OzzieMoz's Upside Down Diary!

I love those random good-mood moments! Mine are usually caffeine induced, it has to be said :)

I like that your diary isn't just 'Here's what I ate, aren't I brilliant/rubbish.' SW is supposed to be about changing how you actually live and eat, so it makes sense that it would be tied inextricably to how your life is going. We all seem to share the same random sense of humour and oddball view of the world, which helps keep us sane! Hurrah for lunacy.

Hope your DH's op goes well and that he heals quickly.
Hi Ozzie! Your fellow trucker returns to the fold. And I have to say I've missed your rambles! Always very entertaining. I haven't had time to read all the ones I've missed so if there's something major happened in your life - like you've won the lottery or something - and I don't mention it, please forgive me. Hopefully I'll have time tomorrow to catch up with diaries properly.

Good to see you're still trucking on. I'm bloody impressed. I am such a lightweight compared to you! Now if I could just maintain my initial enthusiasm for more than just a couple of weeks I'd be flippin skeletal.

Anyway just thought I'd say hi and full lunacy will resume asap.
Oooh I've had 3 visitors - how exciting! Yayyyy Sorus The Batty has returned! ;) :p Rest assured that nothing exciting has happened in your absence - except for maybe the occasional scoop or two or boysenberry ice-cream on a Friday after school. OMG isn't that a damning indictment of my life, several weeks have passed and nothing more exciting than ice-cream has happened! Or an alternative way to think about this has just occurred to me.... isn't ice-cream just the most wonderful thing in the world! Hurrah for ice-cream!

Allie! I'm glad you've dropped by because every time I see your food photos in the take some pictures of your food thread, I admire your beautiful dinner service! I'm jealous, I want it! If you'd like to cook some dinner for me to send with the dinner service, it would be appreciated :rotflmao: My dishes are all in storage so we're making do with odds and ends mix and match plates.... when I say mix and match, we could actually leave out the "match" as none of them do! False advertising dontcha know! :eek:

Just got the giggles at a Sorus comment .... no offence taken but re-read your last post.... in particular "I'm such a lightweight compared to you!" :cry: rub it in why don't you! Just call me Porky McFatPants :rotflmao:

Anyway, enough of this! I'm still feeling very unnervingly chirpy and still haven't identified a cause. Nothing is going quite right, nothing is going terribly wrong though - so maybe I'm counting my blessings subconsciously!

Nothing much happened yesterday, I had an extremely dull food day but the plus side of that was it was all food that I could prepare in less than 10 minutes which is about the limit of my patience except when I'm cooking in bulk to freeze, then I can invest some extra time.

Hardly stopped all morning since I got up at 6, dashing hither and thither and accomplishing little! Maybe if I dashed less I'd accomplish more - but this headless chicken routine burns more calories I reckon!

Got to do some serious homework catching up with my daughter tonight either that or write a letter to wriggle her out of it for another week. They get a fair bit to do considering they're only 7 or 8 and we've been a tad lax lately. We caught up on her maths last week, it's the rest of it that's still behind. Meh! Has to be done though! She loves school and that is great, just hope it lasts for a good while yet.

Well, I must dash off again. House inspection tomorrow and although it's looking a lot better than it was this time last week, it's still as my late mum would have said a "pig sty" which personally I think is an insult to our porcine pals!

Keep on truckin' :character00182: Parp! Parp!

P.S. Today is a green day - well when isn't it these days! :rotflmao:
OMG isn't that a damning indictment of my life, several weeks have passed and nothing more exciting than ice-cream has happened!
You are forgetting the most vital and hilarious incident of them all - the soft warm squish of dog-poop between your toes whilst hanging out the washing ;-P
Life doesn't get any more exciting than that!
Hello Ozzie - good to see you back posting as you were quiet for a time :)

I agree with everyone else that your diary makes me chuckle and I miss it when you don't post.

Good luck with your plan this week x
You are forgetting the most vital and hilarious incident of them all - the soft warm squish of dog-poop between your toes whilst hanging out the washing ;-P
Life doesn't get any more exciting than that!

Oh you had to remember that didn't you - I had managed to shut the whole incident out of my mind, but here I'm all traumatised again - and I'm having a Milky Way right now to comfort myself :p ..... the fact that I had already got it out of the fridge and opened before I read your post is of course irrelevant :rotflmao:

Well done Marie on getting another award!! You're doing so well, I feel all inspired!

Just had the house inspection and the lady didn't tell us off about anything so all must be good, or good enough at least - yayyy! And hopefully we're going to get a new cooker, the one we have is delapidated and the grill on it is a real "here be dragons" type affair. It would be lovely to have something grilled - I did contemplate the George Foreman grill a few weeks back but it's still on my metaphorical backburner pending me coming in to some great wealth unexpectedly. Sorus mentioned me winning the lottery, which I think is a really good idea, I might even buy a ticket one day to increase my chances ;)

Some rare but exciting news is that I'm going out for dinner tonight! I think I've only been out for dinner once since I started on Slimming World - how sad is that! and it's not even because I'm on SW .... in the previous 12 months before that I don't think I went out to dinner at all :eek: How life changes, I want to be a social butterfly again - waaaaaaaahhhhh! Anyway, tonight we're going out with my husband's ex (booo hissssss) and her husband and the kids to celebrate my younger stepson's 10th birthday. Not a posh restaurant but a surf, turf and buffet salad type place, but it should be nice and it was nice of the ex to invite us all along too. We get on OK, she came to our wedding and stuff. But still :p

Because we're going out I'm going to have a red day as I think that will be easiest. Will be as good as I can be or failing that as good as I feel like being. Bearing in mind I only make progress usually for about 2 weeks in a month, I do need to be good but then I do also need to be bad occasionally and set my inner demons free - Reginald wants me to be bad, he reckons there's only room for one of us to be disgruntled and he baggsed that role.

Got to have my red lunch early as the next little while I'm going to be dashing backwards and forwards on taxi duties, ferrying OH to hospital for a pre-op appointment and collecting stepson from work and going to get the girly from school. Round and round and round I go in circles! Mind you, my "circle" has been disrupted today, so life does have it's excitements as we have to go on a detour because they've closed a local roundabout. OK, so that doesn't sound very exciting when you see it in black and white, but believe you me, I was very excited about it this morning :8855: Oh woe is me - someone shoot me and put me out of my misery!

Right then I must go forth and crack eggs! Hurrah!

Good luck to all and if you don't hear from me again you'll know that the roundabout excitement got all too much for me :p
Dinner out last night was really lovely! The salad buffet was exceptional, so I had a HUGE plateful of superfree salady loveliness with a little bit of pasta and bolognese... actually it was more like 2/3 salad and one third pasta. I don't know why salad at home is never as nice! Anyway, having been supergood, I then had a little place of ice-cream with various toppings - I seemed to be the only adult at the ice-cream machine and was getting recommendations for sprinkles and sauces from little kids, but I tell you what, they did me proud - it was delicious, and syn-free on a piggy day :D

Today has been manic. Took husband to the hospital before 7 this morning and haven't stopped since then, trying to fit in all the usual household crap and taxi services for stepson and daughter plus spending as much time at the hospital as I could. He's spent so much time in hospital over the years and hates it so much, the least I can do is keep him company as much as I can.

Food sort of passed me by today which I know isn't good but quite frankly I'm too tired to care but still too wound up to go to bed. I might try some cereal in a little while but I've got a big coffee mess to clear up first - I somehow managed to flick a big tin of coffee up and spill half of it all over the kitchen table and I so can't be bothered to clear it up! I seem to be getting quite accident prone lately - did I write about my mushy pea curry incident? I threw a container of that all over myself the other day - fortunately it was before I had heated it up ... but I was very smelly afterwards in an exotic manner though :rotflmao: ... it wasn't a good look either with greeny/yellow sludge in my hair and all up my arms.

Anyway, I better go now.... Hopefully OH will be set free either tomorrow or Saturday and normal service will resume!
Blimey Ozzie it all seems to be happening down under! I seem to have missed - whilst I was off on gardening leave - a particularly interesting sounding dog poo incident. And now dinner out with exes and stuff. And husbands having foot ops. And by my reckoning - if the timeline on this thing is correct - you didn't go to bed till about 3 in the morning. Is that right?!

Actually I'm still in utter shock that you didn't go out to dinner at all last year. :eek: How is this even possible? And you don't like cooking either! I happen to like cooking but god if I didn't have someone else to cook for me (ie in half decent pub or restaurant) at least once a week I'd possibly have to think about killing myself.

So what I'm saying is you deserve to be the slimmest, most stunning woman in Oz given all that abstemiousness going on. Crikey - is that even a word? See - told you I was in shock - can't even speak properly now.
Hi Ozzie - just thought I'd pop by and see how you're doing. You don't get rid of me that easily! Your post on my diary sounded a bit bleugh so hope you're ok. I will still be following you even though I'm to be found over on the VLCD forums now. It's a bit like moving house! Though possibly not quite as stressful....

I'm at that glorious stage (just like I was with SW last Nov) where I'm wildly enthusiastic and motivated to do Exante (its a British VLCD). Long may it last though I know it won't. Never in a gazillion years did I ever think I would do a VLCD so it's all a bit of a shock to me but I always did like experimenting. No one diet works for everybody all of the time. I just needed a change I think.

Anyway - as I said - I haven't gone far and will still be checking your diary so you'd better write in it! :D xx
Hello :D I'm back .... for now anyway! Just a quick visit really as I'm still struggling to have anything nice to say. Man, silence kills me :rotflmao:

Still being saintly - hallelujah! ... but still making sure I use my syns and Hexs. Not making much progress, I lose a bit put it back on plus another couple of pounds then slowly lose those couple of pounds and then maybe another half pound comes off so i've made a smidge of progress. I'll have to sit down and work out how much I'm losing each 4 week period again as I seem to have abandoned that. I get the impression that it's going to be unimpressive and uninspiring. Go me!! :8855:

Sorus, I'm keeping tabs on you as well to see how you're going with the Exante. I remember when I was doing Cambridge diet years ago that by the time I finished it there was very few of the bars and shakes or soups that I could tolerate. I'm sure they're probably way nicer now than they were then - I was quite shocked the other day when I realised it was about 24 years since I did it - I feel so old! Anyway, hope it all pays off for you and as I said in your diary, first to target gets to make the tea :p so that will be you I'm thinking! Otherwise, I might move the proverbial goal posts!

For someone who wasn't going to write much, I seem to be wittering on a bit! I'm not going to talk about life though, meh and pffffft and a general two fingered salute! Daughter is an angel though.... well a toad too, but in a funny way not a disobedient way. She never ceases to brighten my days.

Today is going to be a green day again - I really do need to add some variety to my diet. I think if I wrote a food diary, I would shock everyone with how much repetition there is - I just am not enjoying cooking at all. Hopefully when OH is back on his feet and takes over cooking for the family again, I'll make more of an effort for myself. Who knows!

Anyway, hope everyone is doing well and is happy with life in general. I'm going to take Reggie out for a potter in the garden and peg out some washing and have a grumble together.

Never fear I shall be back to full scale lunacy soon!

Keep on truckin' :character00182: Parp! Parp!
Hi Ozzie! Nice to see you're back. I had to laugh at the Reggie reference. Anyone who hasn't read your diary all the way through will be wondering wtf is Reggie? And why is this mad woman pottering round the garden with him?

I'm on day 5 of VLCD and after 36 hours of headaches - to be expected - I have now reached that magical moment where I don't feel hungry. Hooray! Ketosis well and truly settled in and I had to remind myself it was lunchtime. Haven't had that happen in about 15 years.

I can well imagine though, that as with your experiences of the CD that I'll be thoroughly p'd off with the shakes etc if I do it for weeks. So far I haven't had a single shake - cos I don't like them - but have turned them into muffins. And they are gorgeous. So much so that brekkie is now my favourite meal!

Weigh day is Monday so will let you know then how I'm doing. Notice that you've lost 23lbs so far. That's bloody brilliant. I know it's been slow but you've been a true trucker. Not like me who gives up and flits from diet to diet the moment I get bored. But in an odd way that seems to work for me. As you say - it's always going to be 3 steps forward, 2 steps back but at least that's forward motion!

Have a great weekend Ozzie. x
:rotflmao: @ the Reggie thing - that's very true! Well they can imagine what they like or suffer reading back to find out! I couldn't do without Reggie now though, he's always around when I need a grumble!

Great to read that you're really settling into the Exante now. I don't know if they hadn't "invented" ketosis when I did CD or whether I just didn't pay attention to the detail but I have no recollection of it and none of any headaches etc... I think it's probably like having a baby, you forget the unpleasantness or you wouldn't do it again!

My weight loss is so bloody slow it's very frustrating, but I'm stubborn and/or pig-headed at times so I refuse to give up. It's not out of a sense of great determination and gung-ho spirit, it's bloody-mindedness! Meh! At least I recognise my faults :rotflmao:

Not much of note happening here other than stuff that makes steam come out of my ears, so to spare everyone including myself I shall stick to my meh and pfffffftttt and two-fingered salute at life!

I do however have a new friend to talk to when I'm in the garden, a little willy wagtail has become very friendly and usually flies around me when I'm pegging out washing, frequently making me jump! He probably doesn't see me as a friend, he is probably being aggressive and trying to frighten me off, but we have some good chats.

Anyway, I'm going to get back to my book, I'm having a big reading phase at the moment although I'm trying to pace myself so I don't get through my pile too quickly. It seems my book-worminess is rubbing off on young OzMoz as she is taking to reading more and more in her spare time! She's also playing schools alot now, I'm the school principal apparently, but the good thing is that it doesn't involve much interaction from me, I mainly have to supervise "Neil" who is always being taken out of class for various crimes! I feel quite sorry for him, bless him! Oh dear, I've just realised that in addition to Reggie, I now have an imaginary naughty boy! Maybe I should seek help :rotflmao:

Ooopsy, I better stop there before I further convince you all that I'm a certifiable lunatic, I'm going to go!

Hope everyone has a great weekend, I'm hoping for a loss tomorrow and to make a little bit of progress on the slippery slope downwards!

Keep on truckin'
Good morning :D

Well I finally made a little bit of progress on my slowest roller coaster ride in the world, my weight dipped to 165.5lbs - yayy! However, on the down side it means that it's taken me a whole month to make 1lbs worth of progress! Actually, it's one month and 5 days - speedy Gonzalez is my new name! I won't be beaten though.

I've been doing some thinking - which is never a good sign - and it occurs to me when I read lots of diaries that most people have something to look forward to, like a holiday in 2 or 3 months or a wedding or something. I never have that target/focus - always it's just get to target weight which is going to be at least another 6 months away at my current rate possibly longer. I took about 3 or 4 days off a while ago when I was fed up but apart from that I've just plodded on since last October or September, I forget which. Anyway, rather than just take a few days off again, I'm going to book an imaginary holiday, hey if I can have an imaginary goat and an imaginary naughty pupil then I sure can have an imaginary holiday :rotflmao: So I'm going on holiday on 30th July for 5 days and I'm going to be carefree for those days and I won't try to be good and stuff the consequences! I'll try to be as good as I can before then to try and compensate! yayyy - I'm going on holiday! ;) :p

There endeth my thoughts for the day! I'm going to live in a thoughtless vacuum for the rest of the day - only 13 or 14 hours til bedtime!

Had some extra exercise this morning, young OzMoz wanted to walk to school and much as I didn't want to, I didn't like to dissuade her from being a healthy little bod, so off we marched! It's a 20 minute walk there and 15 minutes back, on the way there we battle trolls under a little rickety bridge we have to cross so I think that's where the delay is, as strangely enough I don't fight trolls when I'm on my own - I can't think why :D I really enjoyed the walk and I think we'll do it more often, although it hurt my left arm - her Esky with her lunch is bloomin' heavy if you carry it too long! She wants to walk home too but it will depend on how hot it gets this afternoon. I might just leave it as a morning thing.

Nothing much planned for the day, usual stuff around the house to do - all seems fairly peaceful at home, I hope it stays that way! If it doesn't I'm going to soundproof myself so I can't hear it all! Which actually reminds me of an unfortunate incident this morning, I had told young OzMoz to be very quiet getting ready for school as my OH was still asleep, it worked well for a while, then it all went wrong when I was doing my impression of a hamster while eating my banana. She coped well with one side of my face stuffed, but when I stuffed the other side, she couldn't contain herself and shrieked with laughter and then I compounded it by looking stern and saying shhhhh still with my cheeks stuffed and apparently that's not a good look! She awoke the demon! :eek: We hurriedly bolted out the house to avoid a telling off! :rotflmao:

I'm wittering again - sorry!

Hope everyone is well and happy! Keep on truckin'
Ozzie it's great to see your madness is alive and well. And Reggie's on your avatar!! Does he know he's famous?

Now I have to laugh at this imaginary holiday. Where are you going? Knowing your imagination it is as likely to be a few days in war torn Rwanda as an exotic Caribbean beach. The possibilities are endless! And presumably one will require an imaginary designer bikini on this holiday making it essential that you lose more weight? By July 30th you say?

Actually I think you've got this holiday thing sussed. Worries your holiday might be affected by the BA strike? Pah! A sudden volcanic ash plume over Oz? Piffle! Not for you. You can relax knowing your holiday is safe and that little Ozzie and Reggie will have a lovely time. I presume you are taking Reggie with you? And possibly even your new bezzie mate the wagtail?

Blimey - this VLCD must be getting to me. Think perhaps I've lost weight off my brain. I'm becoming as mad as you. Well done on your new weight btw! It was when I got stuck at 165 seemingly for weeks that I gave up!
Hey Ozzie!

Apologies for my prolonged absence from all interweb contact. Just caught up on your diary; well done on your progress! We should probably change our group name from the Truckers to the Glaciers ;-) I am having some troubles of my own, but I shall expand on them in my own thread and not clog your diary with my stodgy waffles.

Love your avatar - howdy Reginald! x
I've been very remiss and not been writing lately. Life is still very disrupted here with OH being off work and on one leg. I'm having to do everything and am spending most of my time being a taxi and general house skivvy. Such is life at the moment and hopefully I shall get my reward in due course :8855: somehow I doubt it though!

Young OzMoz is still keeping me laughing, we're battling trolls under the rickety bridge on the way to school every morning now. I'm enjoying my 45 minute walk there and back luckily the temperature is beautiful early in the morning, warm but not too warm! Reggie doesn't come with us, think rickety bridges and trolls might be too Billygoat Gruff for him ;) :D

Been sticking to plan as usual, nothing happening weight wise but sooner or later a half pound will shift - meh! Was my birthday yesterday and even then I couldn't be bothered to go off plan - it was pure laziness rather than zealot-like keen-ness .... or should it be keeniosity ... yes, that has a better ring to it! Who needs a dictionary when you can just make up your own words :p

Not given any more thought to my "holiday" but I will do soon, at the moment I'm a tad growly in my head, but will start my plans when growliness levels subside.

Hope everyone else is doing well. I think I should get an award for persistence if nothing else! Hmmm I wonder if persistence weighs a lot, maybe if I ditched persisting I might lose weight .... now there's a ludicrous thought to end on :p

Keep truckin' :character00182: Parp! Parp!
Hi Ozzie - nice to see you're still around. And Happy Birthday for yesterday! xx
Thank you Sorus :D

Yes, I'm still around still plodding along stoicly muttering and grumbling quietly to myself :rotflmao: One day! I can't believe how difficult it is to lose the weight this time round, it just won't budge. Is it age that makes it difficult? Meh! I so want to do one of those VLCDs now and I know it's the green-eyed monster that is whispering in my ear putting those thoughts in my head. I so don't want to though for several reasons:-
(a) my OH will nag
(b) not the example I want to set for my daughter
(c) I can't face the headaches etc...
(d) I'm stubborn and don't want to give up on SW
(e) I want my list to look long and well considered
(f) it's not quite long enough yet and
(g) that will have to do for now....

As you can see there are many well considered reasons for this ;) :8855: Maybe in time, but for now I'm going to keep soldiering on with SW but I'm going to whinge all the way!! so ner!! :p

Been up since 4 and it's really chilly here. It's getting down to about 16C overnight now and whilst that doesn't seem all that cold in terms of UK winter temperatures it is cold for here and the house isn't insulated at all and all the windows doors are just screen doors so they're not shut as such. So it's not like being in a house back home which retains the warmth from the day. Anyway, I'm chilly! I could put a jumper on, but I'm always calling my OH a big girly woose for feeling the cold so I better not!

Speak of OH his foot is looking a lot better, the scar is not so gruesome now, but it's still apparently very painful and he can't put any weight on it yet. It's funny I've got so used to hearing him coming by the squeak of his crutches that I'll possibly miss that when he doesn't need them anymore!

Well, I better get going, got to get the youngun ready for school. Time to go fight trolls soon!

Onwards and downwards. Keep the faith - blah blah! :D
Still plodding along. Life is totally disrupted as my OH is still on one leg, I'm starting to suspect that I am being taken advantage of but ho hum, such is life! Because I'm doing all the cooking and they eat differently to me, it means that I'm not eating properly as I can't be bothered to cook 2 different dinners anymore. Sticking to plan and on green days as they tend to be easier for me. However, I don't think I'm eating healthily at the moment, but quite frankly I can't be bothered to sort it out. I also had about 3 days this week where I ate more biscuits than I think I've ever eaten. Fortunately, I would appear to have gotten away with it this week. I didn't even weigh in last week, but weight is the same today as it was a couple of weeks ago, so I'm happy enough with that.

Just going to muddle along as best I can and hope for a small loss next week but I'm not going to stress over it, far more to worry about than my weight at the moment. Blahhhhhh! and grrrrrrrrr and a mehhhh for good measure!

One more week and then it's the school holidays for 2 weeks, and my stepson will have a couple of weeks off work too, so that will cut out a fair bit of my driving round in circles. In fact if OH doesn't get signed back as fit for work then we'll all be home! That's probably a recipe for disaster :8855:

The weather here is absolutely beautiful at the moment. Warm days and cooler evenings - it's strange to look forward to winters, but they are definitely a relief from summer! We don't do autumn and spring here!

Did I mention that Quorn is coming to Australia next month? I'm disproportionately excited about this. In fact, when it arrives it will probably be so overpriced that I can't get it anyway, but I suppose at least I'll be able to if I want to, which is an improvement on the current situation :rotflmao:

Well I better shuffle off. Dinner is on and I've ironing to do, while the men sit around on their backsides watching movies. Me bitter? Why would you think that ? :p ;) :D

Keep on truckin' although I think our "convoy" could be breaking the trades description act by referring to itself as such!
2 more days til the school holidays - yippeee! 6 more days I think til OH sees the specialist and may get signed back to work. Not sure about the wisdom of that, financially we really need him to go back as he has used all his sick leave, but I'm not sure his foot will be strong enough. We shall see I suppose.

In spite of me saying in my last post that I couldn't be bothered to sort out eating more healthily (I am sticking to plan, just not enough variety), I have made more of an effort the last couple of days. I'm really just sick of SW to be totally honest. Apart from about 4 days where I was partially off it a few months ago, I have stuck rigidly to the plan for 9 months now and haven't really lost all that much. It's slowed to a virtual halt the last 3 months and it's not as if I am close to target.

In all honesty, I don't know what to do. Keep on keeping on I suppose. That's what I do. I had planned to have a "holiday" in a few weeks time to give me something to look forward to, but that isn't really giving me the incentive I had hoped for. I guess I'm not as good at kidding myself as I had hoped :8855: I'm not even that good at going off-plan either, I never was a big eater, never really pigged out, my weight gain is always very slow and steady, just a bit too much maybe of this and that, but not enough that anyone would comment or throw up their arms in horror. So going off plan isn't really that much fun, just different. I'm a tad fed up - can you tell?

Ahhh well, as I said I'll keep on keeping on until I can think of something.

Best go now, time to wake my stepson up for work. Hope everyone is well and happy :D

Keep on truckin' :character00182: Parp! Parp!