OzzieMoz's Upside Down Diary!

Well following on from yesterday's post, I still haven't managed to piece together my "missing" days. However, yesterday sort of confirmed my theory that I'm not remembering them because they were insanely dull! Did all the usual stuff, cooking, cleaning, clothes washing, shopping but none of it had any interesting anecdotes attached. Perhaps it isn't my days that have become dull, perhaps it is me - oh woe! I've declined into terminal dullness - I think it's time to break out the beige/grey wardrobe! I never thought that would happen to me, I always thought I would become an eccentric old bat who wore green lace up shoes .... my Latin teacher wore them and she was the epitome of eccentric. I well remember the fire alarm going off one day during her lesson and she didn't want to let us leave the lesson as she hadn't been told there was to be a fire drill :rotflmao: Bless her!

It's a grey day today but at least it's dry now. Was piddling down during the school run and I am very anti-brolly, I have no idea why. It's either because it feels wrong to get wet here or because I seem to get soaked even when the brolly is up, so what's the point?! I'm not sure, I'll have to ponder this issue some more, but intrepid reader, you can be sure I will report back in due course! Mind-numbingly boring trivia of the demented brain :rotflmao:

Had another green day yesterday, but think I overdid it with the curry powder in the mushy pea curry or maybe I've been eating too many mushrooms, but I've got terrible stomach cramps. In all honesty, the mushrooms are the prime suspect as I've been having stomach pains and lots of mushrooms the last few days. But I like mushrooms, so I think I might blame something else instead.... something I don't like and haven't eaten ... brussel sprouts! Yep, sprouts are clearly to blame! Phew! that was a close call then ;)

Today is going to be another green day (sproutless of course) and it might actually be a red day as I might make a mincey dinner tonight. How's about that for a quick change of mind, I didn't even make it to the end of the sentence! See what I mean about planning? Will decide this evening and I'll have a colourless, henceforward known as beige lunch.

Well, I better shuffle off and do the dishes and put some washing in! Thrills spills and roller-coaster rides of excitement here as per usual.

Keep on truckin'! :D
Belated massive trucker-congrats to you for your 1.5st achievement! Let's all pause and blow our horns in unison in your honour:


There you go. :-D

Glad you are feeling relaxed; there's nothing worse than getting stressed about all this nonsense. It's going to happen for us eventually, we just need to put on some good road-trip music and keep on truckin'.

Nothing is happening. I really do need to shake things up a bit or my brain will atrophy (more so than it already has done ;) ) and I will be swallowed up by a black hole of nothingness.

Still plodding along with the plan sticking to green days. Yesterday I went over limit with the syns due to boredom I had a second milky way - there was really no need for me to do it - I just did it because I could. Have resolved never to have spare Milky Ways in the house again - buy them as I need them instead. Not that I'm particularly fond of them or any chocolate for that matter, just to stop me from random acts of piggery.

Sneaky peek at the scales this morning shows that I'm running true to form and have put on 0.8lbs, which at this stage would suggest that at best I can hope for a sts at weigh in. Having lost 2 weeks in a row, a sts or a gain pretty much follows my usual pattern. Que sera sera! I'm not stressing about it.

Today I'm going to make the veggie chilli that I saw a recipe for somewhere on here, all I have to do is find it! Here chilli chilli! Here chilli chilli!! Meh! The search facility in the recipe section might prove more productive :rotflmao:

Hope everyone is well and happy and soldiering on - onward Slimming world soldiers :p :D
Well the peace has ended, why oh why was I lamenting the uneventfulness of it all! If I grumble again, then someone please slap me, living in my vacuum is better than this! :rotflmao:

Some good news for today is that I lost 1.5lbs this week!! Yayyyy go me! No idea how that happened, it suddenly dipped this morning, it was actually 1.8lbs but I rounded up rather than down. I've weighed a day late so this might come back to bite me on the bum next week. The other thing I need to remember next WI is that if I do have a sts or small gain, that I have done well the previous 3 weeks. Just thought I would write that down so I can look back on it!

The weather here is carrying on being somewhat drizzly but the temperatures are lovely! My daughter has acclimatised so well that she grumbled yesterday that it was chilly!

Speaking of chilli, I didn't make it the other day, I was overcome by culinary idleness and decided to stick with things that I don't have to think about! Will try it this week though ..... probably!

Anyway, just a quick visit this morning as I am getting glared at ... hope everyone is doing well, I'll catch up on diaries soon!

Keep on truckin' :character00182: Parp! Parp!
hey ozzie, well done on the weightloss :D:D things sound manic there on your side of the world.

Will have to look out for the veg chilli you have mentioned it may be something I would quite fancy trying.

sounds like your OH is not having to good a time of it at the minute, hope things look up for him soon.

good luck for the coming week :D
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Yesterday it was just like being back in UK, it was a bank holiday here too and it was piddling down! I felt so at home :rotflmao:

Beautiful rainbow outside this morning but by the time I could get my daughter up and out to see it, it had gone - boooo hissssssss! Strange how rainbows can really brighten your mood as well as the sky.

Not much happening here, I'm being absolutely saintly and still mentally totally relaxed about weight loss. It's just as well really about being relaxed as I caught a glimpse of myself in a full length mirror at one stage yesterday and I felt I looked quite gross, saggy, baggy and wobbly. I had a moment thinking but I've done so well I should be looking better *whinging in petulant tones* but then I realised that I do look better, I just had let myself get a lot worse than I had ever done before. My weight is now back to where I would normally be saying enough is enough and starting a diet, not being over half way into it! So really it was quite a positive thing having that awful view of myself, because it's made me accept that I'm doing well and I do have a way to go, there is no danger of me getting complacent. I'm going to get to target!

I checked the target thingo on the bodyoptimise website yesterday and looked at my progress to date, it was quite funny if I disassociated the fact that it was about my weight loss, as for a while the progress chart was like a child draws waves, it was very up and down! Fortunately it's gone into a steady decline now and my forecast target date is now a cheery September 2010 - much better than the 2013 which it was at one stage! :rotflmao:

Cat is crashed out on the desk next to me with his tongue hanging out and his bits and pieces on display, he really is an uncouth animal! A proper australian hoon or bogan!

Anyway, time for me to make a cuppa, I've already done the boring stuff like the food shopping, the dishes and a load of washing. Now it's my hour of peace and quiet before I have to go bring OH home for lunch! It's his first day back at work after 2 weeks off with his busted toes, so he'll probably be yabbering on - maybe I should find earplugs :rotflmao:

Hope everyone is truckin' along with a full tank and clean emissions! :D
Did my sneaky peeky mid week weigh in this morning and it's pretty much as expected my weight has gone up a pound, there is obviously still time for that to go again before WI but I strongly suspect that the best I will get is a sts. I'm not worrying!

Considering I don't work yet, I'm buzzing around like a blue-arsed fly today and getting quite stressed about it! I have no notion why it's bugging me so much. I have lots to do but none of it really matters overly much, it wouldn't be a catastrophe if everything didn't get done! I'm generating my own pressure on myself, but why would I do that to myself? Rationally, when I think about it, I know I don't need to panic, but there is still a tight feeling in my chest and an urge to chase around doing stuff! I'm only online now for a few minutes while I eat my cereal! Bloomin' nutter I am! It's terrible!

Anyway, I'm going to have a green day and hopefully get my to do list done and maybe then I can settle back into my usual quiet fairly carefree pottering tomorrow!
Yikes, I hate that panicked-for-no-reason feeling. It's the hardest to shake because your mind is constantly trying to tell you there is a reason, you're just too dumb to see it, so you panic more!

Hope you can shake it soon and have a more relaxing few days of it.

It must be a nice feeling to see your target looming closer! Mine is telling me June 2011, but I am concentrating on an interim target by Christmas. Makes the whole thing seem more doable somehow.

Truck on!
Hi Ozzie

Just had a catch up with what's been happening with you. Would have posted earlier today but had to dash off to pick my son up from school :)

There's always so much going on in your life but you always have a sense of humour about it all :D

Well done on your losses and getting that 1 and a half stone sticker...yay you!! I found it quite interesting to read how bad you felt at being over 13st. I guess for most women they pick up on the fact they're gaining weight and feel uncomfortable with it. Not sure where my 'trigger' was when my body started expanding - I think the chocoholic in me just had a bigger voice! And for years I convinced myself I was sexy/busty/had a great personality/it didn't matter what size you are etc etc etc. And being overweight for years I guess I just accepted that having so much to lose was too much of a mountain to climb.

Your diary does make me laugh. I'm sorry that I've neglected it and not checked in on you :)
Oooh 2 visitors - that's nice! :D I feel special :rotflmao: actually, sad as that may seem, I do! :rotflmao: Oh dearie me, I shouldn't really let people see what a crackpot saddo I am!

Marie, I read your comments before I took my daughter to school and I've been thinking about what you said whilst I was out. My late mum I think was what kept my weight always below the 12 stone marker up until this last time. She was lovely and had struggled with weight issues herself all her life, and was always my little cuddly mum. I think she used to subtlely help me see that I needed to pull myself up periodically and sort myself out. We had some hilarious and yet awful times on some horrible diets over the years, F-Plan (toot toot! :eek:), Scarsdale were 2 horrible ones, WW, SW, Cambridge Diet were other diets, but I think there were more! Anyway, I had this sort of upper limit where I would not buy clothes above a size 14 and this has stuck with me, although I did have to buy a couple of pairs of cheapo size 16 trousers when I first started this time, because I had stretched my 14s til they were falling apart. Looking back at how tatty I had got in terms of my clothes, on a more serious note, I'm quite ashamed of myself - not ashamed of my size, but that my inner belief that I should not be larger than a 14 had made me so stubborn or so much in denial that I would not buy new clothes in a larger size. On a fairly subconcious level I knew that to do so would make me acknowledge that I was bigger than I had promised myself that I ever would be.

Gor blimey, I've done some big pondering! The other thing that I am now acknowledging is that sizing over the years has become more "generous" and that a 12 these days is more like a 14 from when I was in my 20s. I'll tell you another of my lunatic notions that I'm going to have to acknowledge and get rid of somehow is that good things happen to me when I'm 142lbs, it is my happy weight. I'm not sure what "good things" they were, they have become lost in the mists of time, so I think my theory may not even be based on truth! I really don't want to become obsessed with a number. I set my target for 10 and a half stone (147lb) partly to try and avoid my "happy weight" number. In reality I will call target when I feel happy with myself which may be more or less than the current target, we shall see in time. I now can't remember where I was going with all this, but in some ways, I think I need to acknowledge and somehow vocalise some of my thoughts over the years no matter how silly they were and face up to them and move on. I've not got the binge-eater issues and I don't think I necessarily comfort eat either, I think mine was a case of just simple too big portions of the wrong sorts of foods and most specifically this time round when I gained weight, too many takeaways.

Well I think that's enough deep pondering for now. I think I should put a health warning note at the start of the post, as this post could cause drowsiness, please do not drive or operate heavy machinery! :rotflmao:

I was naughty yesterday for no good reason - I had 2 milky ways. I just felt like being bad. Mind you the second one was after a traumatic incident ;) My OH decided to get in a takeaway last night from Hungry Jacks which is Burger King equivalent here. Anyway, after dinner the rubbish was left lying around on the coffee table in our sitting room, neither he, nor my stepson or daughter had chucked their rubbish away, so it was left to muggins to clear it up. I did so, grumbling all the way about inconsiderate gits and feeling very hallowed and saintly as I did it! But my pride came before the proverbial fall .... on my way out to the outside bin, it was pitch black outside I stepped in a massive squelchy stinky dog poo! At this point please bear in mind that I'm living in the tropics and I'm padding around in my bare feet. Ewwwwk, squelchy right between the toes!! Ewwwwww! :eek: It was horrible!! :8855:

That was the high or indeed low point of yesterday! I managed to get enough done so that I stopped feeling stressed and today I'm pretty much back to my usual shrugging attitude of "if it gets done, it gets done and if it doesn't .... meh!" :D

I think I better stop now as I suspect this post is becoming very long!

Time to peg the washing out... going to check the lawn carefully for further large squelchy gifts from the dog before I go anywhere near the washing line though!

Keep on truckin' my friends :D
Hi Ozzie,

Just to say I always read your diary too, you do make me chuckle, especially on the dog-poo incident!!

I too am taking a slow journey towards my target but I admit that's because I like a little tipple at the end of the week, most of my syns go on vodka! (I am a social butterfly you see! :p). As long as the weight is going in the right direction I am happy :D

Hope life is good in your little part of the world, oh how I would love to be in Cairns right now, especially since it's piddling down here at the moment!!

Keep Trucking!! :character00182:
Hiya Sara :D Thanks for dropping in again! Glad I make you laugh even if it is at my misfortune - oh woe!!! :rotflmao: You'll be pleased to know that the offending sticky mass has been removed and it's now safe to go to the bins again ..... or is it? She might have laid another trap for me.... *cue dramatic music, EastEnders styleeee*

How's your visa paperwork going? Got your documents sorted yet? Sometimes things just seem to take so long to get moving! It's beautiful here at the moment, cooler evenings and nights (low 20s) and mid to high 20s in the day, although we've been suffering with the rain lately too, it was just like being in the UK on the bank holiday this week, it was piddling down all day over the weekend!

Not much to report today. Yesterday was a green day and I was good as far as I can recall! Today is green again but I am going to be a little devil and go out for ice-cream after school with my daughter, I've come to the realisation that I just cannot take her for an ice-cream at the ice-cream shop and not have some too! Boysenberry ice-cream - yummy! I could just have one scoop in a cup and not be too bad, but I suspect I will have 2 scoops and enjoy every spoonful and have no guilt whatsoever! :rotflmao:

Woke up in an extraordinarily good mood this morning but unfortunately other than my daughter who is nearly always good-humoured, the others are all in a big grump! OH and stepson were rowing before they even got to work, stepson is on a downer. He's been diagnosed as bi-polar but is in denial and refusing to take his meds. I'm a bit concerned that there may be a stormy weekend ahead. But in best ostrich style, I'm going to bury my head and hope it all passes me by! So if you hear muffled whistling, that's me! :rotflmao:

Well I really better get a wriggle on and go and peg out the washing. Oooh, before I go, can I share how sad I have got? I realised it the other day, that on some subconcious level I have developed a pointless system when I peg washing out. Firstly, I always use the same colour pegs on individual items, you can't have a towel with a blue peg one corner and a red on the other - think about it, it's outrageous! It's also a rotary line, and I give one line each to each member of the family, we all have our own little section! But why?!? Even I who developed this system can't see why I do it, it has no benefit whatsoever! I'm not OCD honest! and no I'm not in denial too! :p ;)

Keep on truckin' my friends! :character00182: Parp! Parp!
Hehe! You should write a book on your "witterings" (your words!), your wisdoms and your colour coding OCD!! Saying that I always wash the same colour clothes in the same wash & get most upset if a black item sneaks its way into my blue was or vice versa :8855:

It's funny you should ask about the Visa as we have just lodged our Visa Application today, the Migration Agent called us in such a tiswas today saying that the DIAC were closing to all new Visa applications from 3pm today, luckily I had emailed our application to him in the middle of March, it was just the paperwork collating I was struggling with, so he lodged the application with a note that the paperwork was to follow and I had to run round like a blue *bottomed* fly getting everything together and managed to post it off to him. So exciting, Australia here we come!!! :D

I lost 1lb today so I am now 6lb away from my current target and am thinking to lower that by 7lb, we shall see! Anyway enough about me, I hope your WI goes well this week :)
Oooh blimey, how exciting and what a nail-biting finish to getting your visa application in! Will be keeping my fingers crossed for you and I will be using that as an excuse for any typos :p :rotflmao:

By a strange coincidence we have the same target for now of 147lb, I was saying the other day that I'm thinking of lowering it at some point and it will either be to 140lbs or somewhat bizarrely to 142lbs which is my insane "happy" weight. I think this is the first time I've ever had in writing so many of my daft thoughts all in one place, if I read back, it could be quite alarming!! :8855:

All is fine here, hostilities between OH and stepson sorted themselves out during the day, so all was quiet and peaceful in the evening! The ostrich has therefore pulled it's head out the sand for now, hence I can see what I'm typing! Went for ice-cream with my daughter and it was lovely! It seems to have become her end of school-week treat, it wasn't meant to be that way but as long as my weight keeps going down then we might persist, otherwise I'll just have to find some inner-strength from somewhere and not have any myself - d'oh!

It's mothers day here tomorrow so I've got to go shopping for my mother-in-law's present and I don't really know what to get her! She's been really good to me since I got here and is very funny and supportive. She's just bought a new pc - we gave her an old one a couple of years ago to get her started, it got her hooked and so when it went "kabooooom!" she bought a new one. I might buy her a game or a gadget for it ... might even be as unexciting as a USB hub :rotflmao: that does sound dull doesn't it! I don't know where my thinking cap is, but I think I need it!

Having another green day today whether I want to or not as youngun has asked for couscous with her lunch. She's getting more adventurous with her eating so when she specifically asks for something unusual for her, I like to go along with it. It's one of the benefits of being on SW and mainly eating differently to the rest of the family, it's meant that my food seems more exciting than hers and is making her try new things, slowly but surely!

Everyone seems to be having a lie-in here this morning. I didn't get up til 9 which is unheard of for me and daughter and stepson are still sound asleep! I might go put the washing machine on - that thing could wake the dead, I'm sure it causes localised earth tremors!

Hope everyone has a great weekend and keeps following the true path of SlimmingWorldliness albeit with maybe a few deviations ;)
Hi Ozzie, I absolutely did NOT have a titter to myself over the doggy poo incident (hahaha) and the fact you were barefoot too lol. Not funny...really :D

Reading one of your earlier posts I noticed you get stomach cramps too - though it may have been the curry or the invisible sprouts - but I tend to get much more bloated and gassy and can feel my tummy gurgling away like a good 'un! I swear it actually gurgled away in rhythm to the Coronation St signature tune the other day! :D

But it's temporary and it goes away usually the following day. Strange though because I get it a couple of times a week and my tummy swells to Sumo wrestler proportions!

I enjoy reading about your trips to the ice cream shop with your daughter. It's nice for you to spend time with her doing something like that and if it's your weekly treat then why not? :D

Now that you've mentioned the pegs and colour coordinating them, I just know that next time I peg out washing I shall be doing the same now....grrrr!

I'm going to think of an obsession of mine and post about it to see if it has the same effect on you :D

Love to Reginald and hope you have a Happy Mother's Day over there in Oz :)
Have been absent too long - hope you're doing okay Ozzie! My path to SlimmingWorldliness has gone a bit wonky, but I'm still trucking.

Full posts to follow but just while I'm here - am I going mad? Where has your diary gone, MarieN?
Oooh I've been remiss about my diary the last few days! Two reasons or maybe three..... I'll start wittering and see how many reasons/excuses I come up with :rotflmao: Firstly, I have been sulking quietly to myself about the unfairness of womenly cycles and the effect on weight loss. WI Sunday was horrible, 3lbs up for no reason other than time of the month - bah! Secondly, my dear departed mum always said if you have nothing nice to say, say nothing. So I have taken that further and taken it to mean write nothing either. Drama queens get my goat - and Reginald doesn't want to be got! Leave the poor goat in peace munching on his tin cans and grass, that's what I say! Oooh it seems there are only 2 reasons after all :D

Anyway, weight is back to "normal" and where I was before mother nature decided to mess with me, so that's good. Hopefully, I'll stay around where I was at my sneaky peeky mid-week weigh this morning back at 166.5 or if I'm lucky maybe sneak a bit lower! :fingerscrossed:

My girly has been doing her NAPLAN tests this week .... I think it's the equivalent of SATS testing? They do them in years 3,5 & 7 here. She is in Year 3 - I was a bit concerned about pressure being applied to one so young, but either the school really are handling it well and not applying pressure, or she is so laid back and chilled that she really hasn't given a hoot! I just told her as always, to work hard and do her best and whatever her results I'll be proud. It's Friday ice-cream day today - yum! Starting to wonder who looks forward to it more now, me or her! :rotflmao: I'd be gutted if I had to say she didn't deserve it for whatever reason as I'd have to punish myself too!

Been sticking to plan and still not struggling with that. I sometimes think I should have more variety, but since I'm mainly just cooking for myself I do tend to get a bit slack and have some of the easier on plan options! Trouble is if I set myself a target to try a new dish a week, I rebel against it! I don't like rules and regulations especially self imposed ones! I'm an awkward devil when I think about it! :8855:

Well, got a busy day ahead. Our dining room table is covered in junk and paperwork and has been for the last year or so! Today is the day to clear it and it's not going to get done if I sit around here! So off I go to finish my normal chores and then I'll get cracking! Pssssst - I'll probably be back here in half an hour, fed-up with the whole process, but don't tell anyone ! ;)

Keep on truckin' my friends. We're all going to get there in the end!
Well knock me down with a feather! I tidied up the table and all the junk underneath it! It's all totally clear now and looks extremely strange - but in a good way! :D Quite surprised I actually achieved what I set out to achieve on the first attempt - not often that happens these days! Life usually gets in the way .... well life and/or apathy :rotflmao:

Had a very uninspiring menu yesterday as we don't have much food in. Weetbix for brekkie, beans on toast for lunch and cheese omelette with spicey couscous for dinner. Ooooh one moment of joy was boysenberry ice-cream with my daughter after school! Yum! That's probably why I was quite happy being uninspired with the rest of the day!

CurlyWurlys! Yum! They are my new little syn treat when I'm very low on the syn-count. I had forgotten how nice they are and as someone here pointed out, they take longer than most 6 syns treats to eat because they're a little bit chewy! Splendid!

Proper WI day tomorrow. Still reckon at best I'll be back to where I was a week last Sunday - but I'll be happy if I do get that ... at least then I have a few clear weeks to make some genuine progress before meddlesome Mother Nature interferes again!

Off to the shops shortly as we are suffering from the great Vegemite crisis of 2010 .... we ran out :eek: Never happened before and the house is in uproar!! Welllllllllll maybe that's an exaggeration, my stepson and I are both whinging about it! I have less right to whinge as it's me that's forgotten to buy it, but believe me I'm not letting that details stop me having a grumble!! :8855:

Hope everyone is having a good start to the weekend. I didn't - HUGE row yesterday, isn't life grand! But I am unsquashable :p

Onward my fellow trucking soldiers! :p :character00182: Parp! Parp!
Hi Ozzie! I've been "lurking" and reading you diary for ages now and thoroughly enjoying every entry!!! Hope the great vegemite crisis is resolved - I know my family would fall to pieces without Marmite!! :)

I'm also a slow loser and Mother Nature still insists on paying me a monthly visit and sabotaging my weight loss - at my advanced age (50) I think it's about time she stopped! Keep on trucking!
Hello hello tracejovi :D Nice to see you've unlurked ... or delurked in my diary and said hello! Glad you enjoy my drivel ... when I read other peoples' diaries I see they are much more focussed on SW than mine. I do try every so often but then I go off the rails and back on one of my flights of fancy :rotflmao: Hope your SW path is going well albeit slowly. Some of the other truckers and I had a conversation a while back where we essentially came to the conclusion that because every single bloody pound is so hard fought to get rid of we are more likely to fight to maintain when we do get to target... which we will *looks sternly over the top of glasses, grandma styleee*

I'm in a very bumptious cheery mood this morning and I have no idea why! I think it might be hysteria though so I'm contemplating getting someone to give me a slap round the chops to see if that snaps me out of it! Not that I want to stop being cheery, I'm just suspicious of it's source :rotflmao: I should just enjoy eh!

Did some shopping on the way back from dropping my daughter at school and it was one of those fraught visits to the shops where you don't have much money and go round the shop adding as you go! I had $85 and it came to $84.12. Go me!! Actually it was rounded down then to $84.10 as they don't have 1c or 2c coins here. I hadn't meant to get quite that close to my total funds so it was a nerve wracking .... or racking ? *shrugs* I dunno... well it was a worrying time! I have never had to put something back and I don't want to start now!

Well after putting on 3.5 lbs last week - pfffffffffft to Mother Nature, biatch that she is...... I lost 2lbs of that this week and am at 168lbs again, still 1.5 above where I was a couple of weeks ago, but that will go! Not sure how life is going to pan out over the next few weeks though. My husband usually cooks for the family and I just do my own thing most of the time. However, he is going to have his foot sliced open on Thursday and will be pretty much incapacitated for a while... so that in theory means that I'll be cooking for them.... and then for me! Now my daughter is quite happy to eat what I eat, bless her, but my stepson and husband are fussy gits ... they like food plain and simple and cooked in tons of fat. Bleuaarrrrgggghhhh! I hate cooking to be honest, it's bad enough doing one dinner but 2 different meals is going to do my head in ... so who knows what will happen! Personally, I think I should cook what I want and if they don't like it, they can lump it! But I suspect that's not how it's going to be - I'm such a mug! But I will survive, that much I know!

I use way too many "!!!!!!!" If I spoke the way I typed I would sound like a loon - over emphasising everything :rotflmao:

Oooh, time I was off - stepson had an early start at work, and even though it's just 10am it's time for me to go get him for his lunch break!

Hope everyone is keeping well and happy!! Onwards and downwards!

Keep on truckin' :character00182: Parp! Parp!