OzzieMoz's Upside Down Diary!

It's Sunday morning here and man looking out the window it's just like being back home! All grey and rainy! Actually, that's me becoming like the aussies who think it's always raining in UK and never believe me that it isn't!

Anyway, I weighed myself a few minutes ago and I'm either up a pound or down a pound or 2 depending on how I look at it :rotflmao: I'm going to ignore the negative aspect and say that I've lost a pound or two! The reason for my dilemma is as I said in my previous post that I didn't weigh myself when I restarted. I was either 169 or 170 a week or so ago, but my last recorded weight on here was 167! this morning I weighed in at 168lbs. I'm going to consider that I lost a pound and feel pleased with myself! I've drawn a new restart line as at today's date at 168lbs and will see how I go from there!

Staying with green today as it's what I like best, only trouble is, it means mainly eating differently to my OH and daughter as they are happy carnivores!

Think I'm going to have a lazy day. No point going to the shops as I have no money, it's too wet to go anywhere else - perhaps I'll have to give in and finally do some of my ironing backlog - oh woe!! Perhaps I should set up a ticker for my ironing pile .... not by weight but by number of items in the backlog ironing pile. Hmmmmmm.... I shall ponder on that :rotflmao:

Time for a cup of tea and an apple or something to keep me going til I work out what to eat for brekkie!

Keep on truckin' :character00182: Parp! Parp!
Hmmmmmmm..... thought it was time I dug up this thread and got back to posting here! It's quite interesting reading back and seeing where I was and what was happening months ago!

Considering that it is 5 months since I posted on this thread, my weight strangely is exactly the same as in my last post 168lbs! Bearing in mind all that has happened, I think that that is a reasonable achievement and so I'm going to pat myself on the head in a slightly patronising manner :rotflmao:

I really do need to shift these pounds now as all this has taken too long, I started in September 2009, lost 27.5lbs in about 5 months and then put on 6 pounds slowly over the next 6 months and then stayed the same for the last 5 months. I need a downward trend for the sake of my sanity, shhhh I am sane .... or at least I still have a glimmer of it anyway :p :D LittleOzMoz made me giggle last night as she was talking right next to my ear last night and said in all innocence "oooh it sounds echoey!", I told her that that was because she was talking into the vast empty cavern that is my mind :rotflmao:

Anyway, back to SW! I'm doing red days at the moment. I always used to be most successful and happiest on green days, but there are 2 things working against this ....

  • I'm doing all the cooking now and OH doesn't consider it a proper dinner if there isn't meat in it and I'm damned if I'm going to cook 2 different dinners
  • I think perhaps my pasta/rice/potato portions were too large and that that was why my weight loss stalled for so long
So red days it is then! I've had them for the last 8 days in a row now and I'm feeling fine. Im just getting used to making extra dinner and freezing it to have with veggies for my lunch. I'm building up a good little store of lunches! I really should label them though as I'm not entirely sure what they all are, some look quite similar, but then I guess it's exciting having a magical mystery lunch! :eek: ;)

Last night I had a minor catastrophe as I was draining some carrots/sweetcorn/peas and I dropped the saucepan which knocked the colander and all the veggies fell in the sink!! I thought I did quite well not to have a tantrum which is what I wanted to do ..... besides it would have been hard to get too cross bearing in mind LittleOzMoz was doing the happy dance as she got away with no veggies! She always eats them, but doesn't much like them!

Anyway, too much wibble! see nothing changes :p
*battles through mountains of cobwebs :p*

I didnt even know you had a diary Moz :eek: but never fear, I shall keeping my beady eye (the big one haha) on you from now on :p
I didn't know you had a diary either Moz :eek: - but now i do so i will continue to stalk you on here aswell as the sunday thread :D
*battles through mountains of cobwebs :p*

I didnt even know you had a diary Moz :eek: but never fear, I shall keeping my beady eye (the big one haha) on you from now on :p

I didn't know you had a diary either Moz :eek: - but now i do so i will continue to stalk you on here aswell as the sunday thread :D

Well as you can see, I didn't know I had a diary either :rotflmao: :p

As you both know I drivel on a bit on the Sunday thread, here it's even worse, it's just inane/insane dribble. I often say to my daughter to look at me and that is where she will be in a few years time .... cruel mum I am :p

Today, I have been positively absolutely angelic .... archangelic in fact, verging on Saintly .... or are archangels senior to saints? Hmmmm, there must be a flow chart showing the heavenly hierarchy? *shrugs* Anyway, I've been ever so bloomin' good! I always struggled with red days, but not now! Mind you, I probably won't lose weight and then I won't be laughing!

At the moment, I'm craving chocolate, I really really really want some! Fortunately there isn't anything remotely nice in the house! (a) we can't afford it and (b) we can't afford it! At least it's good for keeping me within syns!

Today, didn't go to plan as LittleOzMoz was off school. She had a sore stomach so I kept her off, but we had a nice mum/daughter day lounging around watching movies when really I should have been doing 101 million other things. Thinking about it just then when I sent her off to bed, I think she might be feeling a bit insecure what with her Nanna passing away as she is being a tad clingy. If I am the slightest bit critical of her the last few days, I see her eyes fill up. I suppose I'll just have to give her lots of hugs and stuff, not sure whether to open the can of worms or not. I shall ponder this.

Well, I better shuffle off and give my halo and/or wings another polish before bed and hope that tomorrow is another good day! :D
Well good lord, here I am on 2 consecutive days, if that doesn't show a mighty mound of good intentions then I don't know what does! How good am I?!! shhhh, that's a rhetorical question and as such does not require an answer :p

Today is going to be another red day.... leftover mince and veggies for lunch, mmmmmm delicious! Bisto gravy powder (the original sort, not the granules) costs a small fortune here (you can only get it in Brit shops) and my supply has run out! oh woe!!! However, on the plus side I just found $4 in coins in my OH jeans pockets when I put them in the wash, and as such that then becomes my money, so that's me half way to another packet! soon I shall be browning, seasoning and thickening all in one! ahhhhhh bisto! not that I'm brainwashed or anything :eek:

Today is shopping day, it's no fun when you're skint. I wrote a shopping list added it all up and then crossed off all the nice things and that almost brought it in within budget. Contemplating crossing off toilet paper and using cut up newspaper, grandparent styleeeeeee :D

Anyway, that will be my entire morning dealt with as I have to go to several different supermarkets to get the best prices, luckily they are all within a stones throw of each other (provided you are a giant with a bionic arm!) so it doesn't use too much extra petrol or I suppose it would be a pointless exercise :rotflmao:

I had a disappointing sneakypeek this morning, weight seems to have gone up in spite of my angelic goodness .... maybe it was because I was big-headed yesterday about how good I was, and big-heads weigh more than modest ones.... it's a theory! Today, I shall eat humble pie .... syn-free on a sneakypeek day :p

Well, I better get on and get the dishes done so I can set out on my shopping extravaganza!
Moz you're rambling is awesome :p I'm glad you're having such a good week so far and you know the weight will come down - Its just the scales being evil to you today. You seem so organised shopping wise.

Lol i love how you keep money in jean pockets when washing - In my house if there's any money left in pockets when the jeans are put into the washing then it gets washed :rolleyes: lol

Hope littleOzzieMoz is good too :D
Hi Ozziemoz i hope we can take as i am lost with the food

Hi OzzieMoz, I'm a fellow expat on the other coast from you in Perth, also just started on Slimming World (again!). Just wanted to let you know that the Nestle Diet yogurts and Yoplait "No fat" yogurts are both free foods on the plan, got my mate to check online calculator. Couldn't do it without the yoplait ones - they are fab!
x scot

Hi OzzieMozs i hope i am doing this wright as i have never done it before i would like some help with slimming world if you could help ina40:cry:
help with food

hi i have just bought the slimmingwolds kit and cook books ,i just dont understand it if some one could help i would be very thank full :cry:
Well then.... as I was saying .... nearly 5 years ago! Eeep ... has it really been 5 years since I posted in my diary? It seems that it has - well I know minimins closed it's doors for a while but even so this is ridiculous! I should hang my head in shame ... well I did that, but I can't type and hang my head in shame, I can't see the screen, so I suppose technically I can still type I just can't be sure that what I type makes any sense at all. Shhhhhhhh I don't want to hear anyone thinking "but she never makes any sense anyway" - who am I kidding, none of my old trucking pals are still here - oh woe! They should still be here wasting away pining for me ...

Well, what's been happening with me in the last 5 years? Lots. Lots and lots. Alot of bad stuff in the year or so immediately after I stopped posting but life has gradually been getting better in the last 4 years. In brief, my ex-OH was a somewhat abusive person and eventually I had enough and young OM and I and the pup walked out with nothing but our clothes, her toys and my books. Fortunately I had a friend a mum at the school young OzMoz went to who had a couple of spare rooms and she said we could rent the rooms for as long as we needed. We ended up staying 3 years - not sure she meant quite that long! :D By the time I left ex I had a job but just 8 hours a week in a supermarket at night - gradually increased my hours, switched to day shifts and eventually got permanent full-time there - I don't like my job at all but it pays the bills. On the plus side (and yes I am a plus size again - oh woe!) now that I'm back trying to lose weight, it's coming off a lot more easily as it's a very physical job - just what you need when you hit 50 :D

Nearly a year ago we were finally in a position to be able to afford to rent our own home and not house share anymore - it's a financial struggle but really great to have our own place and privacy! We're short on furniture as we really had to start again from scratch ... but it's only really a couch that we're lacking now ... oh and a dining room table but YoungOzMoz doesn't want one of those as she's got used to having the space! She's 14 now and way taller than me - how rude is that - I have to look up to her to tell her off and she pats me on the head and says "hush child" :D

Anyway, I should probably get to the point. I've started back onto a sort of SW thing - I think I'm predominantly doing red days which is surprising as reading back in my diary, I see how much I hated them - I used to go on and on and on ..... and on some more about how hard they were and how hungry I felt - strange really as I'm finding them easy now! The main real change to what I eat is that I stay away totally from bread and doughy type stuff - I suspect that I have some intolerance to that albeit not severe but that's just a theory and if you read back on this thread at all, as I did today, I come up with some pretty strange theories :D

So I started my healthy eating thing on 1st March and so far have lost 7.3 kilos (about 17 lbs) and that makes my weight about 174,5lbs which is about 6lbs or so heavier than when I was here 5 years ago - so at least I've made a start and almost back to where I was but still a long way from my goal.

My aim is to keep posting drivel and keep focussed. I'm not letting weight loss control my moods at all - it's coming off a lot more easily this time due to the physical nature of my work so that's helping. If i want to stray from my healthy eating then I do and don't beat myself up about it - my trend is downwards and that's what matters, it will take as long as it takes, but I'm feeling a lot better for eating heaps of fresh fruit and veggies and giving up on the bread - long may that continue.

I weigh on a Tuesday now but will still be posting on the Sunday Weighers thread as I started that and it's mine as far as i'm concerned .... possessive individual aren't I :D

So today I had porridge oaty thing with skimmed milk for brekkie, light cracker things with sweet chilli low fat cottage cheese for lunch with an apple ... and it's chicken salad for dinner. I also had an old-fashioned lemonade (made with about 2 kilos of sugar probably) and some chocolate ... what can I say, I was bored and killing time while they fixed my daughter's phone! it's also my weigh in day and I'm entitled to be naughty immediately after weighing ... it's the law in my world and syn free on a carefree day!!
Well the last couple of days have been manic at work - 2 twelve hour days - non-stop on the go from when I got up at 3am to when I go to bed at ..... well sometime soon, I'm about to crash and burn! Well not literally because crashing hurts .... and burning ermmmm hurts too .... and smells - don't you just hate the smell of burning hair?

I'm quite surprised and moderately pleased with myself that I have stayed on track and not deviated from the path of righteousness - god bless SW and all who sail in her .... when I say not deviated, I was at that point conveniently forgetting the 2 small warm cinammonn doughnuts - dammit, I didn't even manage to kid myself to the end of the sentence! That's possiibly a good thing - I'm being honest with myself and accountable and all those other things one should be :D

Hopefully should be on track for a loss this week although I do have a long weekend and my proper weigh day is Tuesday (although by name I am a Sunday weigher *shrugs*) - will just have to focus on being extra good the 4 days I'm off work - I should manage as I have nothing naughty in the house and I can't afford to go out - poverty can be a good thing!
Ewwwwk another unpleasant day at work - too much to do, too little time! I really needed to be working flat out today to compensate for well and truly derailing today. Curse those Scots and their delicious Tunnocks Tea Cakes! In my defence, I haven't had a Tunnocks Tea Cake since I left UK so its been a long time as they cost way too much out here, but they were marked down today at the supermarket where I work because they were approaching their use by date and so they were very cheap so it would have been unkind not to buy some! *sighs heroically* I'm such a martyr to the cause! To add to this crime I just couldn't be bothered making salad and waiting for something to cook to have with it so we had Nachos instead ..... ahhhh well, back on the path of goodness tomorrow and I'll have to do some exercise or something unpleasant like that as no work til Wednesday and Tuesday is weigh day. But will I learn from this? Probably not :rotflmao:
Well I'm being moderately good on my days off ... apart from a rather lovely magnum yesterday ... so good I ate it twice - well not the same one twice, I actually had 2 over the course of the day. In my defence , and it's a very poor defence, I just wanted it over and done with and out the way so I could stop thinking about it. This is why I can't ever have nice food in the house! Apart from that I was totally and utterly good. Today I've also been totally on plan apart from .... oh those terrible words "apart from" ... anyway, apart from an apple slice thing while I was out having a coffee with my girly, it wasn't even terribly nice, it was rather too sweet. Ho hum! That's the price I pay! Got a day to put things right - I don't think i'm going to lose weight this week but even if I get a 100g loss I'll be happy enough - I just want to keep a downward trend no matter how small so that should keep me focussed that and the fact that there really is nothing else in the house that I could snack on ..... dog biscuits anyone?
Well I completed yesterday having stayed being good - fish and salad for dinner. A sneaky peek on the scales suggest I may get a loss after all tomorrow - fingers crossed - I think that overall I do deserve a loss as whilst I have been less disciplined than usual this week, I haven't exactly been all that bad over the entire week, just a couple of bits of mischief! .... and what is life without mischief? I can't answer that :D

Today has worked out differently to how I expected, it was supposed to be day 3 of my 4 days off, but I got called in to work as there is a bit of a crisis. Store is closed today for public holiday and they wanted a small team in to try and put things right. They even got my girly in to do some basic stuff and they'll give her a gift voucher or something. On the plus side, I'll get some extra money, I had a free lunch and I got a fair bit of exercise at work instead of a fairly lazy day at home.

Stayed on plan today with chicken salad for dinner tonight to round off a well-behaved day. We'll have to wait and see what news the scales bring tomorrow!
200g or 0.2kg off this week - whichever sounds greater :D Not the best loss, just under 0.5lb but it's a loss and I'll take it. I've had a loss every week so far of my 10 weeks and that's something of a novelty for me - total 7kg which works out at an average of 1.5lbs a week. I like to confuse myself by switching between kgs and lbs - I'm losing in kgs but to make myself register the progress at times, I still convert back to poundage!

I've had a pleasantly quiet day off today - home alone with Destructo and the Demento twins while my girl was at school - it was a real opportunity as it is most Tuesdays to catch up on housework and of course as usual, I didn't bother but sat and read my book! I'm not sure whether to be irritated with myself for doing nothing, or pleased with myself for doing nothing. I'm having my Tuesday treat of a drink of old-fashioned lemonade made with approximately my weight in sugar I suspect and a little bit of chocolate. I read someone here debating why it was ok to be naughty after weigh-in - why does that time not count, is it a void in the space/time continuum and yes, yes it is! Post weigh-in devilry doesn't count at all.

Not sure what I'm going to have for dinner - YoungOzMoz wants spag bol but not sure I'm going to have that - I might stick to something and salad. Who knows, time will tell.... and so will I - tomorrow :D
Well, they say "tomorrow never comes..... " and in this case it was almost true ... it's 2 years ago since i promised to post what I had for dinner but surprise of surprises, I can't actually remember now? Alzheimer's for sure!

I've been a busy bunny over the last 2 years.... surviving basically! I feel I have achieved - my daughter survived til her 16th birthday (and beyond lol) in spite of and not because of my care :rotflmao: Other than that I think most of my energy has been focussed on gaining weight :rotflmao: Life got somewhat unpleasant at work, was being bullied and it undermined again my sense of self worth. I really don't know why I allow that to happen as I know I'm delightful and totally awesome - I tell myself that regularly .... :rotflmao: Situation was resolved about a year ago but by then the bad habits had become ingrained.

Anyway, for the last few weeks I have pulled myself together and called halt to my shenanigans. I've cut out sweets, cakes, biccies, any form of snack really and am just having the 3 basic meals. It's not exactly SW (or SW as I remember it) but it's similar. I wish SW was out here in Australia as I miss the support but I know I can do this if I'm motivated. Young OzMoz is being a great help and support so that is making it easier. I like coming home to my *high 5s* from her when I've been good. I've only had one frown so far!

Well that's it for now, I'm going to try and get on regularly to update myself on my progress and pat myself on the back for being delightful, awesome and in time slim. If I forget, I'll see you all in a couple of years!! :rotflmao:

PS I have lost 3.8 kg so far and still have 15 kg ish to go, I'm not in a hurry ... I'm definitely more the tortoise than the hare!
Hey OzzieMoz, welcome back!

Glad to hear the situation at work resolved itself! and yes our bad habits always seem to be harder to break then new ones are to follow:whip:

Great that mini OzMoz is supportive, and a high five is always better than a frown.:thankyouthankyou:

I am in Canada so doing SW online, and I marvel all all the options those in the UK and Ireland have but I manage and try and figure out similar over here.

I am sure you already have lots of recipes, but the following two sites are a godsend to me, I am not affiliated just a frequent user!


Good luck and I look forward to seeing your updates!
Thanks for the links Jukie! I had forgotten about the slimmingeats one and the other is new to me - I'll definitely be having a look through it properly later!

Well, I have been as good as the proverbial gold (which I assume is really good) but haven't seen any results - so either I'm just doing the plateau thing for a week, or I have discovered that gold is BAD! Anyhoo, persistence is paramount so on I shall trudge for another week and see what happens! It's mother's day here this Sunday so I will be going out for brekkie with my girl - that seems to be more popular here than lunch or dinner - strange place! Technically diet-wise that is my best option anyway if you follow the old adage of breakfast like a king, etc...

Not much else happening, just work work and more work... having said that I now have a 3 day weekend, but I did work last weekend so it's only fair!

Onwards and downwards (hopefully) I go!