigh-in was OK - lost the 2lbs that had gone on and an extra half pound with it, so at least in general terms, I've made a half pound progress finally as it's the lowest I've been since I've started this time. Only 0.5lbs to go til my 1.5 stone award and 1lb would see me at the half-way mark. I was checking back on my progress and in the last 2 months I've lost 1.5lbs total - no idea why it's so bad but that's the way it is!

I'm trying to relax about it, just doing my thing and trying not to worry about it all. There are far more important things to worry about than my weight which is at the very least under control. Sunday was a bad day here, I wasn't involved as such, all arguments and stuff between OH and stepson, but it was truly foul. Feeling quite low and stressed about it all and don't really know what to do. I think for now I'll just do my Ostrich impression at least it will be company for Reg.

Guess what I'm going to do now? Yep - dishes and peg some washing out - I'm so predictable!

Hope everyone is doing well, I've got a bit behind with diaries although there are a few I always read.

Keep on truckin' :character00182: Parp! Parp!
Hey Oz! Sorry I've been a bit absent of late - hope your OH is doing better, that sounded very grim. :-/

You and I are so similar in our weightloss patterns; we work our metaphorical (and literal) as$es off, and yet progress is irritatingly slow. I haven't tallied up my results by month, but I suspect we're in the same bo... truck ;-)

Well done on shifting the 2lb - keep truckin, and we'll get there the scenic route!

On non-diety issues things here are just going from bad to worse :rotflmao: OH now has 2 broken toes in his right foot which should be just about healed in time for him to have surgery on his left foot! This is potentially a very expensive injury as if his bosses send him home which they want to do, he will not be paid :eek: I confess to being sick of life dramas! which for some reason has made me think of llamas, perhaps I should imagine one to keep Reginald company :rotflmao:

On a diety-note I'm sticking with green days at the moment, my flirtation with red is temporarily over. However, having said that, if I do get a George Foreman grill thingo which is on my ponder list (see CyberRuby's diary for detail) then I will probably be more reddily-day enthused! I so want that half pound to go this week! Actually I so want those 53 half pounds to go this week, but that isn't going to happen :rotflmao: maybe I should be realistic and allow 2 weeks for that to happen?!? wotcha think? ;) :D

Well I have a feeling that I'm getting quietly hysterical here, but at least I'm laughing and that is the main thing, even if it is a lunatic cackle .... actually considering that my hair is currently getting battleship grey (which is proven to make you heavier - I did the testing so you know it must be true ;) ) I look rather like an old witch, so my cackle suits me!

Time I went and did some domestic devil type stuff. Hope the week is being kind to everyone as we roll on down the highway.... keep on truckin' !!
On non-diety issues things here are just going from bad to worse :rotflmao: OH now has 2 broken toes in his right foot which should be just about healed in time for him to have surgery on his left foot! This is potentially a very expensive injury as if his bosses send him home which they want to do, he will not be paid :eek:

Oh dear! :-/
That's officially too much bad luck for one household, I think you need to phone the council and have them tow (toe?) some of it away. I hope things get better for you, I seriously do.

Re: your Foreman grill - some people were like 'oh you'll use it twice and get bored of it...' no way. It's *so* much easier. Just make sure if you invest in one, it has removable plates - I can't stress this enough. I'm a terrible slob, but even I can manage with taking the plates out every night and washing them. If they were attached to the gadget... no chance. Here endeth the lesson!

Good luck on your 1/2lb... and the other 52, come to that. Though as you say, maybe one week isn't long enough. I am fond of unrealistic expectations too, so let's give it at least 10 days! ;-)

Truck on! (I was gonna say 'truck off' but that sounds rude!) :D

Truck off? :rotflmao: most excellent! I know it sounds rude, but it appeals to me :p

Well to summarise the last few days.... actually I can't summarise them. I think I'm suffering from selective amnesia and have chosen to blank them out. I don't think they've been bad though, I suspect at worst they were uneventful, which bearing in mind recent events has got to be an improvement, eh?! ;) :D I genuinely and honestly can not think what I've been doing. How exciting it is to be me, live in paradise and can't remember a bloomin' thing and I don't drink and I don't take illegal substances :rotflmao: I'm bad enough without them!

One thing I'm sure about is that I've been sticking to plan but I've not been thinking about it too much. I've stuck to green days and I've stopped trying to plan, it seems that planning would/should be a good idea, but for some reason it gets me stressed. I just decide when it comes to meal-time what I'm going to eat. I tend to save a HexB so that if the worst came to the worst and (a) I couldn't be bothered to cook or (b) I don't have the right ingredients then I can always fall back on beans on toast but not literally because that would be somewhat messy! :D

Anyway, at WI on Sunday morning I lost .... yes indeed that's a good start in itself, I did lose .... I lost.... 1.5lbs! yayyyy - go me!! So that means I got my 1.5 stone sticker! I'm also bang on 12 stone now, so just need a pound to go this week to be in the 11s. Actually, when I worked that out this morning, I was quite horrified - I haven't really been thinking in stones and to realise that I've lost over a stone and a half and yet I'm only now down to 12 stone made me realise quite how overweight I had been, I've never been that heavy before! I remember joining WW in my late 20s and I was 12st 5lbs, I think that was my heaviest ever recorded weight, but this time I must have been 13 stone 8! Thank heavens I finally did something about it!

Having had this mighty realisation I have undermined my feelings of achievement, because now I think back to my late 20s and think how large I felt then when I went to WW and I'm only just 5lbs below that weight, so therefore whilst I was feeling as if I was starting to look better, I now am back to feeling rather large again! I suppose really, I should forget about then and concentrate on now. Yes, I was larger but I have done something about it, I've lost a stone and a half and I am going to get to target.... eventually! Meh - I really shouldn't do thinking, it ties me up in knots of the granny variety :rotflmao:

Good news is that I'm still very focussed yet relaxed! Long may it continue! Having said that, I'm so relaxed now that it's time for a milky way which is my current favourite use of syns when I have them to spare.

Not much else to report but if I do remember something exciting from the last few days, I will update as this black hole of existence is vaguely troubling me .....

Hope all the truckers are trucking on .... oh I so want to say "truck off...." but I shan't - I'm so restrained and refined! :rotflmao:

Keep on truckin' :character00182: Parp! Parp!